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My 11 yr ds just asked "is there any place you could live to live like Tom Sawyer?".

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:iagree:shore 'nuff y'all can still live like that...just need a river and some woods..the Ozarks are beautiful and there are other spots like that not 'round citified folk...


Many happy days here playing in the crick...had to be older to drive to the spots to canoe to caves...found Indian arrow heads in a cave on a scout trip on the Gasconade....



Hannibal is a nice place to visit if you ever have the chance.

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I'd think you could find a place up in True North, strong and free. Ya'll have lots of open space, right?


I'm thinking it's not the geographical location that is attractive to him, more likely Tom's lifestyle and adventures. You know, sneaking out the window at night to prowl around. Finding a bag of money to fund your smoking habit . . . wait a minute I better have a talk with that boy today! :001_smile:

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If you seriously want to give it a try, I have two recommendations.


The Wisconsin River is really lovely to canoe, and you are allowed to camp on the islands/sandbars for free. It's a nice wilderness adventure that still allows plenty of access to civilization when you want it.


If you are up for more of a wilderness adventure, I highly recommend camping/canoeing the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Minnesota. The Canadian equivalent is Quetico. The two parks run together, but the Canadian side does not have official campsites or toilets. The US side designates campsites with a toilet (in other words: hole in the ground with a seat) and a fire grate for cooking. There are no motors allowed in the park, so it's really, truly roughing it in the real wilderness. It's just beautiful there, very peaceful, lots of nifty wildlife, beaver dams, etc. If this interests you you can work with an outfitter to get set up for your trip, or a less rough-and-tough option would be to stay somewhere right on the edge of the BWCA and enjoy day trips into the BWCA.

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Certainly not Hannibal Mo where the book was modeled after. We took a trip there and were pretty disappointed





Really? I went there on a trip in middle school, while we were reading Tom Sawyer, and LOVED it. We got to see the homes of the people who inspired the characters, took a tour of a cave, I truly felt like I was going to bump into Tom at any time. Stopped in again a few years ago, and while we didn't get to stay for too long it was a nice little town as an adult.

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  • 1 year later...

Okay, this is an old thread but I LOVE it. I want to move to Tom Sawyer's neighbourhood. Er, except that I think that the river might be dangerous and maybe they should close up those caves just for safety's sake. Also I don't want my son touching dead cats and talking about superstition. Hmm, I would also need to make sure that there are no more dogs off leash in public areas and that all criminals are safely out of proximity. Guns do tend to make me uncomfortable too.:lol:

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