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True love is...

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What do you do because you love your spouse or kids even though you detest it?


I just made a large dish of liver and onions for dh because he loves them. I even tasted it. Blech. I'm normally a good cook but there's no fixing liver to make it palable to me. I made chicken for the rest of us. I really hate liver--even the smell. But he's a good dh so I took one for the team.

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What do you do because you love your spouse or kids even though you detest it?


I just made a large dish of liver and onions for dh because he loves them. I even tasted it. Blech. I'm normally a good cook but there's no fixing liver to make it palable to me. I made chicken for the rest of us. I really hate liver--even the smell. But he's a good dh so I took one for the team.


You're a good woman! :) I told my husband years ago, "I don't do organs." ;) :D

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I clean and do laundry, etc. . I detest those types of jobs. Sorry, but it's the truth.


I homeschool DS, and I don't always like it or enjoy it. I do it because i think it's best for him right now.


I'm sure there are a bunch of other things. . But those are the first two that come to mind.

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What do you do because you love your spouse or kids even though you detest it?


I just made a large dish of liver and onions for dh because he loves them. I even tasted it. Blech. I'm normally a good cook but there's no fixing liver to make it palable to me. I made chicken for the rest of us. I really hate liver--even the smell. But he's a good dh so I took one for the team.


I make clam chowder for my dh. I can't stand it but he says it's really yummy. Not sure if I'm really taking one for the team though because I don't eat it.


For the past 11 years I've been getting up every morning to make my dh's lunch. Even when he worked at Fed Ex and had to be out the door at 3:30am. I'd get up at 3am and make his lunch and then wait until 4am when he called to tell me he'd made it to work before I went back to bed.


I still have to get up around 5am-5:30am to make his lunch now but that is better than 3am.

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Endure parties with his business partners (birthday, baby showers, holidays, work related, etc.)

Travel to NY at least once a year even though MIL hates me and pretend that I don't get the jabs.

Put up with looking at other people's clutter


and the countless hours of lost sleep due to holding puke buckets, changing diapers, breastfeeding babies, hugging kids who had nightmares, letting out dogs who have upset stomachs, etc.

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I don't run away when I want to. I take a deep breath and try to explain, calmly, one more time, the whys or hows that have sent my boys into mean/nasty mode. I remember how hard it was to be 12 and give sympathy (even when I don't really feel it) when dd has a tough time. I washed a multitude of dirty sheets and air out a mattress at least twice a week, while saying, 'honey, everyone has accidents, you'll get better at making it through the night.' I 'do' school, even when I want to quit. I cook dinner, even when I want to let em' starve for once. I don't cry when I'm sorely disappointed by their actions (infront of them anyway) and I stand firm next to dh (even when I think he's wrong). Finally, I maintain a cheerful exterior (for the most part), even when it feels like the world's crumbling down around me, because I know that for all my submission, dh relies on my strength. I call my mil, and keep tabs, because dh wants to know, but can't bring himself to ask. I say no, even when it hurts, if necessity calls for it. I will let someone else have the hot water, because they think their day was worse. I listen to music I dislike, I smile over books I can't stand, and I accept friends I think are beneath them.


Deep down I'm a selfish, whiny, snob, but no one in family knows that. :lol:

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My dh would say that I show him true love by...


...eating crunchy peanut butter when I prefer creamy because it's silly to have two jars and he prefers crunchy.


...taking off his smelly shoes at the end of a long day or cutting his toenails for him.


...dropping what I'm doing to go to the gas station with him for a soda.


...hosting video or board game parties for his "geek" friends 2-3 times a month, including cooking for them.

Edited by AndyJoy
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My son would say I show him true, sacrificial love by:


Coaching his First Lego League team, when I have not the slightest interest in Legos, engineering, or robotics. (2 more days, 2 more days--I'm sort of hoping we don't make it to state this year. I'm done with this right now!)



And I have to say, silly as some of the aforementioned posts are, it's encouraging to read all the ways you ladies are showing love. Way to go!

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