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My dh put in his retirement papers today

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He'll be retiring on Aug. 1. He has 22 years in, so it's not like this was a big surprise, but still . . . I'm sad. We were going to take one more assignment to take advantage of the miltary homeowners' assistance program, so we could sell our house here in D.C. We were supposed to go to Guam, but then that assignment suddenly got canceled last month. AFPC decided to send us down to Suffolk, VA, just a few hours down the road. I was not as enthused about simply moving within the same state, and dh said he was tired of all the running for the PFTs (cue lazy AF jokes, LOL--actually, he has bad knees from forced rugby at USAFA), so he's retiring.


I guess I was just hoping for one more big AF adventure. Because of dh's career field, we were protected from all the deploying, so I don't have that as a big positive for retiring. My dad was career AF too, so I'm not really sure what to do out in civilian life. Definitely out of my comfort zone! I think I feel like I'm losing part of my identity, you know? And of course, now dh has to find a job . . . I never in my wildest dreams thought we would retire in the Northern VA area! I guess there are jobs around, so that's a good thing.


So, here we go on a new adventure. I'm trying to have a good attitude, but I'm just a little sad.

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DH *almost* retired last year -also in for 22 years. At the last moment, he couldn't do it. During that time of waiting and expecting, I felt like you do... how do you survive out there? I know you will find your way. You are more than an AF wife and you will find a way to enjoy this new stage of your life.

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Yes, it is a little sad - and scary! My husband retired from the Navy 5 years ago and it was a very stressful time for me. He was fine.:tongue_smilie: Civilian life hasn't been too different for us as he got a job on base in the same field he was in when he was active. I always thought we'd retire back on the west coast closer to family though. We ended up in Mississippi.


Congratulations to you both! Enjoy this new, exciting chapter of your lives!

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My husband retired from the Navy last spring after 22 years. He had done some travelling over the previous nine years (while we've been here in Virginia), but not that much. After retirement, he took a government contract job. The job was easy to find -- in fact, he had several good offers -- but the downside is that he's been out of the country for months on end.


What I miss most is the Navy health care system. We were very, very well taken care of at the Fairfax Clinic and at Walter Reed. We still have Tricare Prime, but we're no longer eligible to go to the Fairfax Clinic, and Walter Reed is too far to go for everyday ailments. So we use Blue Cross (provided by my husband's employer), but it doesn't cover nearly as much as we thought it would.


Glad to hear you're staying around! At least you'll still be part of our wonderful church -- it would be so hard to find another church that could ever begin to replace it.

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Yes, that's where the assignment was! I'm sure it's a lovely area, and I know there's tons to do so close by. We have even looked at houses for rent in the area, and they looked so nice! But in the end it just seemed silly to move away from a wonderful church and homeschool group, and not even be in a different state! Guam would have been something really different, LOL.

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Glad to hear you're staying around! At least you'll still be part of our wonderful church -- it would be so hard to find another church that could ever begin to replace it.


You are so right about the church! That was a huge factor. We've never been in a church we have enjoyed and grown in as much as this one.


We go to Bethesda for care, and I LOVE it there. The doctors are so wonderful. I guess we'll see what kind of health insurance the new job has, and evaluate from there. I hadn't even started thinking about that angle, LOL!

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My dh retired five years ago (last month), after 21 years in the Air Force. It was very strange, especially the thought of living *anywhere* for more than a few years. What if we moved somewhere, and I hated it? At least when we were active duty, I'd know that I'd only have to put up with the bad stuff for a few years. But, forever? That seemed like a very long time.


As it turned out, we ended up retiring near my home town, so I'm totally comfortable, and mostly happy to be near my family. ;) And, dh ended up working for an AF contractor, doing exactly the same job he was doing in the AF, but for a whole lot more pay! :)


Congratulations! It's different, but it can be great!

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My dh will be 23 years next month. Although normally he would have to stay in 2 more years to get full retirement pay at his new rank, (he pinned on Dec 08) they have changed the rules to only 2 years in grade. But those two years come due next Dec. and our middle will be in 12th grade and applying to college. There is no way we are moving during her 12th grade. The AF won't move us then and I have no problems moving either this summer or the following summer. Dh wants to get an active duty job in London next, and if he does or gets some other job he likes, he will stay in. We made a deal that I get to choose retirement spots and it isn't here. I want warmer weather (usually though I know that right now it is frigid almost everywhere). We will both be happy when he retires because he both have hobbies that are better with living in a permanent home (woodworking for him and gardening for me). But I am good for now and I do appreciate greatly the job security.

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I have a good friend whose dh was in the AF in Guam. She says it was an interesting chapter of their life, but they didn't like it and were glad to move back to the states. He's retired, too, and now attending seminary. Maybe your family would like this sort of adventure, too. Has your dh ever considered being a pastor?


Changes can be so hard. I pray that this is only the beginning of wonderful blessings for your family!

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  • 5 weeks later...



Hi Claire!


We'll still like you even if you're ex-AF.


We may be in your area next, we still have no idea, we'd love to see you all and Matt and Kim again.


You can figure it out for us so we'll be ready when we make that transition, we have a few more moves left yet before we get there. I'm sure it will be a shock.




P.S. The temperature here is Top Secret for all my friends in the D.C. area.

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