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Please compare and contrast Prentice Hall Biology vs. AP Biology textbooks. If you're familiar with a different set of textbooks that also offers regular Biology vs. AP, please comment about that set. TYVM.


ETA: I'll change the question a little. If you had a kid who eats and breathes science materials, what would you be using for a solid hs biology program? He seems to already know much of any science text he's used in the past -- including Lyrical Life Science, Science in a Nutshell, and PH Science Explorer. I need to keep him interested. Ack!

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I'm not really qualified to answer this question, but will throw in my purely anecdotal two cents all the same. ;)


I have always been impressed by Ria, and she has posted in the past that she considers the Apologia texts to be inferior. I remember a post wherein she compared chapter for chapter Apologia and PH and came out with the conclusion that PH was way ahead. If you search her name on this and on the old boards you can probably find her thoughts on this.


Also, my doctor is both a neighbor and a long-time good friend, and he also happens to be one of those frighteningly intelligent people. He's the type who is constantly researching. He and his wife have homeschooled 3, and graduated 2. My dr taught both boys (and now, his girl) science throughout high school. His opinion, and that of the older of his two boys, was that the Apologia texts are simplistic. The older boy used the word "dumbed down." The dr and both boys are VERY science-oriented, and I trust their opinions.


Take this for what it's worth--totally anecdotal, from someone whose oldest is a 12yo non-science type. Others may think differently or have something more factual for you to sink your teeth into.

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ETA: I'll change the question a little. If you had a kid who eats and breathes science materials, what would you be using for a solid hs biology program? He seems to already know much of any science text he's used in the past -- including Lyrical Life Science, Science in a Nutshell, and PH Science Explorer. I need to keep him interested. Ack!


That's my oldest: he lives, breathes, eats science materials. In 9th grade he read through Inquiry into Life by Mader and we did about 20 experiments from the Mader's lab book. It was OK, but he wanted much more. He wanted someone he could discuss Biology with, who knew Biology and could direct his learning. I put him into AP Biology with PA HS'ers in 10th grade. Dr. Gross is the teacher and I highly recommend her class.



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I have a ds who lives and breathes science, and this is what I'm using for 10th grade biology with the aim of his taking the SAT II biology test. So far he is satisfied...


I wound up using Campbell's Biology: Concepts and Connections along with the Teaching Company DVD course Biology: The Science of Life. We've done some virtual labs so far, and I have ordered a few of the AP labs from Carolina Biological Supply company. I have an SAT II prep book, and several biology sites bookmarked for reference.


I second guess myself and think I should have gotten the full 8th edition Campbell and Reese Biology text, but what can you do??!! 2nd guessing is the main homeschool hazard, I think! The Teaching Company course is excellent (and on sale at the moment). I'm learning quite a bit and I think all in all this is taking his understanding to the deeper level that he desires.

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My two cents:


Ds self-studied for the BIO AP in 9th grade using a variety of things - Miller and Levine (since our umbrella schools required it), Campbells' Bio and the one thing he found MOST useful and which I'd use next time around with the online component: Thinkwell"s Biology with George Wolfe.


Thinkwell is complete, not easy but Wolfe makes it FUN!


AP scores confirmed it as great prep too.


Good luck!



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I just finished selecting a Biology book for my 10th grader. I was very impressed with Prentice Hall. Check out their website. http://www.phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCode&wcprefix=cbk&wcsuffix=9999


I was ready to buy it. Then I remembered that I had been given a copy of Glencoe Biology, so I decided to use that. Dh is currently laid off, so any savings is helpful.

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My dd used PH Biology in her Pre-AP Biology class last year (p.s.-9th grade). It was ok. Ds used BJU 2 years ago. It is just as thorough as PH, if not more so (with the exception of evolution- we supplemented those topics with Campbell).

PH is my favorite Chemistry though :001_smile:



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What do you think of the Teaching Company dvds? I've been wondering if they're worth getting or not. They're awfully expensive, even 2nd-hand.


I think they are excellent. I really like the instructor, am learning quite a bit, and am scheduling the reading to following the lecture topics.


Have you checked your library system to see if they are available? Someone was telling me recently that her area library refused to buy Teaching Company DVDS in general as they are so expensive.


I was looking at the Thinkwell site tonight, didn't watch the sample, but that might be a better use of money as it is a complete course. I didn't watch the sample as I didn't want to second guess myself again -- we've already started down one path and I'm sticking with it!!

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I used a coupon code and got The Teaching Company set for $154, free shipping. I'm figuring that I have at least four more to feed through it, so if I amortize the expense it seems far less. :D Now I'm dithering between books, still. I'm going to sleep on it, pray for an epiphany, and plan to purchase in the morning. If you have anything else to add (or a text to sell or loan!) please let me know.


Thanks very much.

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Have you looked at the PH Biology site: http://www.phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCode&wcprefix=cbk&wcsuffix=9999


I'm thinking about using this book next year at home with my younger ds and just ordered the TM and interactive textbook CD-ROM. There are also other materials to use with this book (lab cd & workbooks).

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My plan is to use Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life. It is intended for use as a college introductory course for non-majors. It is highly recommended at the AP Central site. I see absolutely no reason to use the big Campbell book (intended for majors). As a biochemistry major, I used big Campbell in college (of course this was back in the dark ages). I also took AP Biology in high school and there was a huge difference in intensity (and I did well on the exam). We used big Campbell for a three semester sequence, while I got credit for one semester of work for my AP course. I assume that AP courses that use big Campbell must be omitting some chapters.


I vastly prefer college texts, which is why I try to go with them whenever possible.

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Now I'm dithering between books, still. I'm going to sleep on it, pray for an epiphany, and plan to purchase in the morning. If you have anything else to add (or a text to sell or loan!) please let me know.




Mama Bear,


Do you have a college or university nearby? You might visit and see if they have any of these books in their library or bookstore.


You can also use the advanced search function of WorldCat to search to see what libraries near you have a particular title. There's nothing quite like seeing a book firsthand. Or ask your library if they can borrow a book for you through interlibrary loan.




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