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Blood in vomit? Graphic and urgent

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Today I took my ds9 to the doctor today and he was diagnosed with the h1n1 virus. They did test him in the office and it came back positive. He put him on Tamiflu and he just started it. This all started Sunday with a fever and he is very tired with no energy. He only got out of bed 1 time yesterday to go to the bathroom. He hasn't really eaten anything since Sunday morning except for a cracker at 1:00 this morning. He has had a few sips of a smoothie but other than that it has just been some water and gatoraide. Anyway, he started throwing up at about 1:45 this morning and he has thrown up about 6 times since then. Of course there isn't really much to throw up other than liquids. So he just threw up again and there was bright red blood mixed in there. Should I be concerned? I plan on calling the doctor in the morning but should I do anything tonight?

Hold on, he's throwing up again...... okay this time it was a brownish color and looked like old blood. Anyone else ever delt with this?

Thanks so much!



UPDATE- I really do believe that it was the Tamiflu. He even started acting weird and cranky. My husband picked up the prescription from Walgreens and didn't talk to a pharmacist. The paper that always comes with the prescription with the warnings was blank! :001_huh: So he called and the pharmacist said there shouldn't be any side effects and we just took his word. Anyway, after he was throwing up again and acting funny, I looked up Tamiflu online. OH MY GOSH!! The websites I read don't even recommend Tamiflu for children. There was 1 website that people could put there experience with it and it was sooo scary to read! Lots of people vomiting but the scary stuff was major mood swings, depression and lots of people saying they wished they had never taken it and saying they would never give it to there kids. Needless to say we haven't given him another dose since and he has been fine. He never threw up again and he hasn't had a fever all day. His energy is slowly returning as well. I also know that he was past the point that he should of even started it. It had been 55 hours since the onset of symptoms when he started it. Anyway, just wanted to update.

Thanks for all the advise and concern! :grouphug:

Edited by MountainViewMama
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From what I remember, a small amount of bright red blood in vomit is alarming to the viewer but isn't a huge concern for doctors. A large volume of blood, or bleeding that causes the vomiting...concerning. Dark red, almost black, resembling coffee grounds...is concerning for doctors.

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Call the doctor on call. Like 5 minutes ago. There are a lot of explanations and I don't feel qualified at all to make that suggestion. All I can say is that, if it were one of my kids, I would have called the doctor and/or been on my way to the hospital. It could be nothing - it could NOT be nothing. Especially with the tamiflu. Please please please call someone.

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I would call the on call doctor. It may be nothing but why take the chance. I would ask ds to describe any pains and anything else that might be relevant to the doctor(or with you translating) There might be certain things that crop up with the Tamiflu or H1N1 itself. It could just be that he strained himself, it could be stomach acid hurting the throat, it could be a million other things. I'd rather call and be thought of as an overprotective parent instead of not calling and regretting it.

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What quanity of blood are we talking about? Like spit after a tooth has been pulled or comes out or like a period? If it was the first, I would bat an eye. If it was the second, I would have had him to the dr. already. Throwing up bright red blood is one of the emergency indicators to go to a dr. right away. I hope everything is ok and he feeld better soon.

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Wanted to second that I would bet it is the Tamiflu making him vomit so much...especially if he didn't originally start out vomitting on Sunday. Not a dr., so I would call the dr. and ask him/her. My dh most likely has the H1N1 virus and has been sick like your son for a week now...coughing horribly, fever and awful, debilitating fatigue. He's slept more in the past week than he has EVER slept. Praying for your son.

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I'd call the dr on duty or go to ER. My Aunt was just hospitalized last night with the exact same symptoms. She has H1N1. They have her in intensive care with pneumonia. I wouldn't mess around with it AT ALL!!


I was just going to post that my dd had a little blood in her vomit when she had pneumonia. So sorry your boy is sick. I will pray.


ETA: I needed to resort to acetaminophen suppositories to reduce dd's fever, which seemed to help with the vomiting so she was able to keep down her meds.

Edited by Cindy in the NH Woods
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