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getting out of jury duty???


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I just got a summons for 2 months of on-call petit jury (common please) duty for my county. I'm going to send a letter requesting to be excused on the grounds of being a homeschooler and my daughter's sole teacher (I would do it if I wasn't homeschooling). Anyone else had to request to be excused from jury duty that can give me some advice on how to word or not word my excuse request letter?

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It will probably vary by your county and how desperate they are. I was summoned, but wrote that I was a SAHM and primary caretaker and couldn't leave my three little ones w/a babysitter. That was enough. I would think being their teacher would be even stronger. Make sure to send a copy of your notification letter or whatever your district uses.



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I have not had this conflict, but I would mention the hours required/scheduled for her education. In some places, you'd be required to show up on the first day to explain yourself, or urged to postpone to some other time (summer vacation, for example), so keep that in mind. I was called to serve on a jury many times when I lived elsewhere, and I distinctly remember seeing the clerk form a line for people who were not US citizens, could not speak English, and people who were illiterate; and after talking to the clerk, they went home.


I cannot imagine being asked to be on call for 2 months, though.

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I just moved from Washington, where homeschooling was not a valid excuse (they figured DH could stay home and do school:lol:). I was only able to move the date to summer (because we do take a break, right?)


In SC where we now live, homeschooling is a reasonable excuse, although it helps to mention any special educational needs your child has that would make going to PS difficult.

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My SIL and I were both called (separately) within the last year and had to go in for the initial thingy (I know, technical terms there). She's a stay at home, homeschooling mom of 5 and was excused with no problem. I'm a stay-at-home mom of 3 (wasn't homeschooling yet then) and my baby had thrown up 3 times the night before. They excused me, too. But he did say beforehand that how much they excuse depends on the need and on how many want to be excused. We're in Alabama.

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I'm a stay-at-home mom of 3 (wasn't homeschooling yet then) and my baby had thrown up 3 times the night before. They excused me, too. But he did say beforehand that how much they excuse depends on the need and on how many want to be excused. We're in Alabama.


I was allow to defer once because it was near my due date. The second time around they're not real sympathetic. I had a nursing baby with a fever at home when I checked in that time. They released me but because they didn't need me, not because of my excuse.

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I've been homeschooling since 1986, and in that period of time, I have been summoned for jury duty countless times......each and every time I wrote back and told them that I was a SAHM and homeschooled my children and each and every time I was released from having to serve.......(not that I wouldn't LIKE to serve at some point when the timing is right) I live in WA state and they have always honored my requests.

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And the type of jury it is. Federal court allows for more excuses-being a caregiver for a child under the age of 13, certain professions, medical excuses, and of course, if you are a convicted felon. State and county can be a lot stricter. In my county, only being a convicted felon gets you out of it indefinately. Having children and no caregiver is not an excuse. They do allow you to postpone but only for 6 months and then they call you back. The most you can hope for is that they don't call your number. I've been called in once but received summons 4 times in the last 15 or so years.I got excused from federal jury duty, postponed county duty once, never got called in when I got my summons 6 months later, and finally got called in the 4th time.


Now that I've seen the process for picking jurors I know what kind of trials I could sit on a jury for and which ones I personally consider a waste of everyone's time. So at least it was a good learning experience.

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