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Would you let the boy go to scouts?  

  1. 1. Would you let the boy go to scouts?

    • Yes, let the lil dude go.
    • No, are you nuts!
    • Maybe. Watch him up until time to go before deciding.
    • Infamous other.

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...food poisoning is not usually all that contagious, and he's over it anyway.


I would not go myself, though, on the off chance that they just picked up a stomach virus somewhere and that I was about to get it. There's usually a lag when that happens, and sure as shooting I would be the one to expose everyone else to it. Your DC can't get it back from you if that's the case, but others who have not had it yet can get it.

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Yesterday evening: I put fresh blueberries into our pancakes for dinner last night. Blueberries aren't a common part of our diet, but everyone generally likes them. Everyone but the baby loved the pancakes. Grace and Honor both inhaled three good sized pancakes, each loaded with blueberries. (The baby adamantly refused them after one bite and had lunch leftovers instead. She's teething, but she normally eats anything we put in front of her.)


No one acted remotely sick.


Middle of the night: Both Honor and Grace were up tossing cookies. They weren't fevery, crying, or even upset. Both laid down and went right back to sleep.


This morning: All five kids woke up acting 100%, running at full steam, eating fine and haven't mentioned any queasiness. (The mom would like a nap. :tongue_smilie:)


This evening: Honor has a scout meeting. He's a new Tiger and is beyond excited. Would you let him go?


No, I wouldn't. Health guidelines rule of thumb is 24 hours without vomiting before a child isn't contagious. You don't know it was the food. In fact, if you also ate it, it probably wasn't the food.

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I'd let him go and I'd still suspect the food. Different people can handle different amounts of food yuckiness. I'd think kids' stomachs are more sensitive than an adults. I know mine is more sensitive than my hubby's, which is why he eats older leftovers that I won't touch with a ten foot pole.

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