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Runners: Did my first 10K today!!

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It was fantastic!! The course wasn't very hilly (just a long one in the 4th mile) and I was able to pace myself to have plenty of energy for a push at the end. I don't have the official time yet, but it was around 1:06:45 which is faster than I even usually run it at the park! I had been so nervous last night, and was still nervous this morning, but now I'm just excited about how well I did.


We were timed with a chip thing that wrapped around our shoelaces, so I will have an 'official' time that's really mine, not reflective of the extra seconds it takes to cross the start line since I like to line up in the back. That's pretty cool!


And I learned a lesson about the water stops: I need to walk through them! The first water stop I ran through it and when I lifted the cup up to my mouth, it sloshed all down the front of me! LOLOL Totally embarrasing.


I'm in the process of putting pics up on my blog. My BFF went with me to run the 5K, and she was waiting at the 10K finish line with the camera and took pics at the finish line!


First 10K under my belt... next stop: Half Marathon!

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:lol: One of those life lessons. Congratulations on finishing the race and in such a good time too!


I just finally started CPto5K, made it to 90 secs. yesterday, took me twice as long to get there, but I did it. :tongue_smilie:


And I learned a lesson about the water stops: I need to walk through them! The first water stop I ran through it and when I lifted the cup up to my mouth, it sloshed all down the front of me! LOLOL Totally embarrasing.


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:party:Congrats! I ran my first 10K today as well. What a coincidence! Our course was super hilly. I thought I was going to die on one of the many hills. We also ran past a dead cat in the road and a pig farm. Yum! I'd love to run a half next, but may have to just suck it up and do the full in the spring. Anyway, congrats! It really is a milestone.

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:party:Congrats! I ran my first 10K today as well. What a coincidence! Our course was super hilly. I thought I was going to die on one of the many hills. We also ran past a dead cat in the road and a pig farm. Yum! I'd love to run a half next, but may have to just suck it up and do the full in the spring. Anyway, congrats! It really is a milestone.



It sounds like you had quite a 10K this morning... lots of extra entertainment for the price of registration! :) Congrats on tackling those hills!!


I'm not sure I'm up for a full, but I thought that about 5Ks and 10Ks this time last year! ;) Good luck when you do yours!!

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WAY TO GO!!!!! And your time is wonderful! Congratulations! I love those chip timers.


I'm :lol: about spilling the water on yourself! Remember, you MEANT to do it!! You were hot. I actually CHOKED on mine in my first race because I didn't stop to drink. Now, I usually don't take the water because I don't want it to slow me down! I'll have to for the half marathon though!


When is your half again? It's the princess race - right? Which plan are you using to train? I'm using a plan from the Detroit Marathon Website. I love it because he has me gradually increasing the mileage - both on the weekend and midweek. So, I've been at 9 miles for my long run for 3 weeks now and there are another 2 weeks before I move up to 10 miles. But, the midweek runs are increasing now - last week I did 4, 4, and 6 miles.


Anyway, congrats!! Those pictures are awesome!!!!

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:party:Congrats! I ran my first 10K today as well. What a coincidence! Our course was super hilly. I thought I was going to die on one of the many hills. We also ran past a dead cat in the road and a pig farm. Yum! I'd love to run a half next, but may have to just suck it up and do the full in the spring. Anyway, congrats! It really is a milestone.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Sounds like your race was out in the country! Hills are my enemy in races! We have nowhere to train on hills near where I run, so I can't enter a race with hills! I'd just DIE!!! Anyway, congrats! When's your next race??

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Good job! It's ok to dump the water on yourself. But I quess it would feel better in hot weather instead of cool. :001_smile:


Yeah, it was a little chilly to do that this morning! But I could always make folks think I'm hot-natured or really working up a sweat! ;) Anything not to look like the dork I did this morning! LOL

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WAY TO GO!!!!! And your time is wonderful! Congratulations! I love those chip timers.


I'm :lol: about spilling the water on yourself! Remember, you MEANT to do it!! You were hot. I actually CHOKED on mine in my first race because I didn't stop to drink. Now, I usually don't take the water because I don't want it to slow me down! I'll have to for the half marathon though!


When is your half again? It's the princess race - right? Which plan are you using to train? I'm using a plan from the Detroit Marathon Website. I love it because he has me gradually increasing the mileage - both on the weekend and midweek. So, I've been at 9 miles for my long run for 3 weeks now and there are another 2 weeks before I move up to 10 miles. But, the midweek runs are increasing now - last week I did 4, 4, and 6 miles.


Anyway, congrats!! Those pictures are awesome!!!!


I don't usually drink in the 5Ks either, but thought I needed to at least try since I drink 3 times while I'm doing my weekend long runs. But I have a sport bottle with straw that I stop and drink from! My husband said he'd set up a table at the end of the driveway if I want to start training for the water stops! He's a funny guy, huh?


Yep, doing the Princess Half on March 7th. I think I'm going to use the plan from the book Marathoning for Mortals. It has you build up slowly, and also does build up during the week. You run 3 days and cross train 2 other days. I started swimming (ha ha ha what a joke for me) and I am saving up to buy a bike. But I don't know that I'll be able to do either of those with the level of intensity to call it 'cross-training'. Not sure what to do about that. I think this program has me doing up to 60 minute runs during the week which is perfect... I don't think I'd feel comfortable leaving the kids for much longer than that, and my husband leaves for work before the sun is up and gets home in the winter after the sun goes down.


And also, this program only has you go to 10 miles as your longest run for the half. Does that make sense to you? Do you really only train to 10 miles for a 13.1 mile race? I think I'd feel more comfortable knowing I'd DONE the distance before. But I'm certainly not an expert! :)


I'll start training at the end of November. The kids are finishing up Week 5 of Couch to 5K so they should be done with it by then! My littlest only made it 2 days, but she rides her bike with us now and she loves that! She won't do the 5K race in December, but my mom is going to come to take pictures and there are plenty of activities for Reece to do. It's the same race to benefit autism programs that I did last year for my first race. Oh, and my husband is also running now (started C25K) and he is going to run the race as well!


But the half-marathon is just me and one of my friends! I think we'll be registering this week, too! We made our room reservations the week before last! I'm very excited! And hoping the airfares go down! :)

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I don't usually drink in the 5Ks either, but thought I needed to at least try since I drink 3 times while I'm doing my weekend long runs. But I have a sport bottle with straw that I stop and drink from! My husband said he'd set up a table at the end of the driveway if I want to start training for the water stops! He's a funny guy, huh?


Yep, doing the Princess Half on March 7th. I think I'm going to use the plan from the book Marathoning for Mortals. It has you build up slowly, and also does build up during the week. You run 3 days and cross train 2 other days. I started swimming (ha ha ha what a joke for me) and I am saving up to buy a bike. But I don't know that I'll be able to do either of those with the level of intensity to call it 'cross-training'. Not sure what to do about that. I think this program has me doing up to 60 minute runs during the week which is perfect... I don't think I'd feel comfortable leaving the kids for much longer than that, and my husband leaves for work before the sun is up and gets home in the winter after the sun goes down.


And also, this program only has you go to 10 miles as your longest run for the half. Does that make sense to you? Do you really only train to 10 miles for a 13.1 mile race? I think I'd feel more comfortable knowing I'd DONE the distance before. But I'm certainly not an expert! :)


I'll start training at the end of November. The kids are finishing up Week 5 of Couch to 5K so they should be done with it by then! My littlest only made it 2 days, but she rides her bike with us now and she loves that! She won't do the 5K race in December, but my mom is going to come to take pictures and there are plenty of activities for Reece to do. It's the same race to benefit autism programs that I did last year for my first race. Oh, and my husband is also running now (started C25K) and he is going to run the race as well!


But the half-marathon is just me and one of my friends! I think we'll be registering this week, too! We made our room reservations the week before last! I'm very excited! And hoping the airfares go down! :)


:lol: at your dh!! My dh offered to get the neighbors up and out to cheer for me every morning. Last year I told him how wonderful it was in the races to have everyone cheering me on. Our dhs would get along famously!!


I was wondering about cross training. I just haven't done any. I'm going to start after the half. I just don't have the time between training for the half and homeschooling and all.


I've heard of programs that only have you train up to 10 miles for the half. I guess it depends on your goal. If it's just to finish, you should be able to finish a half after only training to 10 miles. I started out training with Jeff Galloway's plans and he recommends running the full distance at least once so that you don't fight that mental block at 10 miles.


I have a friend who ran the half this year. I spoke with her afterward and she said that she really wishes that she'd gotten to the point where her comfortable runs were around 8 miles. She'd gotten to about 6 miles as a comfortable run before her first half. Her longest run before the marathon was 11 miles. She finished the half in 2:08, so obviously, she runs pretty well! But, she said she was just dying the last couple miles.


Oh - on a fun note. I went to our local running store yesterday to pick up a pair of shoes. The guy who works there is normally very reserved and shy. I asked him if he'd run in the Detroit Marathon (last weekend) and he hadn't. He asked what I'd run and I told him. I then said that I was training for my first half marathon in January. He asked which one and I was almost embarassed to tell him Disney! He's such a serious runner and I thought he might think of the DIsney half as a joke of a race or something. (Really, I care WAY too much what people think!) Anyway, he's running it too!!! He's run the half at Disney for four years now. He spoke more to me yesterday about that race than he has in all the times I've been there combined before!! He LOVES the Disney race. Says it's LOTS of fun!!


I'm happy that your dh is running too!! My dh is running the 5K with (actually, behind) the boys at Disney the day before my half! I'm jealous of your girl's weekend!! Where are you staying? How long of a drive would it be for you?

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:lol: at your dh!! My dh offered to get the neighbors up and out to cheer for me every morning. Last year I told him how wonderful it was in the races to have everyone cheering me on. Our dhs would get along famously!!


I was wondering about cross training. I just haven't done any. I'm going to start after the half. I just don't have the time between training for the half and homeschooling and all.


I've heard of programs that only have you train up to 10 miles for the half. I guess it depends on your goal. If it's just to finish, you should be able to finish a half after only training to 10 miles. I started out training with Jeff Galloway's plans and he recommends running the full distance at least once so that you don't fight that mental block at 10 miles.




I'm happy that your dh is running too!! My dh is running the 5K with (actually, behind) the boys at Disney the day before my half! I'm jealous of your girl's weekend!! Where are you staying? How long of a drive would it be for you?


Yep, my goal is just to finish! That was actually my 10K goal today, too - got my official chip time and it was 1:06:37, which put me 179/191! LOL Oh well, I'm a slow poke! But the idea of the mental block around 10 miles is something to consider. I'll have to see how it goes when I start training... I've been consistently doing 6.6 miles the last 2 months. But maybe even once through the 13.1 would be helpful. I'll try to play it by ear.


So the cross training isn't absolutely essential for training? That's good to know. I got some goggles and took the kids to the pool a couple of weeks ago and made it a grand total of 2 laps (50 yards). The 2nd time we went I made it 4 laps (100 yards) but thought I was going to drown in the last lap! LOL And I haven't been on a bike in 25 years! I wish there was C25K for swimming and biking!


We're going to be staying at the All-Star resort. It's about an 8 hour drive from where we are in Atlanta, which would be fine on the way down. But having to come home the day after running the half, and trying to drive? I'm not sure either of our legs would be able to push the accelerator that long!


I can't wait to hear about your Disney experience! :)

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If that's the same thing as the Cumming fairgrounds, then yes that was the race I did!


How funny! We were in the same place. Yay you for the 10K! On the official score list, my DH and I were 132 and 133 out of 140, just ahead of some walkers. Remember the part that went down a dead-end street and came back up? They cut that corner and ended up ahead of me! I was so mad because I was working hard and they were walking and laughing. I had to push myself to get past them. I still can't believe I let my DH talk me into that! Was your first 5K as awful as mine was? (I ended up crying on the run, and again afterwards.) Boy it was really hard!

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How funny! We were in the same place. Yay you for the 10K! On the official score list, my DH and I were 132 and 133 out of 140, just ahead of some walkers. Remember the part that went down a dead-end street and came back up? They cut that corner and ended up ahead of me! I was so mad because I was working hard and they were walking and laughing. I had to push myself to get past them. I still can't believe I let my DH talk me into that! Was your first 5K as awful as mine was? (I ended up crying on the run, and again afterwards.) Boy it was really hard!



Yes, it was really hard, and I had nearly completed the C25K program. If I remember correctly, you are still in the early weeks, right? Give yourself some time! Don't give up!


This was my first 10K and I placed 179 out of 191... that means only 12 people finished after me! And I've been running for a year! LOL


It's not about how fast you go, or even where you finish. It's about getting to the starting line. And you did that! How many people can say they started a 5K, let alone completed one? You can say that now! Don't worry about anyone else or how they walk or run in the race. Just do it for yourself!

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Congratulations. I shed tears when I saw your photos. It brought up a lot of emotion for me. I started walking one hour a day the last week of May 09. The last week of August I started C25K. I've had some setbacks from asthma. I'd been running 3 times a week but with fair endurance and unable to get past week 3 of the program. After seeing my asthma doctor & following his advice I was able to do tge week 3 run easily. I will be able to move up to Week 4 next week. I am looking forward to a 5k Turkey Trot next month.


I never thought I would ever be in any decent kind of shape ever. I've always shied away from cardio and running.


Your success and photos just brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing.

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CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Sounds like your race was out in the country! Hills are my enemy in races! We have nowhere to train on hills near where I run, so I can't enter a race with hills! I'd just DIE!!! Anyway, congrats! When's your next race??


I live in a very rural area. The race was very small. Only six people ran the 10K. It was for a local charity. Yes, we have some serious hills, especially considering we are in Nebraska. Honestly, I want everyone who complains about Nebraska being flat and boring to come on a long run with me. They will die.:001_smile:


As far as my next race, I am not sure. I entered this one at the last minute. I have my eyes on a marathon/half-marathon on May 2 of next year. I would love to run another race before then, but who knows.


BTW, I am so proud of the runners on this thread! I just started running in May, so I know how hard it is. It is so rewarding being out there all on your own and pushing through the feelings of eminent death. Go running gals!

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It's not about how fast you go, or even where you finish. It's about getting to the starting line. And you did that!


Yes, I did. And getting to that finish line was hard work, but I felt really good when I crossed it! I hung my number on our dining room wall to remind me why I'm going to keep going. :)


My DH was a runner many years ago, and since I started C5K, he decided to run again. He was so sweet to keep my pace yesterday so I wouldn't be running alone on my first race. In preparing for this race, I haven't been using the C5K program. I got a Nike+ which is super cool, and my DH has been running with me. With his help, I've been doing intervals of 2 minutes. By yesterday, I was doing 7 intervals which was still a stretch for me. During the race, I must have done 9 or 10 intervals. Ironically, during the last week, I have been thinking about what you said in an earlier thread, and your encouraging words. And actually, while running yesterday, I was joking that I was going to take a lot longer than you to be able to run a 10K. And I had no idea you were in my race!


So, how often are you running these days? I'm doing 3 days a weeks.

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It is so rewarding being out there all on your own and pushing through the feelings of eminent death. Go running gals!


:lol::lol: Boy am I glad I'm not the only one thinking I'm going to keel over while doing this. At least once during every run, I tell my DH aloud that 'this is insane!' He tells me sanity is overrated. :)

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Yes, I did. And getting to that finish line was hard work, but I felt really good when I crossed it! I hung my number on our dining room wall to remind me why I'm going to keep going. :)


My DH was a runner many years ago, and since I started C5K, he decided to run again. He was so sweet to keep my pace yesterday so I wouldn't be running alone on my first race. In preparing for this race, I haven't been using the C5K program. I got a Nike+ which is super cool, and my DH has been running with me. With his help, I've been doing intervals of 2 minutes. By yesterday, I was doing 7 intervals which was still a stretch for me. During the race, I must have done 9 or 10 intervals. Ironically, during the last week, I have been thinking about what you said in an earlier thread, and your encouraging words. And actually, while running yesterday, I was joking that I was going to take a lot longer than you to be able to run a 10K. And I had no idea you were in my race!


So, how often are you running these days? I'm doing 3 days a weeks.


I'm glad your husband stuck with you during the race! And you definitely finished your 5K before I finished my 10K! :) You did really great! And I bet next time you'll go faster... unless you end up at a really hilly race which is one of the bad things about running in north GA! But even then, you're still going out there and that's all that matters!


I'm running 6 days a week right now because I'm taking my big kids through the C25K program as part of their PE. I do my own training 3 days (2 short days and 1 long day) and then I do the C25K with them the other 3 days. As they move into the end and are running closer to 3 miles, I think I'll have to drop one of my own short days. I have to be really careful with my knees. I'm watching my overall mileage and am being careful to build it up incrementally. Up until I started with them I was running 4 days a week. I did 3 days a week for months and months though once I was up to that 5K distance. I've built up to this point over the last year.

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Congratulations. I shed tears when I saw your photos. It brought up a lot of emotion for me. I started walking one hour a day the last week of May 09. The last week of August I started C25K. I've had some setbacks from asthma. I'd been running 3 times a week but with fair endurance and unable to get past week 3 of the program. After seeing my asthma doctor & following his advice I was able to do tge week 3 run easily. I will be able to move up to Week 4 next week. I am looking forward to a 5k Turkey Trot next month.


I never thought I would ever be in any decent kind of shape ever. I've always shied away from cardio and running.


Your success and photos just brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing.


Oh Karen, that's so sweet! I'm glad your asthma doctor was able to give you some advice to help you be able to move forward! Can't wait to hear all about your Turkey Trot!! I know you'll do great!

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BTW, I am so proud of the runners on this thread! I just started running in May, so I know how hard it is. It is so rewarding being out there all on your own and pushing through the feelings of eminent death. Go running gals!



I love this!! I remember a couple of months ago running in 95% humidity and it was 90+ degrees out, and I was thinking, "They are going to find me on this trail dead. I'm seriously going to die!" LOL


And then you make it... and you feel so strong! It keeps me going!

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Awesome job, Niffercoo!! Lol about the water - I had spilled so much blue powerade on myself during my last race that I was sure I was sporting a blue beard when I was done!


Well, it sounds like it's a pretty common issue then! LOL I'd probably end up looking like a smurf if there's blue powerade involved! :)

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