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If you have Wii Fit.....

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Do you like it?

Do you use it?

If you use it, and have tried other things exercise programs in the past, are you any more consistent in using it than the other things you've tried?

Do you see results?

Have you tried any of the other exercise games that are compatible with the Wii Fit equipment (Jillian Michaels, Biggest Loser, etc.)?



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I have one, and I do like it.


I don't use it regularly these days, but I did when I first got it. I liked seeing my little Mii person shrink on screen as I lost weight, but I'm kind of dorky like that. :tongue_smilie:


My 13 year old DD uses it several days a week for PE credit, because she is not into sports at all. I use it with her sometimes, playing tennis or boxing or even jogging.


There's a new Wii Fit Advanced (I think that's what it's called) and I'm thinking about getting it. It looks like it could provide a more rigorous workout, and I REALLY need that. Seriously. Really. (ok...you get the point :D)

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Wii Active definitely breaks a sweat, Wii Fit not so much although I haven't checked out the new Wii Fit Plus. The problem, I think, is that you're moving from one isolated workout to another and your heartrate can drop. The yoga movements on Wii Fit are the ones that get me sweating and the hula hoop. Wii Active has various levels of programmed workouts that kick butt by moving from one to the other rather quickly, you can also customize a workout.

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We do use Wii Fit, but I would not call it an exercise program. I have not broken a sweat ever with that game, because the games are short and you have to click around for different activities. It does get us up and moving on a rainy day though.


Outdoor challenge is good for the muscles. It sounds like I need to check out Wii Active. Perhaps another trip to the video stores to try it.

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We got it last Christmas for teenage son & entire family used it in winter (age 8--17). We have only used the Wii Fit game, did get just the 2nd Wii fit game & put that away for Christmas.

I hate exercising & did well with the games, felt I was in better shape when doing it consistently.

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We've had a Wii for about a year. At first we all used Wii Fit it a lot (no one broke a sweat though!), and then it went by the wayside with everyone except my 14yo dd. She uses it every single day. Friday my dh bought Wii Fit Plus, which adds on to the orginial Wii Fit...it has some cool new features and games. We probably have half a dozen Wii games...but no one uses them except when we have company and the other kids want to try it out.


The neat thing about the Wii and consistency is you can see your results & track them, unlike just watching an excercise video.

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We have Wii Fit and I really do like it. I don't use it consistently though. I always plan to, but then I fall off the wagon. One thing I really like about it is the Yoga. It helps with my lower back pain. I am hoping to get on a schedule with the Wii Fit now that my traveling has ended for awhile. I am also going to go check out those other games.


Both of my kids enjoy Wii Fit. I think it gets played more than the other games.

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I use Wii Active and like it. I have not tried the Wii Fit.

Having the program helped me to jump start my "lifestyle change" and then I joined SparkPeople.com and have since lost 12 pounds and have been exercising consistently for about 2.5 months now.


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Can you get the "Active" without ever having the "Fit?" I have considered Wii Fit for a while, but maybe I should just get the Wii Active. I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I really want some toning up and stamina building. I'm not heavy, but know I am out of shape (and I could probably stand to lose 10 pounds).

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I don't think that the Wii Fit really isn't enough exercise in and of itself if you are trying to lose weight. How it helps *me* is the weighing and the graph. Watching it go down, even a small amount is better than watching it go up. It does actually help me not over-do it when I'm eating and stick to my exercise program. The games and exercises it offers are sort of a bonus.

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I tried Wii fit at my parents and loved it- I especially liked how it tests where your center of gravity is and balance as when I do DVDs alone there is no one to tell me that I am doing it wrong. Since we were on vacation I was able to take the time to use it- which is my problem at home. I actually got a great workout from the Wii Sports which comes with it. After watching my kids to the boxing, I spent over an hour when they went to bed doing it- I did it like I used to in kickboxing and really got a great workout and it was a lot of fun!


I am considering letting my kids get a Wii one for Christmas from their grandparents, anyone have a bad experience with their kids using the Wii sports and wouldn't recommend it? We aren't video/computer/TV people but they just loved the Wii sports and we live where it's really cold 6 months of the year.

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I tried Wii fit at my parents and loved it- I especially liked how it tests where your center of gravity is and balance as when I do DVDs alone there is no one to tell me that I am doing it wrong. Since we were on vacation I was able to take the time to use it- which is my problem at home. I actually got a great workout from the Wii Sports which comes with it. After watching my kids to the boxing, I spent over an hour when they went to bed doing it- I did it like I used to in kickboxing and really got a great workout and it was a lot of fun!


I am considering letting my kids get a Wii one for Christmas from their grandparents, anyone have a bad experience with their kids using the Wii sports and wouldn't recommend it? We aren't video/computer/TV people but they just loved the Wii sports and we live where it's really cold 6 months of the year.

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If you are in even reasonable shape Wii Fit doesn't feel like a workout. My kids like the games though.


We have Wii Active and that feels like a workout to me (I'm in reasonable shape). You do not need the Wii Fit board for Wii Active, the only extra we needed was a set of stronger resistance bands.

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