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Next year I will

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Make homemade presents, starting the week after Thanksgiving.

I will shop Black Friday.

I will spend Saturday getting my decorations down and watching movies.

Sunday I will go buy a tree.

Monday I will string lights.

Tuesday, decorations will be put on.


My shopping will be done in all day increments. Not 2 hours here and there.


I will be done with all shopping and most wrapping by the end of the week before Christmas.


I will go Christmas caroling. More than one time.

I will go to a children's center and donate toys.


I will make Crab stew on Christmas Eve and attend as many services as possible on Christmas Eve.


I will have a Christmas party.


I will bake and bake and bake with my children.

We will cut, paste, sew and glitter every thing we can get our hands on.


There will be laughter. Joy. Prayer. No fighting. Ever. Ever. Ever. Again.


I will read this over and over and over this coming year. I will keep my promises.


Pray with me Hive.

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Sounds pretty do-able the way you have it broken down into small increments.


This year instead of just having a big list of everything to do, I broke it down day-by-day like you did above (Sunday-tree, Monday-lights.) It worked out really well. Instead of fretting, "But when will I put up the decorations!?" I knew that it would be done on Tuesday, so I didn't have to think about it on Sunday or Monday. It was sort of like planning my homeschool lessons--broken out day by day.

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Make homemade presents, starting the week after Thanksgiving.

I will shop Black Friday.

I will spend Saturday getting my decorations down and watching movies.

Sunday I will go buy a tree.

Monday I will string lights.

Tuesday, decorations will be put on.


My shopping will be done in all day increments. Not 2 hours here and there.


I will be done with all shopping and most wrapping by the end of the week before Christmas.


I will go Christmas caroling. More than one time.

I will go to a children's center and donate toys.


I will make Crab stew on Christmas Eve and attend as many services as possible on Christmas Eve.


I will have a Christmas party.


I will bake and bake and bake with my children.

We will cut, paste, sew and glitter every thing we can get our hands on.


There will be laughter. Joy. Prayer. No fighting. Ever. Ever. Ever. Again.


I will read this over and over and over this coming year. I will keep my promises.


Pray with me Hive.


I've heard myths about women who do this.

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Next Year I will make sure my children understand that I am no longer Superwoman...I am now Tired Out Woman.


I will make sure I am ready to take on the entire holiday myself by breaking things down into small increments, instead of falsely thinking someone....anyone...is willing or able to help.


I will not fret over the fact that my kids have only finished 9 weeks of my planned school material...because I will NEVER>>>EVER>>>>EVER let them pull that garbage again.


I will buy myself ear plugs to drown out all the negative nonsense.


I will INSIST my dh gets an answering service to moniter his calls for the weekend, so when a customer of another religious persuasion decides he needs to call very five minutes all weekend long...even though we CA NOT GET ANY parts until next week, we do not have to stop dinner to argue with someone who can not possibly understand the significance of a peaceful dinner at Christmas with your family after you have worked 60-90 hours a week all year.


I will make Christmas memory crafts with my kids. All those dopey ornaments made from popsicle sticks and egg crates.



Next year I will celebrate every darn holiday that comes up by doing SOMETHING fun!!! Anything!!!!


Next year I will smile even though everything hurts and i am exhausted...even if I need to drink a heck of a lot to get there.


AHHHHHHHH>>>>>>I have a whole bunch of Next years...


Next Year in Jerusalem with our Lord. Come soon Lord Jesus....we need you NOW.



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Getting our trees up after our Thanksgiving meal, motivates me to get rolling. I hope your plan goes well. I'd like to begin next year's shopping now, but I'm just not there yet.


Make homemade presents, starting the week after Thanksgiving.

I will shop Black Friday.

I will spend Saturday getting my decorations down and watching movies.

Sunday I will go buy a tree.

Monday I will string lights.

Tuesday, decorations will be put on.


My shopping will be done in all day increments. Not 2 hours here and there.


I will be done with all shopping and most wrapping by the end of the week before Christmas.


I will go Christmas caroling. More than one time.

I will go to a children's center and donate toys.


I will make Crab stew on Christmas Eve and attend as many services as possible on Christmas Eve.


I will have a Christmas party.


I will bake and bake and bake with my children.

We will cut, paste, sew and glitter every thing we can get our hands on.


There will be laughter. Joy. Prayer. No fighting. Ever. Ever. Ever. Again.


I will read this over and over and over this coming year. I will keep my promises.


Pray with me Hive.

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I didn't do any Black Friday shopping this year, but I did buy half of the presents online. I also went out yesterday (day after Christmas) and bought more wrapping paper (50% off), as we were getting low. I haven't bought wrapping paper in 3 years, I think.


I also bought some Christmas tins 50% off, and I'm hoping to make some homemade gifts to fit in those (not just cookies). I got these really cute ones that look like little paint cans. Perfect for a small personal gift or a stack of large cookies.

Edited by gardening momma
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Since I work in HR retail, I have had to accept the fact that Christmas starts earlier than I would prefer. And then finally...it dawned on me...if retail can do it, why can't I? Why do I force myself to do all the Christmas activities that I want to do with my kids only between Thanksgiving and Christmas? Why not bake some sugar cut-out cookies in early November? Then if I don't get them done again, at least we did them once! And why can't we make a Christmas craft in November??? Then we have the whole month of December to enjoy looking at it. I have to admit that when the new year comes I'm usually ready for Christmas to be put away. But when it's November I am so looking forward to it, why not take some of the pressure off myself and start the "want to do's" earlier? I still can't bring myself to putting up the tree before Thanksgiving weekend (which is already a big change for me) but now that we get so many activities done earlier, I enjoy the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas so much more!


And, yes, I'm a huge fan of internet shopping as well. And about Black Friday...I swore I would never do it. But when my teenage dd asked me to go a couple years ago, I went against my own wishes and decided I would do it just for her. I don't even care if I find any "deals" (which I always do.) She sees this as "our time" (which is not abundant since the youngest of the dc is 5) and I treasure the memories. I don't even like to shop on the slowest day of the year. But to be with dd for a special time? I hope we do it for the rest of my life.

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ask my family members what they think is important on that list, and assign chores accordingly.


"You think we need lights out front? Okay, that's your job."


"Cinnamon rolls? Here's the recipe."


And then we will work together and play together. Next year no one will be reading on the sofa while Mom slaves away.

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I will make homemade presents (sewing, crafting, etc.) for NEXT Christmas, starting THIS WEEK.


We will put up our tree the Saturday after Thanksgiving. (We did that this year for the first time ever -- we usually wait until the first weekend in December -- and it was great to do it that way.)


My shopping will be done a little along, all year long instead of waiting until the week of Christmas! For example, I will be buying toothbrushes in May, socks in July, etc. for the stockings.


I will again set aside money all year for the bigger gifts so that we don't feel the pinch at Christmas, and we will shop for those online or in the stores before December 1.


I STILL will NOT shop Black Friday. ;)


I will be done with ALL shopping and most wrapping by the end of the week before Christmas.


I will get my family to watch as many sappy Lifetime and Hallmark Christmas movies with me as possible.


EK & I will host a mother-daughter craft night during the first week of December.


I will bake and craft with my children and with little relatives who want to join us. We will make lots of cookies and we will cut, paste, sew and glitter every thing we can get our hands on.


I will again have the entire house clean and decorated by the time ER's Christmas break begins so that he can come home and have it really feel like Christmas here. (I did that this year and it felt so GOOD to have the house ready for Christmas when he got home 7 days before Christmas.)


There will be laughter. Joy. Prayer. Lots of prayer.


I will start a crockpot of vegetable soup during the day on Christmas Eve so that I can enjoy the evening with my family without having to slave away in the kitchen.


I will order a Heavenly Ham for Christmas Day because they are better than any of the ones at the grocery store.


I will read this over and over and over this coming year. I will keep my promises.

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