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Are there any other intellectual/scholarly message boards or blogs that you frequent?

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For example, I regularly read Mental Multivitamin, a blog written by a woman who used to post on TWTM, before the format change. She is a writer, an autodidact, and a homeschooling parent. It challenges me and gives me something to ponder. I also find ideas for books to read there.


Do you have any blogs or online forums that you could recommend for inspiring reading and thinking? Thanks.

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Guest Virginia Dawn
I like political blogs, but i don't know if they are in the same category. ;)


Me too- economic/political. Of course they are intellectual. I don't know about "inspiring." ;)


I usually read the Market Ticker and Euro Pac commentary.

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Wow. He seems angry. He should be looking for a new job. Preferably one where he doesn't come in contact with humanity.


I didn't view the blog that way. I found it really funny - used as a decompression from the idiocy and frustration in daily work/life. The vibe I got was of someone who cares about his work (forwards phones to cell rather than to service... although I may have misread that in a post) but wants an outlet for the venting that we all do about our work.

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Doesn't everyone read the Kitchen Table Math blog?
Yup :D


And these blogs:


Tetrapod Zoology


Confessions of a Science Librarian

Ask a Biologist


Not blogs, but also


Science Daily

New Scientist


And not exactly intellectual but,

Boing Boing


Thesea are the ones I read regularly. There are a quite a few others I hit on one of those days I have nothing else to do (i.e. once in a blue moon :tongue_smilie:)

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I didn't view the blog that way. I found it really funny - used as a decompression from the idiocy and frustration in daily work/life. The vibe I got was of someone who cares about his work (forwards phones to cell rather than to service... although I may have misread that in a post) but wants an outlet for the venting that we all do about our work.


I don't think people entrusted with the care of patients have any business "venting" about them in public. It's disrespectful and arrogant.


Would you not feel a little reluctant to speak honestly with your doctor if you thought he was going to poke fun at you, even anonymously, on a blog?

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I didn't view the blog that way. I found it really funny - used as a decompression from the idiocy and frustration in daily work/life. The vibe I got was of someone who cares about his work (forwards phones to cell rather than to service... although I may have misread that in a post) but wants an outlet for the venting that we all do about our work.



I thought he was hilarious! :lol:

Better to vent on a blog than in real life... btw, hubby's family are all doctors. And yes, they do complain (privately) IRL about stuff like this. LOL

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I don't think people entrusted with the care of patients have any business "venting" about them in public. It's disrespectful and arrogant.


Would you not feel a little reluctant to speak honestly with your doctor if you thought he was going to poke fun at you, even anonymously, on a blog?


I don't think I'd be doing anything that would get me blogged about, although that may be hubris :D


I appreciate your point. It's why I don't post anything remotely specific about my students, although I've had some doozies I chose not to post in the thread about names!


I do think that without a way to decompress, people burn out easier. And the anonymity of the blog may be enough. That would be for a medical or ethics board to determine and have policies in place if they have problems with it. I also didn't see any posts that I thought were malicious but we apparently disagree on this one. :001_smile:

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I don't think people entrusted with the care of patients have any business "venting" about them in public. It's disrespectful and arrogant.


Would you not feel a little reluctant to speak honestly with your doctor if you thought he was going to poke fun at you, even anonymously, on a blog?


What if he wrote a book? I read a great book about a Doctor and his practice. He had hilarious stories in it. Some were sarcastic, some frustrating, some sad, some funny. I don't think it is a big deal.


He did say that the stories were changed and some even composites. He is using exaggeration and sarcasm as a means of emotional release. Not that unusual, imo.


As long as he didn't get on his blog and call me fat, I'm okay with it. :D

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