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You know you have a small house when...

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You opt to put the Christmas tree in your daughter's bedroom for lack of space anywhere else. I would have to store furniture to put it in any of the main rooms.


Fortunately, daughter is thrilled to have the tree in her room and my sons love the idea too. Even better, the boys don't expect it to be in their room next year (the ceilings are too low).

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for ten years we lived in a small duplex. As the kids got bigger, we had less and less room.


For awhile we only put up half a tree (front half), then we got to where we only put up a lighted garland on the mantle and hung our favorite ornaments from it!


It sounds bad, but it worked and we were all happy!


You do whatcha gotta do!

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We didn't put a tree up in our last house for lack of space. The kids' bedrooms were 6'x9' and 6'x10', so they certainly wouldn't have fit a tree any better than the lounge (10'x10') or the kitchen/diner/homeschool room (12'x15'). Instead we hung decorations on fake evergreen garlands around fireplace, window, and doorway.


Two years ago we were in the US, staying in a studio (yes, all 6 of us in a studio). A friend played ding, dong, dash with his kids at our door, leaving a mini tree with decorations that we managed to stick in a corner. The kids made lots of paper chains to put over windows.


It's kind of fun to be creative and make do with what you've got.

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You opt to put the Christmas tree in your daughter's bedroom for lack of space anywhere else. I would have to store furniture to put it in any of the main rooms.


Fortunately, daughter is thrilled to have the tree in her room and my sons love the idea too. Even better, the boys don't expect it to be in their room next year (the ceilings are too low).


You know you have a small house when...you put the christmas tree in the front window...and it fits on the cat post...with rrom to spare...then you turn around and knock it over with your butt.



~~Faithe (in a very small house....)

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You opt to put the Christmas tree in your daughter's bedroom for lack of space anywhere else. I would have to store furniture to put it in any of the main rooms.


Fortunately, daughter is thrilled to have the tree in her room and my sons love the idea too. Even better, the boys don't expect it to be in their room next year (the ceilings are too low).




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We have bought a table top tree (3-4') for the past 5 years. I just put it on top of the end table in front of the window. This works great! I still have a tree in my living room without taking up any extra space. We do buy a real tree every year and the place that we buy from always has an assortment of smaller trees.

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We have bought a table top tree (3-4') for the past 5 years. I just put it on top of the end table in front of the window. This works great! I still have a tree in my living room without taking up any extra space. We do buy a real tree every year and the place that we buy from always has an assortment of smaller trees.


We did this for several years, first due to twin toddlers and then due to a small space. It worked great.

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We have bought a table top tree (3-4') for the past 5 years. I just put it on top of the end table in front of the window. This works great! I still have a tree in my living room without taking up any extra space. We do buy a real tree every year and the place that we buy from always has an assortment of smaller trees.


We have two cats in the house who insist on getting in the tree, real or artificial. They would destroy them within a couple days. Our solution was to have a Christmas tree forest, with several trees from 1 to 3 foot high. We use our grandsons Steam Engine Thomas(with real steam and a whistle) as a center piece in the living room and the trees placed in/around it. Last year I formed a tunnel with the white background cloth & table. The cats stopped bothering it when we turned on the train, haha. And the kids love that it's set up at waist height and there is lots of room on the floor for presents!

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