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Bible/Book burning event

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The whole thing is disgusting, but does anyone else think it's funny that the book burning includes a barbeque dinner?




I previously noted that I did laugh at that part. I don't think anyone else saw the humor but it just reminded me of one of those, "You know you're in the south when..." kind of jokes.


ETA. That was ironic humor, not comical humor.

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Um...I really don't have words. Burning books to me is sacriligious...regardless of religion. Books represent knowledge, and to burn them is to promote ignorance. It's just...wrong.


The barbeque thing is slightly funny in an ironic kind of way, but seriously the idea that any American would think a book burning is a good idea completely disgusts me. If this was happening somewhere near me I'd be tempted to organize a protest rally. Ugh.


Then there's the environmental side of things. If you really want to destroy a bunch of books, at least have the decency to recycle them! Of course, these are probably people who think recycling is pointless because the end is nigh, and that there's no such thing as global warming, etc.

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