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If you are watching LOST, all I can say is OMG!!!

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Am I missing something, or didn't Julia tell Sun when she did the ultrasound that as long as she was already pregnant when she came to the island she would be alright? Now she is telling her she has to leave the island or die? And wasn't that Jin buying the panda and rushing to the hospital, and now he is dead? I'm Lost:confused:

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Am I missing something, or didn't Julia tell Sun when she did the ultrasound that as long as she was already pregnant when she came to the island she would be alright? Now she is telling her she has to leave the island or die? And wasn't that Jin buying the panda and rushing to the hospital, and now he is dead? I'm Lost:confused:


She hadn't been intimate with Jin off island for a while so it would have been her lover's baby if it had been conceived in Korea, but that would mean she would live. Since the baby was conceived on the island she will die if she doesn't leave.


Jin's storyline was a flashback and Sun's was a flash forward.

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They kicked me in the stomach again.


I'm in shock. I don't want Jin to die. What's the point of that?

And I am annoyed that it is Michael on the ship. The previews last week said that it would be someone that we "never expected to see again." Well, I expected to see him. :confused: Dh now says I misunderstood. They meant someone that the islanders never expected to see again. Either way, I was hoping it would be someone I liked, like Eco.:glare:

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I think I read somewhere that the writer's aren't going to mix flash forwards and flashbacks together in a show. My thought is the Jin had some sort of episode like Desmond and he is somehow living in the past even though he is actually in the present and that Sun just thinks he died? I am not sure at all. I definitely know how they came up with the title, since most of the viewers are always lost!

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I think I read somewhere that the writer's aren't going to mix flash forwards and flashbacks together in a show. My thought is the Jin had some sort of episode like Desmond and he is somehow living in the past even though he is actually in the present and that Sun just thinks he died? I am not sure at all. I definitely know how they came up with the title, since most of the viewers are always lost!


I'll have to go back and watch the Tivo and see if there are any clues.

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I'll have to go back and watch the Tivo and see if there are any clues.


Found the clue already. The store owner told Jin that it was the year of the dragon when he went back to get the 2nd panda, 2000 was the last year of the dragon and there won't be another until 2012, therefore it was a flashback. ~ Scratch that, this is wrong.


Edited to say:

But... According to Lostpedia Jin's date of death on his tombstone is 9/22/04, the day 815 crashed. Hmm, I guess he's not even one of the Oceanic 6.


PS Edit: The store owner said "In the year of the dragon it will bring luck." (Thanks for pointing it out DS14) In any case if he was going through what Desmond did you're right, it wouldn't technically be a flashback.

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I guess that is the whole question. Whether the people other than the Oceanic Six are even alive. They are setting it up so that it sounds like most everyone has a reason for leaving, like the older lady and that Claire wouldn't leave her baby. There must be a quick evacuation of sorts and the other survivors had to be left behind. Thus the guilt on Jack's part.


My question is though, do you think that the whole time warp thing has anything to do with conception dates?


It is so lame that I think about this before I go to bed. It's a TV show. JEEZ!! I felt the same way about Twin Peaks. I loved that show.

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I don't ever remember hearing that they wouldn't put a flash backward and a flash forward in the same episode. Actually I don't think that there are any "flashes" at all. I think that because we picked up the story on the day of the crash, we assumed that that day was present time BUT it is entirely possible that the entire story is currently passed tense and that we are simply receiving the information out of chronological order. I think that Desmond (and maybe the guy on the ship who died) is the only one involved in actual time travel.


Therefore, the info we saw on Jin was pre-crash and the info we say on Sun was post-crash. If his death date said the day of the crash then they are saying that he was never one of the survivors at all. Not one of the eight who survived the crash or one of the six that made it off the island. That means that there is one more of the six. I really hope that it is Sawyer. I don't think that it is Claire. I think that she will be one of the eight that survived the crash but died on the island after giving birth. There is no other way to explain it if she is not one of the six. I think that Kate has her baby and is raising it. I can't imagine who the other one would be that would have have had to have lived after the crash but dies before being rescued. And I can't think of anyone else who could realistically be the other one of the six.


I think that the ones that are left behind are left behind because they want to be and they don't want to be discovered. I think that that is the big cover up. The six are carrying on a big charade to protect the rest of the survivors. That doesn't explain Claire though. She wouldn't choose to stay and let her baby go and I don't think that she would get left behind accidently while Arron made it off. Therefore, I think that she must also die soon. And perhaps Jack is to blame for that hence his problem with the baby. I don't think that the baby would count as one of the six because he was born on the island.


I don't think that any of this applies to any of the people who were not on Oceanic 815 so all of them could have also got off the island as well: Desmond, Juliet & maybe Danielle and Alex. Ben obviously lives and I think that he made a deal with Sayid that Sayid would work with him in exchange for Ben taking care of the other survivors.


I saw the Micahel thing coming last week BUT I was blown away by the fact that he doesn't appear to know who he is. I don't think he is acting. I think that he really doesn't know. So either he also time traveled to before the accident and then was placed on the boat or they brainwashed him and put him on the boat. I think that means that he does not have Walt. Meaning that the other still do and I have no idea where or why.


Last week I thought Charles Widmore was behind the whole thing but now it looks like maybe he is trying to figure it out and Ben is really behind every thing. I just can't figure out if his motives are good but his means are bad or if he is just bad. And I have no idea how Jacob ties into this whole thing.


Whew! :confused1:

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They made sure that you were truely emotionally involved in the character and then he dies. And I didn't see it coming. I just assumed he would be the other one of the six.


Also, it was Jin's baby, it was conceived on the island (they are obviously going to have to lie about that and fudge her dates some, because she couldn't have gotten pregnant on the island if he died in the crash), and Juliet said women that get pregnant on the island die and therefore if Sun didn't get off the island she would die.

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If his death date said the day of the crash then they are saying that he was never one of the survivors at all. Not one of the eight who survived the crash or one of the six that made it off the island. That means that there is one more of the six.



Didn't the captain of the boat say that the crash site and the death of the passengers was staged by Charles Widmore? He said that it was reported that everyone had died. Could this mean that Jin's grave from last night was just fake and he could still be on the island? All Sun really said was she missed him.


I am new to Lost but I find this very exciting!

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But I really don't think that Hurley and Sun would be visisting a fake grave site and I can't for the life of me imagine any situation where those two would have willing split up and not be trying to get back together.


Also, I think that the captian said that the wreckage was found by Widmore but they think that it was staged by Ben.

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But I really don't think that Hurley and Sun would be visisting a fake grave site and I can't for the life of me imagine any situation where those two would have willing split up and not be trying to get back together.


Also, I think that the captian said that the wreckage was found by Widmore but they think that it was staged by Ben.


They could be going to the grave as a clue to the viewers (it is TV after all?)


It is so confusing! I love reading these threads to help me figure it out.


Do you know where can I find out some back ground info? Like who is Juliette and the Others? how did Michael leave the island only to appear on the boat?

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I knew Michael was coming back, that's been all over spoiler forums for months. The whole Jin thing threw me for a loop. I still can't understand why Claire would let Aaron leave the island without her, especially since the physic (pre crash) was so adamant about her raising her own child.


I agree the other survivors are hiding for some reason. Did you catch the name of Widmore's ship, Karma. I have so many questions. Hopefully Juliet and Desmond will get off the island as well, they wouldn't count as the 6, since they weren't on the plane. I can't wait until next week. This beats season 3 IMO.

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The actor that plays Michael has been in the credits all or almost all of this new season. We've been wondering when he'd actually show up. If you watched the previews on the end, I *think* they clearly indicated Michael knew who he was and what he was doing and it apparently might have something to do with saving Walt or keeping him safe.


Yes, I definitely cried about Jin. I've really enjoyed watching Jin and Sun's relationship change. They could throw us for a loop but I can't think of any feasible explanations why Jin would not actually be dead as Sun indicated. The date of death on his stone saying the crash date is really weird though. Most likely a clue.


Like a pp said, what about this person who died that only Jack went to the funeral home? Who was that? Surely not one of the Oceanic 6 or that would be a bit weird in the whole point of the season's anticipation of who are they. Also, none of the other survivors have made any comment about one of their group dying. I just think that would have played into something.


Who knows! LOL

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I think Michael is only appearing to be someone else--he is Ben's spy on the ship. As manipulative as Ben is, I bet he's doing it for his son. But I saw a sneak peek on the darkufo site that where Michael said he was on the boat to die. I think it has to do with the timeline being messed up. Much like Charlie's death being postponed but eventually coming, I think he has to die as a course correction, so to speak. Or, perhaps because Ben told him he would let Walt live if Michael killed people in a helicopter crash (and died then, too). There was a quick shot of a red button that Michael looked like he was going to push, and it seemed as if he said something like, forgive me.


The Darkufo site has great spoilers, theories, sneak peaks, screen shots--Humpys.net used to have good Easter eggs, but he isn't posting as much. If you want your fill, go to Darkufo!!


It's fun, isn't it? lol

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Jin's storyline was a flashback and Sun's was a flash forward.


How do you know this? I was SO confused. I kept thinking - is he keeping his life a secret from his wife or??? But then he said I have only been married for two months. I was confused - was it a new wife?

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How do you know this? I was SO confused. I kept thinking - is he keeping his life a secret from his wife or??? But then he said I have only been married for two months. I was confused - was it a new wife?


Jin and Sun had only been married for two months. He was getting the toy panda for a business associate.


Flash back, flash forward, it is so confusing!

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Jin and Sun had only been married for two months. He was getting the toy panda for a business associate.


Flash back, flash forward, it is so confusing!


Yep, Jin's was a flashback and Sun's was a flash forward. I agree, it's confusing.


So, is Jin one of the six or no? Do we still have one of the six to discover?

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How do you know this? I was SO confused. I kept thinking - is he keeping his life a secret from his wife or??? But then he said I have only been married for two months. I was confused - was it a new wife?


He delivered the panda to the Chinese ambassador on behalf of Sun's father, Mr. Paik.

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OMG!! LOST FANS!!! I find them everywhere!!


I did not know that Jin's date of death on the tombstone was the same day as the crash. Thats a trip. And he's definitely dead because Sun completely mourned for him. So how does that synchronize with the fact that we've seen Jin alive after the crash, on the island?


Another time line?


Does this Sun in this time line not have any memories of Jin on the island while maybe Sun in another time line does?


Or, the story Jack told at Kate's trial, maybe he wasn't lying, maybe thats how the story went, in that particular time line. Maybe there's some time line in which there really only were 8 survivors. And another time line, that we are more familiar with, were there were 48 survivors.


As for the captain on the boat, I'm not yet ready to believe anything he says. So I take the information he shared so willingly as being a possibility not a cannon fact.


And wasn't the name of that boat Kahana?


ETA: It can't be two timelines when it comes to Sun, because had Jin's baby in both time lines and that wouldn't be possible if he died in the crash. He had to be alive on the island if she is to have his baby. So maybe, Jin is really dead, but he was alive after the crash. So, he either died after being rescued and he is one of the Oceanic 6, or he is not one of the Oceanic 6 and he dies on island and the date is same as crash to go along with Jack's trial story which isn't true. Or, he is not dead on the island at all, Sun is mourning him because she left him on island, and the tombstone has the crash date to, again, go along with Jack's trial story which isn't true.

This is why Lost is soooo good.....guessing and theorizing and trying to mesh it all up so it makes sense! And, yeah, I may be obsessed.

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I don't get the whole timeline thing. So are you saying that a timeline split and there are 2 Jack's, 2 Kate's etc. We are watching version one where their are survivors but their is another version where everyone died? Do the two timeline's know about each other? I DON'T GET IT??

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Oh no, I'm not saying there ARE two time lines, I was just exploring the possibility of two time lines.

There is a definite time anomaly component to the story, and thats just how Lost is, it keeps you guessing, and considering different routes.


In all likelyhood, there is only one timeline. For awhile there, there was a bigger possibility of two time lines because there were two planes: one that crashed on the island, and the one found at the bottom of the Sundra trench. The one in the trench led to a lot of questions, and it was either going to be a matter of a huge coverup which wouldn't be possible in real life, or there were two time lines.

I remember back in season one, there was the possibility that there were two boardings of flight 815, because in some scenes people were sitting in different places, the plane looked different, or different things happened. In particular one scene showed Charlie stowing his guitar in the overhead compartment and in a different scene on a different episode he was shown checking his guitar.

So the two time line theory has been around for awhile. The captain though seemed to shoot it in the foot this last episode when he said it was an extensive cover up. But we've been told not to trust the captain, so we'll see.

And...it may yet still turn out to be two time lines, its still possible. Desmond did go back and possibly that created two time lines.

And there's still the discrepancy between 48 survivors and Jack's 8 survivor story. But that could very well turn out to be a cover up too because it looks like something CRAZY is going to happen before anyone gets off the island.

Its a great big guessing game isn't it????

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Jin's death is dated as the date of the crash, but that's not really the day he died. We think he dies on the island, trying to get both himself and Sun rescued, maybe in the next episode, or maybe later.


The plane in the trench with all the survivors is an elaborate coverup, and Ben either staged it (perhaps to keep a search party from finding the island), or knows something about it. If 6 survivors are rescued, then they must tell everyone that they are the only survivors (to keep others from coming to the island in search of the ones who stayed), and fabricate the story about Kate. Why Kate has Aaron is a real mystery to us, unless Claire dies in what seems to be a huge battle brewing between the survivors who want to be rescued, the ones who want to stay, and the people on the boat.


We think Michael is faking the new identity, and he is Ben's spy. We have no clue where Walt is, or what type of deal Michael may have made with Ben.


So far we know the following people returned either to the US, or whatever country they were from, based on flash-forwards: Hurley, Sun, Kate, Jack, Sayid...these were from the Oceanic flight. Then there is Aaron and Ben, who weren't on the plane. I'm not sure if Desmond will make it back or not, but I hope he does.


I didn't like Juliet either, I was terribly saddened by Jin's death (he changed so much on the island), and I wished they had killed off someone besides Charlie.


So, there you go. These are mine and Mr. H.'s opinions about this show, which we spend way too much time watching and discussing. Mr. H. also reads the spoilers and stuff online, but I won't allow him to reveal anything to me. I like to be surprised.

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Well I can't stand Juliet, there is something about how she speaks to everyone that makes me mistrust everything she says. I don't think she's a good egg.


I can't figure out Michael though........is he faking, or is it like Desmond and he can't remember the people from the island??


One thing I missed (kids were talking) was why the crew member jumped off the ship with all the chains on.........someone want to explain what I missed there?


I think Claire dies on the island.......I can't imagine her giving up Aaron.........and most certainly not to Kate.....willingly.


As for Jin, why the flashback/flashforward.....not sure, but I think he dies on the island too.


I like the theory about the 2 timelines......I've thought about that one for awhile now.


Could drive a person crazy, I tell ya!

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We don't really know much about Regina the chick with the chains and why she chose to drown herself. I believe the captain alluded to the fact that a bunch of crewmembers were doing crazy things because they were so close to the island. I guess the island and/or the magnetic anomaly on the island is messing with people's brains.

She seemed kinda confused, she was "reading" a book upside down. The book? "Survivors of the Chancellor" by Jules Verne, a book about the final voyage of a ship at sea. Gotta love the writers.

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I didn't even consider Michael was like Desmond. I just figured he was pretending he didn't know Sayid because he was the spy. Interesting.


I think Claire has to die. If anyone had a reason to not come back it would have been Kate. Maybe the island affects how children grow too. Kate was taking a really big chance getting off the island and facing her crimes. She came close to being put away forever, why would she take that chance? Who else would have raised the kid if Kate went away?


I also think something has to happen after the island rescue. Hurley and Jack seemed OK until for awhile then they both kind of lose it.


Has anyone figured out how long they have actually been on the island? You know that whole "package" thing with the time. It was off like 40 minutes or something.

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The only way Michael could be like Desmond is if he too was exposed to an uber dose of electromagnetism, as Desmond was when he turned the failsafe key. Minkowski also had to have been exposed to electromagnetism, he's the only other character that became unstuck in time.

I wonder if we will ever be shown when or where that happened. The other people on the boat are acting weird apparently, but are not unsticking as far as I've seen. Daniel, though, he has been exposed to radiation (isn't all radiation electromagnetic radiation?), so we may see him start to go back and forth in his timeline. I'm glad he has the note to himself that Desmond is his constant, thats really cool.

IMHO, neither Michael or Jin will be shown to be unstuck in time. I think Michael remembers exactly who he is.

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I also think something has to happen after the island rescue. Hurley and Jack seemed OK until for awhile then they both kind of lose it.



I wonder if there is some sort of memory lapse and as they start to remember leaving the other survivors behind, or whatever tragic thing happens, it drives them mad.

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I think it was in this episode (& not the sneak preview of next week) that Sayid & Desmond approach Michael, & he says, "Not now." He knows who he is.


And, yeah, as to the date on Jin's coffin, we saw in the episode where Kate's on trial that the 6 are saying that they (+ 2 who died on the island) are the *only* survivors. So we have no idea if Jin's dead or not.


What if Sun had to get off the island to survive (pg), & Jin couldn't leave because of her father? So they split up *for a time* & plan to reunite? Then her spiel at the tombstone would be pretty sincere. She DOES miss him. She had to deliver their baby w/out him.


And how about when Hurley comes to visit? "Is anyone else coming?" he asked. "No," Sun says. "Good," says Hurley. What's that?


And finally, the flash-back, flash-forward thing. Dh says there's got to be more to it than that. What's the point? I suggested that it could be simply ironic, but he says (rightly, I think) that that would be out of sync w the rest of the story. There's got to be some point to it. Because of that, he's not convinced that it's a flashback.


Very interesting, though. I sure wish they would get on w it and tell us already!:D (I don't do well waiting for Christmas, either!)

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