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You people are such trouble makers. ;)


I just ordered MCT Town level








I really need to thoroughly clean off my book shelves and sell some more stuff to pay for all these new goodies!!


I am going to block this forum from my web-browser!!


(Honest, I am sooooooo excited about the new stuff. . .but, really, the $$$!!)


Really, though, thanks so much to everyone who posts here about their ideas, experiences, and curricula. Even a decade into it, I learn new things here and discover new goodies all the time. The changes keep my homeschool fresh.



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Actually, I don't totally plan to jump ship on R&S. It is so good on many levels and actually my kids don't hate it and neither do I. I find it incredibly easy to implement. . . I do expect to have no R&S kiddos for atleast a few months. . . but I haven't "left" it yet. . . not until I am sure there is sth better!


I had already planned on dd13 taking a year off (at least) next year, as she'll be done with R&S 6 this Spring and I am not sure she needs more grammar after that. So, I'd planned on IEW - Elegant Essay plus LL-LOTR or some other lit/writing intensive stuff next year instead. (Thinking maybe to come back and do R&S 7 in a year or two, but to mainly focus on Lit & writing from now on for her.)


DS10 will wrap up R&S4 in February and I was toying with sth different for the next few months -- waiting until next fall to start R&S5 or R&S6 (skipping levels seems to work fine for us).


THEN, I was reading all the stuff abt MCT and then I saw a post about the W&M materials. . . and well, it all looked so good.


So, I will have ds10 do Town this spring. . . and have dd13 catch anything in there that looks of use to her. . . and then next year. . . Perhaps do Voyage with both of them. . . and meanwhile Utopia for lit for dd13 (and maybe ds10 as well, either this year or next).


I am so excited about all these things. I am glad there are people here who are similarly interested, as I think I bore everyone else out of their heads with this stuff!!


I love you guys!!

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uH-oH! :scared:


Did you order PRIOR to signing the 'I was not convinced or forced' statement?:toetap05:


Well, did you?:confused:


I'm waiting for an answer.:toetap05:


I think I missed that thread. . . I haven't signed yet. . . It's ALL YOUR FAULT!!

:lol: I need to stop reading anything pertaining to MCT for the next 6 months - I told dh that I really don't need it until next fall, and I'm so wanting to buy it right now! :tongue_smilie:(It's right up there with wanting to buy the entire LoF series even though we won't the first book until next fall!)

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:lol: I need to stop reading anything pertaining to MCT for the next 6 months - I told dh that I really don't need it until next fall, and I'm so wanting to buy it right now! :tongue_smilie:(It's right up there with wanting to buy the entire LoF series even though we won't the first book until next fall!)



You. Are in my head. (well, except for the dh part ;) I just talk to myself instead) The worst part is...we just started something new 2 weeks ago (although, I think I can buy the whole 6 part MCT series *and* the whole LoF series for less than another year of Calvert would cost us...).

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Yes - I ordered the Town level of MCT a couple of weeks ago because of this board. It looks amazing. I'm actually really grateful though. I came here specifically because I had figured out a few things that weren't working great for us, and I needed to find out what else was available. I love that you can search through these boards and find out about almost any resource, including pros and cons.


It has set me back a pretty penny, though! :001_rolleyes:


Now that I've got things mostly lined up, I need to stick my fingers in my ears for a few months!:leaving:

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I have had the pleasant opportunity to actually look through a real live, in person, Voyager set (grammar, poetry, essay, vocab & practice book) and I have to say that I am somewhat impressed. It truly looks good. I honestly don't understand how one goes about from day to day utilizing it though. There is no schedule. No do this today and that tomorrow instructions. Nothing really, from what I can tell. But, what I have read so far is impressive. I am VERY tempted. VERY. Everything looks well thought out and put together. Even the essay book...which I was prepared to dislike. ;) (I have CW Homer on it's way)


I believe my average 12yo ds, would start at Voyager. It seems right on target for him, not too terribly advanced, not too easy. Oh, and I really like the four level analysis! My ds does quite well with diagramming, but I think the 4 level analysis will add much to his overall understanding.


I better stop before I talk myself into buying it. right. now. :lol:


All that to say....congrats on your purchase!! I think you'll enjoy it. :D

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You. Are in my head. (well, except for the dh part ;) I just talk to myself instead) The worst part is...we just started something new 2 weeks ago (although, I think I can buy the whole 6 part MCT series *and* the whole LoF series for less than another year of Calvert would cost us...).
:D We just recommitted to WWE3 and FLL3 just over a month ago because I was tired of making things up as we went (well, we had CW for copywork, but I wanted something more meaty ... ah, I could justify my purchases until the cows came home! :lol:). Ds#1 hasn't had much consistency in his curriculum as he is my guinea pig, and I decided that we're sticking with WWE and FLL, not only because I like them (I do like the program), but because then the younger two will have nothing *but* consistency for 1st through 3rd grade. ;) But, by George, we are doing MCT starting in the fall, along with WWE and maybe FLL4 just so I can feel good about being consistent for once. :tongue_smilie:
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I just got my MCT package in the mail. Can't wait to get started in the New Year! And I got my Teaching the Classics package today. I just need to find the time and focus to watch the DVD's and make plans.


I adore this forum because of all of the suggestions, etc. I find out about so many awesome resources from you guys!

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:lol: I need to stop reading anything pertaining to MCT for the next 6 months - I told dh that I really don't need it until next fall, and I'm so wanting to buy it right now! :tongue_smilie:(It's right up there with wanting to buy the entire LoF series even though we won't the first book until next fall!)


Heheh. I bought Math on the Level over a year ago when I was pregnant with ds, even though my daughter won't be starting until next year some time. I don't know. I guess it was some kind of nesting thing. It seemed dreadfully important when I bought it, and very much less so when it arrived the following week. I guess the hormones had worn off :001_huh:




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Heheh. I bought Math on the Level over a year ago when I was pregnant with ds, even though my daughter won't be starting until next year some time. I don't know. I guess it was some kind of nesting thing. It seemed dreadfully important when I bought it, and very much less so when it arrived the following week. I guess the hormones had worn off :001_huh:





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:D We just recommitted to WWE3 and FLL3 just over a month ago because I was tired of making things up as we went (well, we had CW for copywork, but I wanted something more meaty ... ah, I could justify my purchases until the cows came home! :lol:). Ds#1 hasn't had much consistency in his curriculum as he is my guinea pig, and I decided that we're sticking with WWE and FLL, not only because I like them (I do like the program), but because then the younger two will have nothing *but* consistency for 1st through 3rd grade. ;) But, by George, we are doing MCT starting in the fall, along with WWE and maybe FLL4 just so I can feel good about being consistent for once. :tongue_smilie:


My weak point is follow-through. I make *great* plans. And then...those plans meet my DS :001_huh: And, now, his little sister is working on about the same level as him. I *have* FLL3, but it doesn't really seem to have connected with them and I have to provide test results as part of my divorce, so I'm concerned with making sure that they can do at least moderately well on the tests, sigh.

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You people are such trouble makers. ;)


I just ordered MCT Town level








I really need to thoroughly clean off my book shelves and sell some more stuff to pay for all these new goodies!!


I am going to block this forum from my web-browser!!


(Honest, I am sooooooo excited about the new stuff. . .but, really, the $$$!!)


Really, though, thanks so much to everyone who posts here about their ideas, experiences, and curricula. Even a decade into it, I learn new things here and discover new goodies all the time. The changes keep my homeschool fresh.




Really interested in your opinion of Utopia when you get it. It looks like a great lit program.

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STOP!!!!!!! I was avoiding the MCT posts to keep myself from buying anything else. With all of this enthusiasm, I can now see that I am going to have to check it out. Why did I open this thread??





If you are happy with your grammar/LA program... don't sweat it! Ignore all our gushing.


There are a lot of us who were quite unhappy and MCT fits us and our kids well. I think the enthusiasm comes from finding a curriculum that "speaks to us", those who have trouble wading through a more traditional program.


It is not for everyone. If you *need* a script and a specific schedule, it might make you cringe. I, however, loathe those aspects of many programs. I love the way that MCT looks at, thinks about, and explains language. It is really refreshing.


The thing is, that I believe it is a hard program to wrap your head around from just looking at the samples and it begs to be explained... over and over! I can't help but respond to most of these threads! ;) I think that we have explained it well enough in all the threads that have existed before this one.


blah! I need more coffee!

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The thing is, that I believe it is a hard program to wrap your head around from just looking at the samples and it begs to be explained... over and over! I can't help but respond to most of these threads! ;) I think that we have explained it well enough in all the threads that have existed before this one.


blah! I need more coffee!


Korin (or whomever),


Can you explain one. more. thing? :D


In looking through the MCT Voyage set, it appears that one should complete the Grammar book first and foremost before moving into the other books...even the practice book. All the other books (minus the poetry) seem to correspond to what has been taught and learned in the Grammar book...or so I am finding. Even the first practice sentence in the Practice Book assumes you have completed the Grammar book.


The Vocab book and the Essay (writing) seem to go hand in hand as well, but also contain sentence analysis that one would not know how to do unless one has completed the Grammar text.


So, correct me if I am wrong, is this how one should proceed:


Step 1: Complete Grammar Book in it's entirety. Start Poetry book as desired.


Step 2: Begin Grammar Practice Book, Vocab Book, Writing Book.


It really does help to have the books onhand to wrap ones brain around them, but I'm still slightly confused. ;)

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The Vocab book and the Essay (writing) seem to go hand in hand as well, but also contain sentence analysis that one would not know how to do unless one has completed the Grammar text.


So, correct me if I am wrong, is this how one should proceed:


Step 1: Complete Grammar Book in it's entirety. Start Poetry book as desired.


Step 2: Begin Grammar Practice Book, Vocab Book, Writing Book.



This is pretty much exactly what is recommended in MCT's Implementation Slideshow. Grammar book first, fold in the rest of the materials over the rest of the year.

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at least in the Island level, the thing I've run into is that MCT doesn't include pacing suggestions and with everything being intertwined some of the reinforcement in one book involves a concept that hasn't been taught yet because we haven't reached that point in another book.


Yes, it wasn't originally written for homeschoolers. Maybe they'll catch on eventually...


But meanwhile, some folks have posted schedules over on the MCTLA Yahoo group. I used those to at least have something to start with. I also posted a plan I made last summer. It would be more realistic to post the schedule we actually ended up doing, but since we use several different levels at once, it probably wouldn't be helpful to many. But anyways, try starting with some of the plans in the Yahoo files. At least they were created by homeschoolers.


As for the things being brought up at a different times in different books, I just look at everything as "preview," "learning," or "review." Everything fits into at least one of those :tongue_smilie:



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