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My mother "highlighted" dd9's hair.

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Does your dd like it? If she does... I'd leave it alone. Seriously. I know you're not happy that your mum did that without checking if it was okay, but it *is* just hair and it *will* grow out.....I don't think it would be worth upsetting your daughter, trying to get rid of it....if it was a 'treat' from grandma, she's gonna have a hard time understanding why you're taking the 'treat' away, especially if she likes it and feels pretty. Y'know?


Also if you go trying to colour on top of it, you may end up with something much worse than blondish streaks. Years ago, I used to dye my hair a lot - one time, I put dark brown dye over top of bleached out chunks and they went sort of an army green colour. :tongue_smilie:



ETA: of course, you'll prolly want to address this with your mum ~ if your relationship is good and this was a misguided attempt at doing something "fun" for her grand-daughter, I'd approach it gently. (Hopefully it wasn't done out of spite/etc)

Edited by fivetails
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Does your dd like it? If she does... I'd leave it alone. Seriously. I know you're not happy that your mum did that without checking if it was okay, but it *is* just hair and it *will* grow out.....I don't think it would be worth upsetting your daughter, trying to get rid of it....if it was a 'treat' from grandma, she's gonna have a hard time understanding why you're taking the 'treat' away, especially if she likes it and feels pretty. Y'know?




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In my experience, most color will 'mellow' in a couple of weeks and be less noticeable. Take deep breaths and repeat after me...my children are fortunate they have grandparents who want to do fun things with my children. Repeat often, while smiling broadly. :D


Both of my parents died when my two were small. We don't have stories like this---and we are poorer for it. Chin up, dearie, and make this into a 'legend' story in your family.

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Thanks, Ladies - you made me laugh about it, at least. DH's mom passed away a few years ago and she used to do stuff like this, too. Wish she were here to do it now. My mom is a "this is Mimi's house, your mom's not here" kind of grandmother, which is what makes me the maddest about the whole thing.


Mom did both girl's hair, but the other didn't turn out so orange. Turns out Mimi lost track of time on Olivia's, but kept a better check on Molly's. For the Christmas Eve service tonight I just parted her hair on the other side and it was barely noticeable.


Merry Christmas!

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Thanks, Ladies - you made me laugh about it, at least. DH's mom passed away a few years ago and she used to do stuff like this, too. Wish she were here to do it now. My mom is a "this is Mimi's house, your mom's not here" kind of grandmother, which is what makes me the maddest about the whole thing.


Mom did both girl's hair, but the other didn't turn out so orange. Turns out Mimi lost track of time on Olivia's, but kept a better check on Molly's. For the Christmas Eve service tonight I just parted her hair on the other side and it was barely noticeable.


Merry Christmas!


If you can laugh, you are on top of it! Hang in there, it could be so much worse. ;)


Merry Christmas!

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I would love to be dealing with this problem, instead I just got back from putting flowers on my DD's grave.


Many years from now you will at least have the memory and you can laugh about it.


Saying it sweetly to you.....




To the OP: I am not saying this in a critical way at all, because I'd be ticked, too. But, at least your mom has an interest in your DD and wants to spend time with her. My mother couldn't care less about me or my kids.

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She crossed a boundary. She changed your dd's appearance - something that is not ok for her to do without asking you or your dh. Yes, it's just hair. And yes, it will grow out. And yes, you have a dd to love (and other dc too it looks like). And yes, you have an involved mom. But - she crossed a boundary. It's ok to acknowledge that and it's ok to call her on it.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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It can be fixed. If it is orange then she may not have left in on long enough...get it fixed by a professional. They can also put a toner on it. It will grow out but it will take a very long time (so I guess it depends on how bad it looks and how long you and your DD want to live with that look).


I doubt I would go to the mat on this with your mom but I WOULD tell her not to alter their appearance ever again without permission AND I would also tell your daughters to say no if she tries it again. They are old enough to say no thank you if she offers to get their noses pierced, ya know? :D

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She crossed a boundary. She changed your dd's appearance - something that is not ok for her to do without asking you or your dh. Yes, it's just hair. And yes, it will grow out. And yes, you have a dd to love (and other dc too it looks like). And yes, you have an involved mom. But - she crossed a boundary. It's ok to acknowledge that and it's ok to call her on it.
:grouphug: :iagree:Jean is wonderful.
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She crossed a boundary. She changed your dd's appearance - something that is not ok for her to do without asking you or your dh. Yes, it's just hair. And yes, it will grow out. And yes, you have a dd to love (and other dc too it looks like). And yes, you have an involved mom. But - she crossed a boundary. It's ok to acknowledge that and it's ok to call her on it.


:iagree: It can be very frustrating especially if your mom crosses this boundary a lot. I can relate.

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