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30 Day Shred

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I've been trying to do every other day with either my shred dvd or the biggest loser cardio workout one. Both are tough. Shred is finally getting managable. The cardio for me even on shred level one is what makes it the hardest. I think as long as I am doing something every other day I'll be all right. Ican usually shred for two days in a row and then I have to let the body rest. But it seems to be getting easier and I am not anywhere near as sore so I think once your body adjusts you could probably do it everyday and just take a break when you need it. Congrats on doing shred. I love it. Stick with it guys. Ruby

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I did it yesterday. My 5 year old has been asking me to put it in for her everyday this week (she loves to move and dance around), so yesterday I thought to myself something is wrong with this picture....:lol:...so I joined her. Yes, I suppose a 5 year will be my accountability partner! I think she is in better shape than I am - she can get some height to those jumping jacks!


Anyway, I've done it in the past, and it does get easier, but I fell off the wagon long ago. Yesterday was tough, but I paced myself and didn't do it completely. Although I am still sore today, I hope to be able to do it again tomorrow. I really want to improve my physical health.

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Way to go! Nobody said it would be easy. I think we need to just enjoy the process and realize its okay to do the best we can even if we can't get through the whole thing. By taking those little bites off our goal everyday the changes will come. Enjoy the soreness. It means you did something good for your body. Ruby

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Has anyone here used this long enough to see results? I used it for level 1 for a few weeks, but although I made it to level 2, there was not much weight loss. I did fit into some smaller jeans though. I was sticking to 1000-1500 calories a day as well. So just wondering if anyone had actually seen results.

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I didn't realize that people here were doing this! I'm on Day 6! Woohoo! It's tough, but I'm looking forward to level 2. After 6 days AND cutting out my pop (again) and trying to get back on track with my diet (not an official "Diet") I've lost 2.5 pounds. Of course, these are regained holiday pounds, but still! lol

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Has anyone here used this long enough to see results? I used it for level 1 for a few weeks, but although I made it to level 2, there was not much weight loss. I did fit into some smaller jeans though. I was sticking to 1000-1500 calories a day as well. So just wondering if anyone had actually seen results.


It sounds like YOU saw results! :lol: If you're getting smaller but the scale isn't going down, then you are gaining muscle while losing fat. This is what you want to happen! This is also why they suggest measuring yourself at the beginning, so you can see changes that way if the scale isn't doing what you want.

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I didn't realize that people here were doing this! I'm on Day 6! Woohoo! It's tough, but I'm looking forward to level 2. After 6 days AND cutting out my pop (again) and trying to get back on track with my diet (not an official "Diet") I've lost 2.5 pounds. Of course, these are regained holiday pounds, but still! lol


Are you able to do Level 1 exactly how they're doing it on the DVD? I think I might not move up a level this entire month, because my moves are SO modified. :tongue_smilie: If I can do it how they do it (e.g. actually leaving the ground during the jumping rope, or kicking anywhere close to my rear during the kicks), it will be a big improvement. I think I'm doing Level .5 :lol:

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Question: how do you get ANY exercise done between all the time taken up by schooling, household duties, extracurricur activities (yours, not the kids), etc? I'm just not sure where to fit it in! (And please DON'T suggest getting up earlier in the morning. Because if you do, I will quote Sassy in Homeward Bound II: "I'm going to hurt you." ) :D

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Question: how do you get ANY exercise done between all the time taken up by schooling, household duties, extracurricur activities (yours, not the kids), etc? I'm just not sure where to fit it in! (And please DON'T suggest getting up earlier in the morning. Because if you do, I will quote Sassy in Homeward Bound II: "I'm going to hurt you." ) :D


I'm the wrong person to answer this, since I only have a 2 year old. :) The 30 Day Shred video is literally only 21 minutes long. There is a one minute warm up, then three cycles of three minutes strength, two minutes cardio, and one minute abs, followed by a two minute cool down. That's it, you're done.

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Question: how do you get ANY exercise done between all the time taken up by schooling, household duties, extracurricur activities (yours, not the kids), etc? I'm just not sure where to fit it in! (And please DON'T suggest getting up earlier in the morning. Because if you do, I will quote Sassy in Homeward Bound II: "I'm going to hurt you." ) :D


I hate mornings. It takes me about 45 minutes to get moving. So don't get mad at me when I tell you I just finished 30 minutes of jogging and shred. It is now 11:05 pm here in California. I prefer to do it earlier in the evening but no more excuses. I did have a little help from half an energy drink. But I got it done. This is good since I have never consistently excercised for any length of time past a month or two. Here's to doing something for ourselves. Even if you just jogged in place while watching tv. :hurray:

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I have to do girly push-ups, which I hate, but it's still too hard for me to do regular ones. I'm not going to wait until I can do them to move on to level 2, though. lol It's the only thing I really have trouble with.


When I do jumping jacks I pee myself. Sorry, TMI, but it is what it is and I suck it up and wear a pad. LOL!!


After the first time I did the workout my legs felt like they were on fire and would fall off when I went up and down stairs! I gave myself 2 days off and took ibuprofen it was that pitiful. I wasn't sure I'd be able to do the video again but I made myself. It got a little easier every day and I already feel like I will be able to move on to level 2 soon, on schedule! Btw, I am 40 pounds overweight but have have been lifting weights and running (not really far) for several months. I think most people who are not very obese can do this even if you do it every other day. Just stick with it!


To the other mom who asked when I do it--we stop for a break around 2 p.m. and I do it alone or with one or more of my kids. They can leave me alone for 25 minutes, you know? I need to do it and they better respect that! LOL I will never ever wake up and go right into my exercise. Just doesn't work for me. Late morning is the earliest I ever work out!

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do you need weights or a ball or anything?


Yes, but you don't have to use them. I tried the video several months ago without any weights and it was still very challenging. (I gave up after day 2, btw. LOL!)


Now, I use 3, 5 and 8 pound weights for the different exercises. It's the leg stuff that is really tough on me, but I suck it up. I am really trying to gain leg strength to make me a better runner, actually.

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Oh goody, there are others doing this! Yippee!


I am on day 6 and I can now complete the entire Level 1 without wanting to lay down and DIE. I still cannot do the complete second set of push ups though...and I do the girly ones. For some unfathomable reason I just cannot do all the reps. It's driving me nuts. I can do the first set without much difficulty, but not the second. No way, no how.


I still huff and puff through the whole video. The cardio kills me. BUT, it has gotten much better since day 1. I couldn't even finish the video on Day 1. I literally thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. Not to mention I was gasping for air in the most embarrassing manner! LOL I still refuse to allow ANYONE in the room when I am "shredding" and do NOT come in and ask me a question or I am liable to bite your head off! (just ask my 12 yo :lol:)


All that to say, I'm LOVING IT!! Unlike the Walk Away the Pounds DVDs I have tried to be consistent with, 30 Shred challenges me. And because it is so intense for such a short amount of time, I know I can do it! Shoot, I can do anything for 20 minutes. Also, Jillian doesn't irritate me with mindless irritating chatter. :D


My dh started it as well. He does it at night....today will be day 3 for him. He won't let anyone in the room with him either. It's just TOO humiliating to be witnessed! LOL

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I just bought the banish fat boost metabolism. It is 40 minutes long though with 7 circuits. Not sure if I even want to go there but it will sit and stare at me as a goal to work up to. Another poster said she didn't see the results with shred........I have always been confused as to how to use shred but one of the other biggest loser dvds shows a six week plan of doing 1-2 weeks on the level one then you add the next level for weeks 3 and 4. and finally by weeks 5 and 6 you should be doing all three levels straight through. so I'm thinking that is how shred should work. as soon as you can handle the first level maybe add the second to it and finally work up till you are doing all three levels straight through. Now that would be a serious workout. Not sure if I'll get any workout in today. There are just too many things to do today and my next spare moment wont be until 11pm. don't really want to start that late.:001_smile:

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I just bought the banish fat boost metabolism. It is 40 minutes long though with 7 circuits. Not sure if I even want to go there but it will sit and stare at me as a goal to work up to. Another poster said she didn't see the results with shred........I have always been confused as to how to use shred but one of the other biggest loser DVDs shows a six week plan of doing 1-2 weeks on the level one then you add the next level for weeks 3 and 4. and finally by weeks 5 and 6 you should be doing all three levels straight through. so I'm thinking that is how shred should work. as soon as you can handle the first level maybe add the second to it and finally work up till you are doing all three levels straight through. Now that would be a serious workout. Not sure if I'll get any workout in today. There are just too many things to do today and my next spare moment wont be until 11pm. don't really want to start that late.:001_smile:




My understanding with 30-Day Shred is that you do the Level 1 for approx 10 days, then you move to the level 2 for approx 10 days, and then lastly to the Level 3. No where have I heard to do any levels together. Besides they all have their own warm-up, and after level 1 I would be WAY warm...I wouldn't need to do Level 2's warm-up! :lol: Besides 20 minutes of that workout will kick your butt. If it does not, then you're already pretty fit and you need to get one of her 40 minute routines.


I did my Level 1, Day 6 about an hour ago. I am so much more stronger today than I was 6 days ago. The moves are getting easier, I am not getting as breathless, and I am actually able to incorporate some of the harder moves! And I ALMOST did every. single. push-up today....almost. ;)It's very encouraging after only 6 days of exercise. After day 1 I thought I would never make it to level 2, but now I see level 2 as a viable possibility and at the rate things are going, I think I'll be able to move to it in about 4 more days.


After I finished my workout today I decided to view Level 3. YIKES!! If I make it to, and through, Level 3, I will be more than ready to tackle some of Jillian's other workouts. I have two more onhand that look TOUGH.


As for not seeing results. I am already seeing results. Without any dieting whatsoever, I have lost about two pounds and feel my legs and arms firming. I am NOT doing this for weight loss though. I do need to lose about 20 pounds, but my goal is not weight loss, it is health. I am 45 yo and I am more concerned about getting fit, than I am about getting thin. The thin will come as the fit does...or so that has been my past experience. ;)


Don't give up ladies! If I can do this, you can do this! :D

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My understanding with 30-Day Shred is that you do the Level 1 for approx 10 days, then you move to the level 2 for approx 10 days, and then lastly to the Level 3. No where have I heard to do any levels together. Besides they all have their own warm-up, and after level 1 I would be WAY warm...I wouldn't need to do Level 2's warm-up! :lol: Besides 20 minutes of that workout will kick your butt. If it does not, then you're already pretty fit and you need to get one of her 40 minute routines.


I did my Level 1, Day 6 about an hour ago. I am so much more stronger today than I was 6 days ago. The moves are getting easier, I am not getting as breathless, and I am actually able to incorporate some of the harder moves! And I ALMOST did every. single. push-up today....almost. ;)It's very encouraging after only 6 days of exercise. After day 1 I thought I would never make it to level 2, but now I see level 2 as a viable possibility and at the rate things are going, I think I'll be able to move to it in about 4 more days.


After I finished my workout today I decided to view Level 3. YIKES!! If I make it to, and through, Level 3, I will be more than ready to tackle some of Jillian's other workouts. I have two more onhand that look TOUGH.


As for not seeing results. I am already seeing results. Without any dieting whatsoever, I have lost about two pounds and feel my legs and arms firming. I am NOT doing this for weight loss though. I do need to lose about 20 pounds, but my goal is not weight loss, it is health. I am 45 yo and I am more concerned about getting fit, than I am about getting thin. The thin will come as the fit does...or so that has been my past experience. ;)


Don't give up ladies! If I can do this, you can do this! :D




thanks for the info on the schedule. I had never been able to figure out exactly how you were supposed to do it. I guess its 30 days like it says. silly me. Thanks a bunch. I'll see if I can do it everyday. Have fun guys!

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Argh - I've had to skip a couple days as I have an upper resp thing which is making me cough uncontrollably & exercising hard really excarbates it. I've been putting in 30min on the wiifit+ which is nothing like, but it's something.....

Hope to get back tomorrow.


:hurray: for everyone who is sticking with it!

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Argh - I've had to skip a couple days as I have an upper resp thing which is making me cough uncontrollably & exercising hard really excarbates it. I've been putting in 30min on the wiifit+ which is nothing like, but it's something.....

Hope to get back tomorrow.


:hurray: for everyone who is sticking with it!


Don't you dare give up! My Day Two workout was for you! :lol: Good for you for doing SOMETHING. I think I would have used illness as an excuse to sit on the couch and do nothing.

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Just finished Day 7! Had to FORCE myself to exercise though. Literally. For some reason I am really tired today...like I wanna sleep all day tired (It must be girly-mones ;) :D). But, once I got to moving I was fine and was able to finish strong. Level 1 has gotten sooooo much easier since Day 1!


I have a busy weekend ahead of me, so I may take two days off and pick up again with Day 8 on Monday. Until then...


Day 7 over and out! :D

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I guess it wont work if I dont take it out of the shrink wrap? LOL (BTW, Ive had it for over a year now as this was last years resolution)


After hearing how grueling it is.....I think step 1 might be for me to just watch it.:lol:


I think you should try rubbing it over your problem areas and letting us know how it works. ;)

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Oh, and I was able to stay strong with all but one set of the jumping jacks on my third day! I'm so happy. I'm not sore like everyone else seems to be.... I'm wondering if my cardiovascular health is so far behind that I can't work out hard enough to get super sore? I have about 100lbs to lose, and I'm GUESSING most people doing these videos aren't that big. I don't know, just at theory.

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i can barely walk after 2 days. thoday is 3, and im scared to attemptt to try. i dont have to loose weight, but id like to loosed 5-10 and get stronger....


i blew my diet last night after 3 margaritas and some drinks at a friends house. but hey we were celebrating our 9 year anniversary and NEVER EVER go out (second time ive gone out since having kids!) and we were home by 11:30.lol

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Whew! I finally stopped coughing up my lungs & I was back at it today.


I think unfortunately I have to count it as Day 1 for me. So if anyone hasn't joined in, and has been meaning to but thought 'oh well, they're too far ahead of me now' - HAH! Your excuse is gone. Join me now!


BTW, it goes much better if you shut Jilllian up & put on your own good music. I was using this





Two repeats of each of those took me right through with a lot more energy than I can muster for Jillian & her lame music. :D

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Whew! I finally stopped coughing up my lungs & I was back at it today.


I think unfortunately I have to count it as Day 1 for me. So if anyone hasn't joined in, and has been meaning to but thought 'oh well, they're too far ahead of me now' - HAH! Your excuse is gone. Join me now!


I only did it three times last week, so no judgement here! And I have something to say about someone taking away my excuses, but I don't know you well enough yet to know if it would go over well. :lol:

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And I have something to say about someone taking away my excuses, but I don't know you well enough yet to know if it would go over well. :lol:



Hey, I'm just channelling Jillian!


"Don't you quit on me now!"

"You can't call it in!"

"You want results, you're going to have to work for them!"



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Today is Day 9. Yikes! LOL Yesterday (Day 8) was the first day I have been able to do every push-up. I am definitely stronger.


I had planned to take Sat & Sun off, but ended up trying Jillian's No More Trouble Zones DVD on Sat. Just did about 20 minutes of it (while dh was shredding). It was tougher on the muscle but easy on the cardio. Not as much huffing and puffing. I also own her Metabolism DVD which I think is made somewhat like 30 Day Shred in that it has circuits of cardio and strength. I haven't opened it yet though, so that is only an uneducated guess, but it's what I plan to move to once I have mastered the "shred"....which may possibly be never. ;)


Woke up this morning with a lovely temple headache, and have to go to town which always makes for a long day...not sure if shredding will be possible. We'll see.

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I started doing this about mid-June, b/c I decided I could do anything for 30 days. I missed three days within the 30-day time frame. I did not lose weight, but I really did not need to. However, my stomach definitely got flatter, and my arms looked significantly better. I was MUCH stronger, and it helped me with my back issues.


I do not care much for the cardio-type stuff. After I completed the 30-day Shred, I switched to No More Trouble Zones. I MUCH prefer this b/c it is not cardio-ish. I modified it b/c of time constraints. The warm-up and each circuit has two "passes." I believe there are seven circuits. I do the warm-up and first five circuits one pass each, and the last two circuits I do both passes. It takes slightly longer than half an hour. Hope this makes sense. I saw more improvement with the No More Trouble Zones than I did with The Shred, but I did see improvement with The Shred. I really liked the idea of "just 30 days," so that is why I started with that. Since finishing the Shred, I have done No More Trouble Zones at least three times a week except when we were on vacation. Sometimes I get it in four times, but not usually. Because I know I needto do some cardio, I am now trying to walk on the treadmill a couple of times a week. But, I am not going to beat myself up about it if I don't get it done. I am happy with my three times a week with No More Trouble Zones.


BTW, I still have cellulite on my thighs. It's just not going away. I think the back of my thighs look better, but on the front down to my knees, it just ain't pretty. I am not overweight at all, so I have resigned myself to Bermuda shorts. Other than not having improvement in that area (and it is muscle-y underneath...I can feel the muscles when I tighten up), I am quite pleased with my results.


Hang in there. And remember, something is better than nothing!

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BTW, I still have cellulite on my thighs. It's just not going away. I think the back of my thighs look better, but on the front down to my knees, it just ain't pretty. I am not overweight at all, so I have resigned myself to Bermuda shorts. Other than not having improvement in that area (and it is muscle-y underneath...I can feel the muscles when I tighten up), I am quite pleased with my results.



You're not going to want to hear this. *I* don't want to hear this! But the only way I know to actually zap out cellulite is with cardio. I have ALWAYS had celullite....even as a teen. I got rid of it completely...I mean COMPLETELY... when I was in my 20's-30's by going to the gym every night and doing sometimes TWO cardio classes. I became a cardio junkie. I didn't lose weight, I didn't need too really, but I lost many, many inches and I became cellulite free. It didn't happen overnight either. It took a lot of time.


I have now been anti-cardio for the past 13 years and it shows. My body is now a mass of cellulite. Cardio is/was the key back then, and I truly believe it will be the key this go-round too. It's hard, but the results are worth it in the end. Of course, YMMV but that was my experience. :D

Edited by Melissa in CA
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You're not going to want to hear this. *I* don't want to hear this! But the only way I know to actually zap out cellulite is with cardio. I have ALWAYS had celullite....even as a teen. I got rid of it completely...I mean COMPLETELY... when I was in my 20's-30's by going to the gym every night and doing sometimes TWO cardio classes. I became a cardio junkie. I didn't lose weight, I didn't need too really, but I lost many, many inches and I became cellulite free. It didn't happen overnight either. I took a lot of time.


I have now been anti-cardio for the past 13 years and it shows. My body is now a mass of cellulite. Cardio is/was the key back then, and I truly believe it will be the key this go-round too. It's hard, but the results are worth it in the end. Of course, YMMV but that was my experience. :D


I doubt my twice a week on the treadmill will help much then. I can't imagine doing that much cardio. I wish I *liked* it. There is no way I am going to get it in every day either.


Thanks for sharing your experience. Maybe someday....

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I doubt my twice a week on the treadmill will help much then. I can't imagine doing that much cardio. I wish I *liked* it. There is no way I am going to get it in every day either.


Thanks for sharing your experience. Maybe someday....


I think if you upped your cardio to 3x a week that that would be a benefit, ya know? I owned a treadmill and to be honest, I HATED that thing. What a complete bore. I wanted one sooooo bad so my dh bought me one, then I ended up just really hating using it. I would much rather go out in the fresh air and walk....or do an exercise video.


Also, just so ya know, I didn't/don't like Cardio either. I was a couch potato most of my life. When I first decided to give aeorbics a try I ended up sick to my stomach and barfing in the the gym bathroom trashcan due to being completely out of shape and pushing myself too hard/too fast. Needless to say it took me a while to get up the nerve to go back to THAT gym! LOL So when I did go back, I took it really slow. Did all beginner classes and progressed as I could. I never did make it to advanced classes...even after years of going to the gym daily. The highest I made it was an intermediate level and I didn't even do that very often. The key is finding the right cardio for YOU. Something that energizes you AND gets your heart pumping. You see, I LOVE 30 day shred because it energizes me like no other video I have done in a very long time. I actually look forward to my 20 minutes each day. Plus, I like that she doesn't use complicated steps that confuse and frustrate me. Or boring routines that seem like fluff (I have sooo many workout videos...you have NO IDEA! LOL) If working out on the treadmill works for you, I say don't give up on that! But to zap the cellulite, you might want to do more than 2 days of cardio. Yuck, huh? :tongue_smilie::lol:

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  • 5 weeks later...

I did day 4 today. I am switching it up though, doing Couch Potato to 5K 3 days a week and Shred 3 Days a week. I've lost around 25 pounds the last year and a half just doing Walk Away the Pounds, but my stomach just still has so much fat on it...it looks like canned biscuits when you crack them open! Yuck! My thinking is that the extra cardio will help get rid of that. Plus Shred is hurting my neck, and I really need a rest day in between.

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