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I just want to share some family updates for those who have offered advice to me...

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I just want to say that, for the first time in a while, I feel really good about the way things are. Just this week I seemed to get some perspective and it has really helped.


Dh and I have talked a lot about our issues and I really have a newfound respect and love for him - MUCH relief there!


18yo dd who had the bf with no place to stay (and wanted to marry him asap) is working 2 jobs, has taken her entrance exam for her cosmetology school, and has detached somewhat from the bf (who is now back home with his mother and seemingly doing a bit better).


16yodd who was pg and lost the baby is working through her feelings and has talked to me a lot about it. She is concentrating on school so that she can go on to nursing school.


Oldest dd wasn't really giving me any grief. Ds wasn't either!! :001_smile:


Stepson and his gf and baby are still living with us, but she has been spending a couple nights/week with her mom and it seems to be helping everyone's attitude. She is doing MUCH better as a parent to my grandson as well. Things are A LOT better on that front.


I'm tired and worn out, but life is looking up!! I just wanted to post since I am usually only posting to whine and complain.


Thanks so much to all who have prayed. I'm not saying you have to stop!! :tongue_smilie: I'm just letting you know it seems to be working!

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I haven't offered much, if any, advice because I haven't felt I had anything sage to say. But I have been reading your posts and have been praying for you. I think of you very often all through the day - odd times here and there - and I just wanted you to know your post brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy to hear how things are working out and that your life is on a more even keel. God is good!



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I just want to say that, for the first time in a while, I feel really good about the way things are. Just this week I seemed to get some perspective and it has really helped.


Dh and I have talked a lot about our issues and I really have a newfound respect and love for him - MUCH relief there!


18yo dd who had the bf with no place to stay (and wanted to marry him asap) is working 2 jobs, has taken her entrance exam for her cosmetology school, and has detached somewhat from the bf (who is now back home with his mother and seemingly doing a bit better).


16yodd who was pg and lost the baby is working through her feelings and has talked to me a lot about it. She is concentrating on school so that she can go on to nursing school.


Oldest dd wasn't really giving me any grief. Ds wasn't either!! :001_smile:


Stepson and his gf and baby are still living with us, but she has been spending a couple nights/week with her mom and it seems to be helping everyone's attitude. She is doing MUCH better as a parent to my grandson as well. Things are A LOT better on that front.


I'm tired and worn out, but life is looking up!! I just wanted to post since I am usually only posting to whine and complain.


Thanks so much to all who have prayed. I'm not saying you have to stop!! :tongue_smilie: I'm just letting you know it seems to be working!


This is all great Stacey. Glad things are looking up for you.

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