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Who is taking the day off school today?

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We hadn't planned to, but it just worked out well for us to take today off. We did finish an ongoing science experiment this morning just for fun. Then we read about the Last Supper, Jesus' arrest, trial and cruxificion in one of our Children's Bibles. We are getting ready to head out to the new interactive children's museum in town for a few hours, followed by errands, and then dinner and Good Friday services at church.

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Umm, with what you have planned, I would call that "doing school" for today. My kids are still in their pjs, I've only got one load of laundry done, the trees and garden plants need watering, and I have four different dishes to fix for two Easter gatherings this weekend, plus cleaning the house so it's not a pit when we return from said gatherings.


Yeah, we're off today. And poor dh is working today. Out of town. :sad:

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I hadn't planned to take any days off until the baby came, but I'm finding myself less and less motivated to do anything...period.


I always felt that way when I was late in pregnancy, so I would just let the kids do the basics (math, grammar, latin, read history out loud and literature out loud) and leave the rest until after I felt better. I also schooled through the summer to 'catch-up' on what we missed during my last month of pregnancy and the first month after the baby was born.

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They wanted to play basketball, and since we are the main house they play at, well I just let them go out. The day is too pretty to be inside anyway!!


Then, when they went out, I sat down with a cup of coffee and read Books 2 & 3 of the Spiderwick Chronicles. So, I guess I had school today.:D

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We usually take off the same days as public school. That way ds can play with his friends. I totally spaced off spring break until he brought it up, YESTERDAY!


So we are off today and all of next week. I detailed my to do list on my blog. I should have added spending inordinate amounts of time on forums, oops.

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I've been wondering if scrapbooking counts as school. The dc are painting. That's it...it's Free Art Friday!?


Fwiw, ds *did* do his math drill, hw, and science this AM. And math--we started long division.


But that was all done by 9, & the weather's changed, & my allergies are awful, &...I don't wanna.


Plus, technically, we've finished everything on the to-do list for this week. I think normally I'd sneak a little more in, but...maybe tomorrow. That'll teach my dc to learn the days of the week! Heh heh.

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We've been on spring break all week, too, along with the public schools -- though we'll keep going through next Wednesday :)


We did a garden walk this morning with several friends at our local Big University (those students are all gone on break too). Now I'm getting ready to go to the 2 pm (brief) and 3 pm (longer) services at church with my younger son. Afterward I hope to make hot cross buns, after many years of intending to. Maybe this year. And prep a simple soup & bread meal for dinner tonight.


Tomorrow, Holy Saturday, we'll help spruce up our church, dye some eggs, and do quiet things at home. I will make a rich bread for Easter and start overnight cinnamon rolls for Easter morning. Then at dusk I will attend the Great Vigil of Easter, for the first time in several years. Maybe a son will come with me, maybe not, but I'm gonna go! It's my very favorite service of the entire year; it tells the whole salvation story in an amazing, powerful way AND connects us with 2,000 years of Christians / Christianity.

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