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R&S Grammar users: are worksheets helpful?


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The worksheets are for additional practice. They are different from the student work in the book, but cover the same concept the child worked on that day. Not every lesson has a worksheet that goes along with it.

I have found them to be very helpful :001_smile: You can view samples here: http://www.rodandstaffbooks.com/list/Rod_and_Staff_Curriculum/

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We use R&S differently depending on our mood that day. LOL Some days, I have him do the worksheet and we go over the written practice orally. Other days, I may have him do the written practice AND the worksheet. Sometimes we go over all of it orally and he doesn't write anything. It just depends on how well he "gets" the concept and if he needs more practice or not.

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No worksheets here. I go through the lessons and most of the related exercises orally (skipping class practice that gets repeated in written practice) with my kids, except for diagraming. I just make sure they understand what they are doing in the lesson. Also, things like punctuation and spelling and capitalization (I don't know if these are on the worksheets or not) are practiced on paper during narrations/dictations/outlining here. Also, grammar concept mistakes in writing get worked out together with me, with the acquired knowledge from R&S. I see no need here for worksheets.

Edited by Colleen in NS
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We use them--kind of like Rebecca, it depends on my mood/amound of time that day. :) My ds prefers them to the written book work, so they do end up being like a treat for him. Occasionally I will use them to reinforce a concept. I also have it in the back of my head to use them for review over the summer, but that never happens! That's not a bad thing, though. Summer is so fleeting.

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