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HAPPY THANKSGIVING: Name five things you are thankful for :)

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I'll start.


1. God's marvelous, wonderful grace in my life.

2. My family: A husband who is the best! I mean, not perfect, but perfect for ME. . A husband who loves the Lord, and who I trust completely. Two boys who are God's special gift to me.

3. For friends who are in my life who are just amazing.

4. A church where I am growing in ways I could never imagine in my Christian life.

5. Health.

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1. My boys...


2. A roof over our heads, food in our bellies, clothes on our back, which are all because of taking a chance for a job 600 miles away...Extremely grateful for that...


3. Being able to stay at home with my boys...


4. My SO...He works so hard to ensure I can stay home...


5. Also, today marks 3 months since my littlest one had a near SIDS episode...Everyday I am so grateful for him...He isn't showing any signs that he was deprived of oxygen long enough to cause any permanent damage which in itself is amazing...It really opened my eyes on how fragile life is and to really live in the moment...:)

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Of course I am so thankful for my relationship with my Savior, and my husband, and my kids. But also random things that have crossed my mind today:


- My husband's great job. He works hard and they actually appreciate it. He actually got a raise this month. I am blown away. We have close friends that I haven't even told because the husband was out of work for so long and is now employed but at a HUGE cut in pay.

- Being a SAHM and homeschooling! I have always worked, and this last year has been my first to be home and now homeschooling. I love it and am so humbled by the enormity of the task God has called me to.

- God's tugging at my heart to grow and change and learn. This past year I have changed so much in my relationship with the Lord, we changed churches, and I have a refreshed and renewed spirit for my walk with God.

- This one is weird: I'm thankful to Medifast, a diet that I have found I can live with to help me lose A LOT of weight. I have a long way to go, and because of that I often fail because I can't stick with anything long enough to feel like I can make it the long haul. I have been on Medifast for 6 weeks and have lost 24 lbs and feel like I can keep going. (I'm off tomorrow!;))

- I'm thankful that I am an American, born in a land of such abundance and freedoms. I can worship who and when I want; I have clothes and food and shelter; I have medical care; I can vote and speak my mind.

- One last one, I am thankful for BOOKS. I love books. I love the adventure, the wisdom, the insight, the fun, the creative, the historical, the spiritual. I love how they smell. I love how I can tuck one under my arm and take it to the park, or on a plane, or in my favorite chair. I love sharing the joy and appreciation for books with my children and actually seeing it catch on!


Happy Thanksgiving!

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I'm skipping God, hubby, & kids because they are a given.


1. All of YOU!! Seriously I'd never make it homeschooling if it wasn't for the support I get from my virtual friends.


2. That our family is currently all in good health.


3. That I officially finished my Christmas shopping today.


4. This year's curriculum is going wonderfully. I haven't had to make any major changes.


5. A clean house! Hooray!

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I am most thankful for Jesus, my husband, and my babies. Other random things:


Cracker Barrel: Since we all have the flu, we are eating Cracker Barrel's Thanksgiving meal today.








I am also so thankful that the trampoline we are getting the kids for Christmas is going to be on sale tomorrow!! Now, I just hope I can get it online for the sale price because I cannot fight the crowd tomorrow.

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I would say my 8 wonderful dc however I got a most beautiful second line on a test this morning, so with many tears and joy in my heart I get to say I am thankful for the hope of 9 wonderful dc. :001_wub:


I'm also thankful that for the second year in a row we don't have family in town so we can celebrate today as we want to.

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