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What is working for you in eighth grade?


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My son is half way through 8th grade, and is having a pretty good year. This is his schedule:

Biblioplan 4

WTM literature list, writes a summary for each book (each one takes about 2 weeks to read)

Apologia Physical Science (lab at coop)

IEW SWI B (coop)

Spanish 1 (coop)

ChalkDust PreAlgebra

Easy Grammar Plus

Apples Spelling 2

Wordly Wise 8

Studying God's Word (can't remember which one)

Men's Bible Study at church

tennis lessons

Key Club

5 Minute Mysteries

We started out the year with Art of Arguement & Latin Prep, but dropped them. The Spanish class he is taking at the coop is a high school class. He will start Fallacy Detective and a Speech class at the coop this week. We'll try an online logic class this summer or in the fall. Just not enough hours in the day.....

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Right now for 8th grade ds we are using:


Chalk Dust Pre-Algebra (definitely will continue with Chalk Dust)

Apologia Physical Science (we need more help. Will use DIVE into science next yr w/ Apologia text)

Notgrass Exploring World History (love Notgrass. A winner!)

Rod and Staff English (grammar only) (works well for us)

Lit: mixture of Notgrass and TOG (like)

Write Stuff Adventure (comp) (working ok)

SOS Secondary Spanish (ds loves it. Will continue to use SOS for foreign language)


and currently we're going through TTC's "How to Become a Super Star Student."

Edited by Sparrows-Song
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We are using:


MUS Algebra (he will do LOF Algebra this year also)

Apologia Physical Science

Analytical Grammar

MCT Vocab, Poetry and Writing (voyage level)

Windows to the World

Wheelock's Latin (in a small group led by a retired Latin professor)


For history we have been doing our own thing using History of the US, various historical fiction, biographies, encyclopedias, etc., but I just ordered a Beautiful Feet guide.


DS also plays indoor/travel team soccer, takes piano and tennis lessons, and participates in a drawing class (co-op).


The labs for Apologia have been great. The materials are usually things already around the house and the labs actually work the way they are supposed to (a first for us).



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SL Core 6 is working for us, as is Rainbow Science and Megawords. I cannot say enough good things about IEW Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons. Neither of us like TT Pre Algebra as much as TT7, so we might see if we can find something different for next year.

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Almost finished Jacob's Algebra then onto Jacob's geometry (she likes this)

Sonlight 100 (she loves this)

Rod and Staff English (also great)

Rosetta Stone Spanish (no complaints, she hated latin)

IEW American History based Writing lessons (no complaints)

Apologia Physical science ( she likes this)

Introductory Logic (she absolutely loathes this!)

Atelier Art 7 (she likes this)

Ballet/Pointe 5 times per week

guitar lessons

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8th grade son:


Going very well

- 1st semester = Finishing 1850-Modern Times from MFW (includes SOTW-4 and Activity Book), with ds really into the modern events, recent presidents, & 50 states (which we just finished)

- 2nd semester = ECC from MFW (well, we haven't started but we loved it the first time we did it in 3rd!)

- Math Relief Algebra

- MCT grammar, vocab, & some reading about writing

- LL7/8 misc units, ds loved Tom Sawyer, Christmas Carol, and now doing Treasure Island; mom likes the exposure to short stories/poetry even if those sections aren't ds's favorites

- Math Team with a group of 6-8th graders

- Gym with two different groups


Going okay

- Rainbow Science year 2, mom is happy with the content but ds was frustratingly resistant to making the extra effort with all the memorization on the last quiz (plant taxonomy & plant anatomy) -- he said the terms didn't have the recognizable Latin roots of animal taxonomy so it was hopeless :( - I made him take the quiz three times <grrr>, but then he was a very proud surgeon on the worm the next week

- Critical Thinking I, he is enjoying it & I'm very glad he's doing it, but secretly I feel a bit zzzzzz; luckily he's doing this with a group of boys


At a standstill

- Spanish (using a mix of what we have around here, which seems to be almost everything) just isn't happening very often <sigh>

- Total Health hasn't happened since we added the 2nd gym and math team

- Finishing up Writing Strands 5, which I like but why is it taking me years to get to those last lessons?

Edited by Julie in MN
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My 8th grade DD is doing:


- SL Core 100 - I like the history portion but some of the lit is ... eh. The writing assignments are disappointing. I need to pull out Lightning Lit again and sub some of that in for the SL lit.

- HUS chapter tests from Hewitt Homeschooling

- Easy Grammar Plus (1 page/day)

- Vocabulary from Classical Roots A

- The Elegant Essay (on hold, but we like it)

- PH Science Explorer - selected life science textbooks - she really likes this and it excites her about science. It also seems to give her good practice for learning how to STUDY.

- Chalkdust Algebra - we really, really like this. She does every-other-odd but she does additional problems if she feels she needs more practice.


She also takes writing, office assistant, and band classes at the local middle school.

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Starting Points (Biblical Worldview, literature, some American History) A+++


IEW Starting Points


Chalkdust Prealgebra


Apologia Physical Science


Art of Argument & Argument Builder


Rod and Staff Grammar


Latin Alive 1


Cello (lessons and orchestra)


Piano (lessons)


Swim Team


Winners: Starting Points w/ IEW, Apologia Science, Rod and Staff Grammar, Art of Argument, and extra curriculars


Chalkdust is okay, but now I wish we had opted for Rod and Staff 8. He is struggling with Latin Alive.


I hope that helps.

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My 8th grader is using:


Teaching Textbooks 7 (he struggles with math)

Apologia Jump Into Writing (excellent for my son)

Keys to Good Language - grammar

Apologia General Science

Winter Promise Quest for the Middle Ages (working after tons of tweaking)

Wordly Wise (working, but next year switching to Vocabulary through our literature and history studies)

Vocabulary Vine- EXCELLENT

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What is working well:

Lighting Lit

Explorer's Bible Study

Learnables French (He's finishing level 2, and I'm starting to hear French phrases from him once in a while)


Trail Guide to World Geography (He loves this and I do, too)

Art of Argument (although I found an error in the TM concerning when to take a certain quiz; not surprised, though, after all the issues w/ LfC when it first came out)


Jury still out:

*Life of Fred Beginning Algebra (I'm only grading the "cities," and he's making a "B," but I can't pass judgement until he's further into the book--also, I am having to help him much more than I did in the Fractions and Decimals/Percents books)

*Latin Prep 2 (Again, he's making a "B," which is not bad since I am not a great Latin teacher; he's wanting to quit Latin, though, and he wishes there were vocabulary drill built into the program)


We've dropped:

*Writing Strands (the assignments were inane and it was not always clear what the student was supposed to produce)

*Hake Grammar (the reveiw sets are too long, and although I think ds learned some, there are certain basics that he just wasn't retaining)

*Discovering Mathematics (I think if he were doing just this, it might have been fine, but he's also doing LoF, and doing both just doesn't fit our lifestyle--I may still have him work from this book during the summer, though)


I've just ordered some paragraph workbooks for him. Hopefully they will work to solidify some of his writing issues. I'm letting grammar go until 9th grade, and I'll figure out what to use then.

Edited by LanaTron
added Art of Argument
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Thanks Kim! I havea question about the Apologia Physical Science. Do you think that the labs are doable at home? I would love to hear from others!

We used Apologia Science from 7th grade through 12th including Advanced Chemistry and Advanced Physics with my older son. Now my younger son is doing the Physical Science book for 8th grade. The labs are very doable at home. You have to do a little prep work, but you'll be amazed at how many things you already have on hand. If you just can't get supplies together for a lab once in a while it's not the end of the whole curriculum. If you do the high school books do plan to buy the lab kits with them, but the Physical Science kit is all "around the house" type supplies.

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Bible - independent study no curriculum this year (have used some IEW materials here and there)

Apologia Physical Science

BJU Pre Algebra

Geography independent study using IEW writing skills (this has not been very productive. I will be using curriculum in the future.)

IEW Level B

Spelling from IEW (I can't think of the name of it)

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My 8th grade DD is doing:


- SL Core 100 - I like the history portion but some of the lit is ... eh. The writing assignments are disappointing. I need to pull out Lightning Lit again and sub some of that in for the SL lit.

- HUS chapter tests from Hewitt Homeschooling

- Easy Grammar Plus (1 page/day)

- Vocabulary from Classical Roots A

- The Elegant Essay (on hold, but we like it)

- PH Science Explorer - selected life science textbooks - she really likes this and it excites her about science. It also seems to give her good practice for learning how to STUDY.

- Chalkdust Algebra - we really, really like this. She does every-other-odd but she does additional problems if she feels she needs more practice.


She also takes writing, office assistant, and band classes at the local middle school.


SL 100--we are planning to use this next fall...I just keep hearing mixed reviews. Ugh. I heard that there is so much to wade through in the IG--comments regarding disagreement with Hakim's liberal viewpoint. I wonder if we'll even like Core 100. :confused: Can you share what you thought of all the comments in the IG? TIA!

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Lightning Lit 8, Editor in Chief, Wordly Wise, Fallacy Detective, LOF algebra (although we are only 15 lessons into it), Key to Algebra, Sonlight Core 100, reading for physics (Cartoon Guide to Physics, Magna Guide to Physics, Exploring the World of Physics). Dd's new dance studio, dd, reading SOTW book 4 on her own.


What really isn't- science experiments,spanish. Oh, and Analogies; dd hates them.

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Apologia Physical is working great!


Jury's still out on MUS Algebra 1. After much evaluation and another IRL friend looking at the program, I don't think TT Pre-Algebra prepared dd enough for Algebra 1. I've ordered Key To Algebra to try and "bring dd up to speed". I'd like to stick with MUS, but I will have to see until after we review.


Queen's Language Lessons Secondary vol 2 was a good review.

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These have been our successes for 8th grade. Any duds we switched out of, as noted below:


Chalkdust Algebra

IEW American History writing lessons (first time with IEW)

Analytical Grammar

Lightning Lit 8


CPO Physical Science (switched from Glencoe - our school district's book)

History of US w/Teacher guides(switched from Glencoe- snore zzz)

Artisitic Pursuit Jr Hi



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Working very well:

Wheelock's Latin (1st 18 Chapters)

CW Diogenes Maxim

Omnibus II

Modern Algebra I by Dolciani (1965 edition)

R&S Grammar & Spelling 8


Working well:

Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry Level II

NT Greek for Beginners by Machen (good, but challenging)

Teaching Company Algebra I (used as a supplement)

Teaching Company History of the US, 2nd Edition (used as a supplement)

Art With a Purpose 8 (purchased from R&S)--simple, but effective


Working okay, but I would change if I found a better option:

Intro & Intermediate Logic by Nance (DS wanted Logic, but he'll do TL with CW Herodotus so I went with IL this year)

Streams of Civilization Vol 2 (Vol 1 was much better)


Overall, I'm very pleased with this year. I think it's a great preparation for our high school journey. My son is reading and writing a lot, but he's has stepped up to the challenge.



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  • 3 weeks later...

We've made a switch for the core History/Lit studies after winter Christmas break to Trisms History Makers.


Multiple reasons why but one main one is because younger brother in 6th returned to homeschooling after pulling him out of local charter school.


ds in 8th doing:

Math combo of Dolciani Geometry, MUS Basic Algebra and Geometry (older MUS ed.) and recent ed. MUS Geometry DVD.


Science Apologia (enrolled in local Christian school)

English/LA (enrolled in local Christian school)

History/Lit TRISMS "History Makers" (some IEW, soon..), Genevieve Foster's "Abraham Lincoln's World"

Spelling w/ Sequential Spelling

non structured Spanish w/ Rosetta Stone, Joy Hakim's US History series, additional readers from Sonlight, TOG etc.


We started out the school year concentrating on American History up till Civil War (Reconstruction-Present for next). We were using TOG and Sonlight cores combo of SL4 and SL 100. Switch mainly made because I found I was doing more the work (bulk of RA) and wanted the boys to be more independent learners. Trisms has worked out very well for us so far and we hope to finish out the 4 years HighSchool planned. I was intrigued by the research based learning that can be as student or teacher motivated as one liked.


In Math we started out the year w/ Harold Jacobs Algebra and Singapore's Discovering Mathematics 2A. The theory was to finish Algebra and 1/2 of Geometry this year. Then move on to 1/2 Geom. and Algebra 2 next.

Again switched because ds fell in love w/ Geometry and his Dolciani 1972 text (that so far has an elusive solutions guide). One thing led to another matching curriculums for ds2 (using MUS entirely), and viola our own home made (God's will) patchwork of Math curriculums.


Sincerely, Jayne

Classical logic lover but unschooler at heart.

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My two older girls have finished 8th grade.


My oldest did:

SL Core 7 history, readers, and readalouds

SWI-B from IEW

Hake Grammar 8th Grade (now retitled as Saxon Grammar)

Jacobs Algebra

Prentice Hall Science Explorer


My middle did:

first half of SL Core 100

US History-based Writing Lessons volume 1 from IEW

Winston Grammar Basic and Word Works


Fix-it Grammar

Kinetic Books Algebra I (brand new program that didn't exist when my oldest did algebra)

Prentice Hall Science Explorer


what my youngest will likely do for 8th grade:

either SL Core 7 or Oak Meadow 7

no idea what I'll use for writing since IEW doesn't work for her

not sure what I'll use for spelling either and she will definitely still need it

should be up to Algebra by then, not sure whether she'll use Kinetic Books Algebra I or Jacobs Algebra

Prentice Hall Science Explorer

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What worked:

Apologia Physical Science

BF US and World History Jr High

Editor in Chief

Queen's Language Lessons

Around the World in 180 Days

Poetry and Prose Toolbox


What didn't work:

Latin Road to English Grammar

MUS Algebra 1

Meaningful Composition


Take or Leave (glad we used it but not thrilled we used it):

Artistic Pursuits

Family and Consumer Science

Figuratively Speaking

Word Roots

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