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would you go or stay home?

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My dd had a fever over the weekend. Her temperature was back to normal by Monday afternoon. She still has a cough. Tonight (and every Wed.) is practice at church for the Christmas performance. I know they say once the fever is gone for 24 hours, but I don't know about the cough.

So, should she go or stay home?

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The CDC originally recommended that people stay home for 7 days after fever was gone without the aid of fever reducing medicines (ibuprofren, etc) or until all other symptoms resolved.


Obviously there was much complaining from people who could not afford to be out of work for 3-5 days ill and another 7 days after that.....most people don't have that much sick leave and of course who can afford to lose pay for not going to work.


Politicians asked the CDC to reconsider.


So, the CDC (on October 23) changed that to 24 hours after fever is gone without aid except if the ill person will be around certain high risk categories of people.


Sorry, but that bothers me a great deal. I do truly understand the economic impact of not having enough sick leave (we barely survived that when my husband was injured and had to stay home, if not for his fellow employees donating their sick leave we'd have been homeless).....but that doesn't mean that the flu germs care about your economics and therefore lessen the impact of the germs. The CDC have changed their recommendations not for the health and safety of those that the ill person will be around, but for economic and political reasons. Nowhere does it say that further research or new developments are the cause of the change in recommendations, but coincidentally the policitians were asking for 24 to 48 hours, and lo and behold that's now the recommendation.


My heart goes out to those with low immunity children (or self). This change means that more people are going to be out there spreading germs thinking that they're safe since the fever broke yesterday. And in fact, they're spreading this all the more faster.


I am on a board for Disney and there is great discussion about quite a few families bound for Disney this week with sick child in tow.....they aren't willing to lose out on their trip and one even said "I'll just keep her medicated so she'll feel well enough to enjoy some of the trip". Yeah, and the thousands of people around you will be so happy with the souvenior they're unknowingly bringing home.


Sorry folks, if your kid is still sick, please keep them home until they are recovered. I cannot think of any event, including an expensive vacation, that is cause to not only subject your own child but all the people around you. Relapses and subsequent secondary infections are actually more dangerous, so you could be risking your child by taking them out too soon and having them reinfected before they have recovered. Most of the deaths I've read about are from secondary infections, things like pnuemonia (spelling?)...and I can't count how many family members have said "they seemed to be getting better and then suddenly got worse".


I hope and pray that my family doesn't get sick, but if we do.....we'll be home and taking the financial hit for our safety as well as for those around us. My husband almost died of pnuemonia about 14 years ago....and that was from a "just a cough" type cold that he refused to treat. I never want to go through that again. And perhaps even more so, I don't want to be the cause of someone else going through it.


As for OP.......Christmas is almost 2 months away, so surely one missed rehearsal isn't going to jeopardize the show or your daughter's ability to perform. Singing with a cough is painful too. Please consider keeping her home for her good and the rest of the children in the rehearsal too.

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My dd had a fever over the weekend. Her temperature was back to normal by Monday afternoon. She still has a cough. Tonight (and every Wed.) is practice at church for the Christmas performance. I know they say once the fever is gone for 24 hours, but I don't know about the cough.

So, should she go or stay home?


I would send her. The cough could last for a week or even more. It's been 48 hour since the fever, so I think she's in the clear.

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The CDC originally recommended that people stay home for 7 days after fever was gone without the aid of fever reducing medicines (ibuprofren, etc) or until all other symptoms resolved.


Obviously there was much complaining from people who could not afford to be out of work for 3-5 days ill and another 7 days after that.....most people don't have that much sick leave and of course who can afford to lose pay for not going to work.


Politicians asked the CDC to reconsider.


So, the CDC (on October 23) changed that to 24 hours after fever is gone without aid except if the ill person will be around certain high risk categories of people.


Sorry, but that bothers me a great deal. I do truly understand the economic impact of not having enough sick leave (we barely survived that when my husband was injured and had to stay home, if not for his fellow employees donating their sick leave we'd have been homeless).....but that doesn't mean that the flu germs care about your economics and therefore lessen the impact of the germs. The CDC have changed their recommendations not for the health and safety of those that the ill person will be around, but for economic and political reasons. Nowhere does it say that further research or new developments are the cause of the change in recommendations, but coincidentally the policitians were asking for 24 to 48 hours, and lo and behold that's now the recommendation.


My heart goes out to those with low immunity children (or self). This change means that more people are going to be out there spreading germs thinking that they're safe since the fever broke yesterday. And in fact, they're spreading this all the more faster.


I am on a board for Disney and there is great discussion about quite a few families bound for Disney this week with sick child in tow.....they aren't willing to lose out on their trip and one even said "I'll just keep her medicated so she'll feel well enough to enjoy some of the trip". Yeah, and the thousands of people around you will be so happy with the souvenior they're unknowingly bringing home.


Sorry folks, if your kid is still sick, please keep them home until they are recovered. I cannot think of any event, including an expensive vacation, that is cause to not only subject your own child but all the people around you. Relapses and subsequent secondary infections are actually more dangerous, so you could be risking your child by taking them out too soon and having them reinfected before they have recovered. Most of the deaths I've read about are from secondary infections, things like pnuemonia (spelling?)...and I can't count how many family members have said "they seemed to be getting better and then suddenly got worse".


I hope and pray that my family doesn't get sick, but if we do.....we'll be home and taking the financial hit for our safety as well as for those around us. My husband almost died of pnuemonia about 14 years ago....and that was from a "just a cough" type cold that he refused to treat. I never want to go through that again. And perhaps even more so, I don't want to be the cause of someone else going through it.


As for OP.......Christmas is almost 2 months away, so surely one missed rehearsal isn't going to jeopardize the show or your daughter's ability to perform. Singing with a cough is painful too. Please consider keeping her home for her good and the rest of the children in the rehearsal too.



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