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Whose ready to clean house with me today??

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Rise and shine! Stretch! Let's get going! Today is my 2nd day of pushing myself to get the house all cleaned up... I wont be here pestering you regularly... just these two days, because I really want to get some of this done and need the motivation!


My bathrooms are cleaned, bed made and my bedroom looks SO much better!


This morning I will do an art lesson with children while sorting through piles of papers next to the desk. I will also take care of a stack of sweatshirts and blankets the are hanging out around the couches!


What will you start with?

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I need this push...sigh.


Our son and daughter in law live with us and soon our little granddaughter will make an appearance. I'd forgotten just how much stuff a baby needs or how big is all is...


Today's task is to clean out and rearrange so we have more room. I'm beginning to stress over the clutter and such. Once I've cleaned up, I want to get out the Christmas decorations. I'm not feeling the spirit of the season at all...I need some visual support.


It's cold and gray here today. All I want to do is sit and read.


Thanks for the encouragement to get moving.

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This will not be a productive cleaning day for me like yesterday was. I got up early and went to Mass (my MIL is having surgery and I wanted to send up some extra special prayers) and have spent the rest of the morning on my class that I have neglected for a few days. Now I am off to a cookie exchange, then to meet a consultant to get my inventory back from her. Early dinner with Alphabet Pam, perhaps, then home to do more work on my twins' room. If all goes well, I will have most of their room done today and some work done on the kitchen.


Tomorrow will be a really big cleaning day, however. Thanks for the companionship on this cleaning journey.

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I am in. I barely got anything done yesterday due to 3 kids having a stomach bug of some sort, but today looks like everyone is on the path os recovery and I can finally buckle down and get it done. Gonna tackle my kitchen right after I cook breakfast for the clan. It is snowing heavily outside so it is a good day to stay in a get the place cleaned up.

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We were going to do this anyway because family is coming to stay tomorrow. So, I'm in. I would have joined anyway, though!


So far, we've finished the kids' bedrooms, one of which becomes the guest room, and that hall bathroom. The living room has been started. We'll do it, then the kitchen, dining, school area.

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We were going to do this anyway because family is coming to stay tomorrow. So, I'm in. I would have joined anyway, though!


So far, we've finished the kids' bedrooms, one of which becomes the guest room, and that hall bathroom. The living room has been started. We'll do it, then the kitchen, dining, school area.


The living room is finished and we even got some things out of the kids rooms to donate to the local thrift store. On to the kitchen!

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Rise and shine! Stretch! Let's get going! Today is my 2nd day of pushing myself to get the house all cleaned up... I wont be here pestering you regularly... just these two days, because I really want to get some of this done and need the motivation!


My bathrooms are cleaned, bed made and my bedroom looks SO much better!


This morning I will do an art lesson with children while sorting through piles of papers next to the desk. I will also take care of a stack of sweatshirts and blankets the are hanging out around the couches!


What will you start with?


We will be doing this tomorrow and sunday. :D

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