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H1N1 Vaccine Question (sorry).....Did you have to wait in line for it?

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Fairfax County, Virginia announced last night that there will be 12,000 doses of vaccine available to specific age groups on Saturday, 11/7 from 9am-5pm on a walk in basis (announcement with details below). My question: if you live in a place where the vaccine was administered in this fashion (walk in basis as opposed to your private physician's office or pediatrics practice), did you have to stand in line for a while (translation: more than 2 hours)? I don't mind standing in line (our peds office was not chosen as one of the few practices that will have its own supply of vaccine), but I am concerned about bureaucratic-red tape-snafus that may occur. Just interested in the experience of anyone who had to get the vaccine in this way. TIA --


UPDATE: I've sat here reading more from Fairfax County and I am going to take the kids early tomorrow morning (Thursday) to the closest of the five clinics offering the vaccine tomorrow (specifically). The weekday clinics limit themselves to 300 vaccinations so I am going to take my chances dealing with 299 or so others as opposed to 11,999 others. If tomorrow doesn't work out, there are two walk in clinics again next week - I would rather do that than try on Saturday with thousands.



News from the Fairfax County Health Department


The Fairfax County Health Department will hold asecond mass H1N1 flu vaccination

clinic on Saturday, November 7 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Fairfax County

Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway in Fairfax. The vaccine is

voluntary and will be offered on a walk-in basis, free of charge. Seasonal flu

vaccine will not be available at these clinics.


Due to limited quantities of flu shot vaccine—compared with the nasal spray

vaccine—we want to use the limited quantities wisely and reserve the flu shot

vaccine for high-risk individuals for whom the nasal spray vaccine is not an

option. Therefore, individuals who are eligible for nasal spray vaccine should

expect to be offered only nasal spray vaccine.


Who Can Get Vaccinated at the November 7 Clinic?


The Health Department has the capacity to vaccinate a maximum of 12,000 people

on November 7. Based on the quantity of vaccine available, and in an effort

to vaccinate school-aged children and those at high risk of influenza-related

complications, the clinic will target only the following groups:

• Children 4 years through 9 years of age.

• Children 10 years through 18 years of age who have certain medical

conditions that put them at higher risk for influenza-related complications:

-Cancer -Blood disorders (including sickle cell disease)

-Chronic lung disease [such as asthma or chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease (COPD)]


-Heart disease

-Kidney disorders

-Liver disorders

-Neurological disorders (such as epilepsy, cerebral palsy, brain or spinal

cord injuries, moderate to profound intellectual disability [mental retardation]

or developmental delay)

-Neuromuscular disorders (such as muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis)


-Weakened immune systems (such as people with HIV or AIDS or who are on

medications that weaken the immune system)

Read more: http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/highrisk.htm


Other Vaccine Opportunities

The 2009 H1N1 vaccine is starting to become available through many of the same

health care providers, pharmacies and community programs that provide the

seasonal influenza vaccine. Individuals and families should check with their

providers about availability.


Also, the Fairfax County Health Department will offer H1N1 flu vaccines at its

five Health Department clinic location on Tuesday, November 10 and Thursday,

November 12.

On November 10 and 12, H1N1 Flu Vaccine will be offered to only:

• Children 6 months through 9 years of age

• Pregnant women

• Parents of children less than 6 months of age

• Children 10 years through 18 years of age who have certain medical

conditions that put them at higher risk for influenza-related complications as

noted above in the Nov. 7 mass clinic.


Vaccine is free of charge and available on a walk-in basis to the first 300

people listed above beginning at 8 a.m. at each of the five Health Department

clinic locations.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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We had a similar clinic targeting mostly children last week. I had no idea how my little town was going to react. It was hard to imagine the laid-back people who live here lining up for flu shots. The clinic started at 3. I arrived at 2:15 and was surprised that there was a long line already. The people in the front had camp chairs and someone said that some had been there since the morning. And this was a drizzly day--not super cold, but those with umbrellas were definitely more comfortable. When we finally got to the door at 3:50, we were handed a number--one number per family group. We were 122. So 121 families got there more than 45 minutes early. There were only about 600 vaccinations available and I think most families had more than 1 person to vaccinate (only pregnant women, kids 2-24, and those with medical conditions allowed). I was able to vaccinate my kids but I know they did run out before everyone in line had been served. If I knew then what I know now, I would have arrived earlier--maybe as much as two hours before the start of the event.

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these are the kinds of stories I need to hear: you stood in line, :toetap05:, and you received the vaccine.


Yes, I too am wondering how the one million residents of Fairfax County react to these cattle-call-like mass vaccinations. I am thinking of getting me and the kids to the clinic tomorrow morning at least an hour before they open the doors. Like everyone else, I want to do this once and be done with it.


Thanks again.

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We (kids and I) went on the very first day that the clinics opened in our province, which was last Monday, Oct 26th. The clinic opened at 1pm -- when we arrived, there were between 25-30ish people in the line, so we got in fairly quickly without too much of a wait.


We are *very* lucky. Within two days, lineups at clinics across the province had gone nuts -- thousands of people, waits of 6+ hours, people sleeping in their cars overnight to be there in the morning, etc.


By Saturday (Halloween), it was chaos everywhere (at one clinic, people BROKE IN .. not sure what they planned to do, give themselves shots??) ~ and they shut down ALL the clinics province-wide. Suspended the program completely, to "reassess" how they're doing things. My understanding is that it begins again tomorrow, but ONLY for kids between 6mths - 5yrs for the first couple days, then pregnant women, and then - at some point - people with underlying conditions, and rumour has it that you'll have to *prove* your condition by "bringing medication" (said in a news article) or something (which is STUPID, for various reasons)....birth certs for kids.. but if you are pregnant, they take your word. It's all mixed up.


Anyway. Yes, we waited. No, it wasn't a long wait - because we went right away. Had we waited a few days, I doubt we'd have been able to go because ds10 can't stand out in the cold/snow/etc for hours on end.


Unfortunately, dh didn't come with us, as he had to work... and now he can't, because he doesn't fit the current profiles. And he's flying across country in a bit over a week. Ugh. It was initially open to *all* residents, but we were all tagged 'high risk' anyway because of ds10, but now 'caregivers of high risk' aren't included, so that puts him out for the time being.

Edited by fivetails
wrong date
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We (kids and I) went on the very first day that the clinics opened in our province, which was last Monday, Nov 26th. The clinic opened at 1pm -- when we arrived, there were between 25-30ish people in the line, so we got in fairly quickly without too much of a wait.


We are *very* lucky. Within two days, lineups at clinics across the province had gone nuts -- thousands of people, waits of 6+ hours, people sleeping in their cars overnight to be there in the morning, etc.


By Saturday (Halloween), it was chaos everywhere (at one clinic, people BROKE IN .. not sure what they planned to do, give themselves shots??) ~ and they shut down ALL the clinics province-wide. Suspended the program completely, to "reassess" how they're doing things. My understanding is that it begins again tomorrow, but ONLY for kids between 6mths - 5yrs for the first couple days, then pregnant women, and then - at some point - people with underlying conditions, and rumour has it that you'll have to *prove* your condition by "bringing medication" (said in a news article) or something (which is STUPID, for various reasons)....birth certs for kids.. but if you are pregnant, they take your word. It's all mixed up.


Anyway. Yes, we waited. No, it wasn't a long wait - because we went right away. Had we waited a few days, I doubt we'd have been able to go because ds10 can't stand out in the cold/snow/etc for hours on end.


Unfortunately, dh didn't come with us, as he had to work... and now he can't, because he doesn't fit the current profiles. And he's flying across country in a bit over a week. Ugh. It was initially open to *all* residents, but we were all tagged 'high risk' anyway because of ds10, but now 'caregivers of high risk' aren't included, so that puts him out for the time being.


Glad it worked out for you -- yes, the parameters here seem to change on a weekly basis as well. I am hoping that arriving early on a weekday will work in our favor -- fingers crossed that many people will decide to do the Saturday thing as this Saturday is the date for 12,000 people.

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We have not done it but there have been long lines at the clinics here but I think they have not had to actually turn anyone away that stood in line. It has been cold here though so I have a hard time justifying standing in the cold for 2.5 to 3 hours with an asthmatic child to get a shot to maybe keep her from getting sick. The time out in the cold would do it to her anyway.

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Glad it worked out for you -- yes, the parameters here seem to change on a weekly basis as well. I am hoping that arriving early on a weekday will work in our favor -- fingers crossed that many people will decide to do the Saturday thing as this Saturday is the date for 12,000 people.


Ha, you quoted me before I fixed the date.. I seem to be ahead of myself. OCTOBER 26, not November. ;)


Yeah they really muddled this one up here.. and on top of that, people are screeching because somehow, in the middle of the chaos and super-long lineups, one of the NHL teams from here managed to get their shots at a private location the day before they suspended the clinics.

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I am just curious about how they are verifying pregnancy before giving a woman the vaccination at these clinics. I am pregnant (not getting the vac), but I am not far enough along to "look" pregnant.


How are they asking women to verify this. Or, is it on the honor system?


Just curious if anyone knows.


They're saying here that while kids in X age bracket will need to have proof of age, and people with conditions will have to prove it with medication/prescription/etc (which I think is ridiculous for various reasons), people who are pregnant will not be asked for proof.

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I went to the Naval Hospital. This was on Monday. At that time, they were only giving it to children and pregnant women. I wasn't either but my two children got vaccines. There was a fairly short line to fill out paperwork, then we sat for a short while, and then the shot and mist.


Chris: Thanks -- glad it wasn't awful for you. :001_smile:

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We are in a small community. By the time I filled out the paperwork they were ready for us to go to station two to have the papers collected and then to wait for the shot. That was another couple of minutes. The kids got the mist but are over 10 and don't need a booster. I filled out the papers because I am around people with serious illness. Once I went to the next table I was never asked again if I qualified. I did hear there was an altercation in the parking lot after they ran out of vaccine. Also, they had several people administering the vaccine. I agree with your plan to go during the week.

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Got there at 6:2o for 8:00 start. I was #71 in line and left there at abou 9:45. It was very organized.




Thank you! In fact, that's where I had decided we would go - Reston is the closest to us, and at least I know my way around there as opposed to the other locations. Thanks again.:001_smile:

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They're saying here that while kids in X age bracket will need to have proof of age, and people with conditions will have to prove it with medication/prescription/etc (which I think is ridiculous for various reasons), people who are pregnant will not be asked for proof.


Good, cause I was thinking "here's your pregnancy test, the bathroom is over there" was probably against SOME kind of law! :lol:

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Our county health department was supposed to get more vaccine last Friday, but it didn't come in until Tuesday. I kept calling their hot line. Their clinic opens at 9. I called at 8 in the morning. Then rushed the kids to get dressed and breakfasted. I was able to get the shot because we have a two month old. My son has asthma so got the shot. The girls and I got the nasal mist. All in all it wasn't that bad. We were in and out by 9:45. Then again our county has just over 100,000 in it.

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