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The librarians applauded me today

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I cleaned off my two shelves of holds! It took 3 of us 4 trips out to the car to load it all. We had brought bags but they couldn't take it all so we would take it out, dump the books out of the bags and then go load them up. (And I was just at the library about 4 days ago.) When we got all done, we had a standing ovation from all the librarians! (One told me she was getting worried that more stuff would come in and she wasn't sure where to put it:D)

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Our library keeps holds behind the information desk (things were disappearing), so for about a year now we've had to go to the desk to get our holds....well, the librarians see us come in the front door now and usually already have the holds pulled and stacked up by person before we get up to the desk. LOL


I think though what I love most about our librarians is not just that they know us by sight....but that they really KNOW us.....it's not at all unusual for them to have a small stack of books they've set aside for us to look through based on what subject matter they saw we were putting on hold. It makes me feel like I've got a partner in selecting books when they do that.


Of course, the huge box of goodies that we bring to them every holiday probably helps, but I think they are genuinely happy to see people checking out books that aren't on the "popular" list. Some of those racks seem almost musty when we go searching, lol. Sad sad sad.


Be careful you don't overwhelm them when you return all those books! Some poor soul is going to have to reshelf it all.....do them a favor and call ahead so they can bring in an extra employee for the day, lol. :tongue_smilie:

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Our library keeps holds behind the information desk (things were disappearing), so for about a year now we've had to go to the desk to get our holds....well, the librarians see us come in the front door now and usually already have the holds pulled and stacked up by person before we get up to the desk. LOL


I think though what I love most about our librarians is not just that they know us by sight....but that they really KNOW us.....it's not at all unusual for them to have a small stack of books they've set aside for us to look through based on what subject matter they saw we were putting on hold. It makes me feel like I've got a partner in selecting books when they do that.


Of course, the huge box of goodies that we bring to them every holiday probably helps, but I think they are genuinely happy to see people checking out books that aren't on the "popular" list. Some of those racks seem almost musty when we go searching, lol. Sad sad sad.


Be careful you don't overwhelm them when you return all those books! Some poor soul is going to have to reshelf it all.....do them a favor and call ahead so they can bring in an extra employee for the day, lol. :tongue_smilie:



How sweet that they pull extra books for you!


And what a great idea that y'all take goodies to them at Christmas! I need to remember that this year!

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And what a great idea that y'all take goodies to them at Christmas! I need to remember that this year!



You may not have to wait until Christmas...


Found this info at this site: http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/April/nationallibrarianday.htm



National Librarian Day



When : Always April 16th



National Librarian Day celebrates and honors librarians. They are among the most knowledgeable people you know. When you visit your cavernous library in search of a particular book, or a specific research topic, they always quickly point you in the right direction. And, they do so with a smile.



Experts of the Dewey Decimal System, your Librarian aids and assists you in identifying and retrieving a myriad of books, periodicals, and reference material. Librarians hold a wealth of knowledge in their heads. Got a subject you are researching? Chances are, the Librarian will point you right to the book you need.


Celebrate the day by sending a card to your librarian. Visit the library today, and make certain to say hello and "Thank you" to all of the librarians.

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Our homeschool 4-H club does a Librarian Appreciation Day for our Valentine's Day observance. We bake zillions of cookies and box them up and take them to all the libraries in our county that we use.


I love our libraries and the people who work there are great, but the budget cuts are killing them. So I try to be diligent to make their work as easy as possible. I have also let it be known to the head librarian at the branch we use that I am glad to make calls to the director of the county library system on any matter that she feels would get more attention if raised by a patron as opposed to an employee within the system. She has privately mentioned to me a couple of situations that she felt would be solved "if only the director knew", and I was quick to call to bring the issues to his attention!:D I've got their back and they have mine.

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April 16 is one day before my birthday! We love our library, too. They "technically" have rules about unattended children, but they are fine with mine because they are polite, get their books, and sit down. My son was looking for books on vultures today (for no reason), and not only did he find one, one of the librarians brought him a second one that had just been checked back in. It was loverly.

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You may not have to wait until Christmas...


Found this info at this site: http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/April/nationallibrarianday.htm



National Librarian Day



When : Always April 16th



National Librarian Day celebrates and honors librarians. They are among the most knowledgeable people you know. When you visit your cavernous library in search of a particular book, or a specific research topic, they always quickly point you in the right direction. And, they do so with a smile.



Experts of the Dewey Decimal System, your Librarian aids and assists you in identifying and retrieving a myriad of books, periodicals, and reference material. Librarians hold a wealth of knowledge in their heads. Got a subject you are researching? Chances are, the Librarian will point you right to the book you need.


Celebrate the day by sending a card to your librarian. Visit the library today, and make certain to say hello and "Thank you" to all of the librarians.




:clap: yay!! thanks for that :)

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I'm definitely going to celebrate Librarian Day! They really are good. They work with both my kids and have set aside books that they thought each would like. One librarian e-mailed my son to tell him of some books that had just come into the system that she thought he would really like. They've given me the librarian check-out before (3 months) when they knew I was researching something that was going to take a long time to sort through.


One older librarian was initially very down on the fact that we homeschooled. But then my dd (3 at the time) came in and announced very loudly to the entire library "To be or not to be, that's the question!" She was so tickled that she was our good friend after that. She used to call me to tell me when "my hold shelf" was getting too full.


I've been a stop on the new librarian orientation. One new orientee, when introduced to me, said "So, you really are real." What do I look like - a legend?!:lol:

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I was told that I needed to not order so many books, that for each book they have to enter it in... check it out to me... and then get it back to the library of origin. Really... why can't I get my own books???(at other libraries??)


Um, isn't this their job? As in, they get paid to do it? Sounds like job security to me, especially as budgets are getting cut everywhere!

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National Librarian Day



When : Always April 16th



National Librarian Day celebrates and honors librarians. They are among the most knowledgeable people you know. When you visit your cavernous library in search of a particular book, or a specific research topic, they always quickly point you in the right direction. And, they do so with a smile.



Experts of the Dewey Decimal System, your Librarian aids and assists you in identifying and retrieving a myriad of books, periodicals, and reference material. Librarians hold a wealth of knowledge in their heads. Got a subject you are researching? Chances are, the Librarian will point you right to the book you need.


Celebrate the day by sending a card to your librarian. Visit the library today, and make certain to say hello and "Thank you" to all of the librarians.



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