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See what I made for dd8's birthday today

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I used to sew quite a bit during high school. I guess it is like riding a bike. I had so much fun getting out my unused sewing machine and making this cape for her American girl doll. Thanks to someone on this board I found the pattern for this cape free online! Most of the material I also had so it cost me very little to make.





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That's gorgeous, Jean! I think all 3 of my girls would like one in their size! Have you thought of making a matching one for H for Christmas?


NO! Actually I have the pattern and material to make a dress for the doll. It is one of the Molly dresses but she isn't concerned with keeping the doll and accessories period specific.


The links I have for the doll patterns didn't have any for real size children. If you know of any links for that, I might be talked into it!

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