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HS athlete declared ineligible and banned for entire year from sports...Part I...

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Yes, that is me. Due to a clerical error, my son, who is a promising athlete, is now banned for the year.


After having been given erroneous information from a fellow homeschool athete's parent, we applied to various schools in the area for their sport's team. One of the schools outside of our district picked up our son, allowed him to try out, selected him as the only Freshman, and started him in two matches. (we were completely honest with our address, but as it turns out, in our neck of the woods, boundaries are strictly enforced which is not the case just a county away).


Now, we've been told that he is ineligible at that school, and as a result of state law, any other school for this year.


How did this happen? Well, the school held on to the forms for too many days without verifying our address or other eligibility information, and allowed him to play. Now, the penalty is $2500 per game he participated in.


Ohhhh.....I have soooooo much to tell you, but this is all I can stomach right now.


I need a cold lemonade.

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How old is he? Is he able to participate in a team that is separate from the school? If not for football, maybe for another sport.


I completely understand how you must feel. I can't imagine how I'd get my son out of bed in the morning if he didn't have athletics to look forward to. I'm a little teary (:rolleyes: at self) just from the idea.

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Wait a minute, who is responsible for paying the penalty? At first reading, I was thinking Imeverywoman was being asked to pay this (stupid) sum. What a dumb situation.
The school incurs the fine for allowing an ineligible athlete to compete. Some school districts also assess other penalties, such as forfeiture of wins for the games/matches in which the ineligible athlete participated.
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This is hard, and I hope you find something else for him to do. But ignorance in the schools, sadly, is not unheard of.
Yep, and you'd better get used to it. My sons continued to have problems in college, caused by advisors who didn't know what they were talking about. Our youngest son temporarily lost a scholarship because he followed the advice of his advisor. He was able to appeal and get the scholarship back. But there have been numerous other problems too, caused by ignorance of those whom they have to trust to navigate the college waters.
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If your son just wants to participate in his beloved sport, and doesn't care about what team he's on, I suggest calling around to your local Christian and other small private schools. In our area, these schools are too small to belong to a regular conference (football is our sport), and they will allow homeschoolers to participate regardless of their address. If they are committed to coming to practice and the games, and show documentation of their grades and current classes, they are accepted for the team. Our coach is a gregarious man who has welcomed late comers mid-season, as long as they pull their weight once on the team. Of course there are also fees.


I suggest you make a few calls, perhaps you will find a way for your son to stay on his game while he anticipates next year's season to play with his team of choice.


:grouphug: Try not to get bogged down in mama-guilt, we put too much of that on ourselves already. You would have never intentionally made this mistake and I'm sure your son will realize that it was an honest mistake on your part. As for the school, well.... they really messed up.

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Yep, and you'd better get used to it. My sons continued to have problems in college, caused by advisors who didn't know what they were talking about. Our youngest son temporarily lost a scholarship because he followed the advice of his advisor. He was able to appeal and get the scholarship back. But there have been numerous other problems too, caused by ignorance of those whom they have to trust to navigate the college waters.


In my senior year, last semester, when I was taking graduate level accounting and finance classes, I had to go back and take an entry level math class that my earlier advisor told me I could bypass. I almost didn't graduate on schedule due to that bad advice! You are right, Janet, in addition to good academics, we have to train our kids to advocate for themselves, ignorance is rampant!

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My son who plays baseball wanted to transfer to another high school where he played summer ball, but he did not because he would have to sit out for an entire year. The coaches were not aloud to invite him to the school or talk to him about anything other than the summer team . The rules are next to impossible to get around.


The point about advising is well made. In order to participate in college level sports, a student becomes eligible by signing up with the NCAA their junior year in high school. My son's s school councilor is unaware of this. Classes must also meet NCAA standards too. The school councilor doesn't know this either unless I tell him. I feel like I am always the advocate for my kid because others are either overwhelmed or uninformed.

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In order to participate in college level sports, a student becomes eligible by signing up with the NCAA their junior year in high school. My son's s school councilor is unaware of this. Classes must also meet NCAA standards too.


FYI, you can sign up & clear NCAA later, but if your dc is one that might be recruited you'll want to be sure & do this Jr. yr. Dd#1 didn't start running until her Sr. year & then decided to continue into college. We did get her cleared in time for ccountry season, but it does take about a month. The making sure the correct boxes are checked for the academics can be a pain, but you can include hs level classes taken in 8th if you need it. Oh and CLEPs don't count for NCAA.

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FYI, you can sign up & clear NCAA later, but if your dc is one that might be recruited you'll want to be sure & do this Jr. yr. Dd#1 didn't start running until her Sr. year & then decided to continue into college. We did get her cleared in time for ccountry season, but it does take about a month. The making sure the correct boxes are checked for the academics can be a pain, but you can include hs level classes taken in 8th if you need it. Oh and CLEPs don't count for NCAA.



What's NCAA? If my dd is going to participate in ps swimming, which is part of the state athletic association, should we know or do anything about the NCAA now in her freshman year? Since dd has not peaked yet (she's a late grower) there is a possibility she could become fast enough to get a scholarship, even though she doesn't appear to be scholarship material yet. (According to the swim coach, some girls peak at 14, dd's age, some around 18-20s--I don't remember what he said, and some women around 30 in swimming.) Even if she doesn't get a swimming scholarship, she may want to swim in college.

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What's NCAA? If my dd is going to participate in ps swimming, which is part of the state athletic association, should we know or do anything about the NCAA now in her freshman year?


Even if she doesn't get a swimming scholarship, she may want to swim in college.


Here's everything & more you ever wanted to know about NCAA (National College Athletic Assoc.) The homeschool info is at the bottom. It's not as scary as it seems, they just want to make sure the student has really been taking hs level, college prep classes.


My dd didn't even have this on the radar until late spring & she started college in the fall w/a fall sport. Just make sure you can call your classes what they want (Eng 1,2,3,4, etc.) I made a different transcript for them since I needed to add 8th grade hs levels to get the social science/history credits covered. She'd done MacroEcon. in cc plus the CLEP for Sociology. They don't accept CLEPs so I needed to add in the US History she took in 8th to get the 2 history/social sciences they required for NCAA. She was totally at the cc her last 3 yrs of "high school" & they had no problem w/that.


You will need to send them a copy of the ACT/SAT, just like a college. You've got plenty of time. Jr yr is as early as you'll need to start. If she's not likely to be recruited, you can do it Sr. yr. There's been lots of conversation on the boards about NCAA, so you can do a search & glean lots of info.

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I've been in constant communication with FHSAA. He is definitely banned for the year. We've not yet heard anything from the school with regard as to who will be paying the fine. I'm not about to call them and open that can of worms, so until they call me, I'm not doing anything with it.


I've called HSLDA and they say there is nothing we can do. The school has acted within their rights and we have no recourse whatsoever.


The school blames the coach for not turning in the paperwork, the coach blames the school, saying that they told her to hold onto the paperwork, and the school blames me for not knowing the laws.


I'm worn from the week, but perhaps tomorrow I can post a bit more detail of just what has transpired. Some of it is quite interesting. Some of it is downright saddening. The saddest part for me is the loss my child has felt. There was great anticipation at the start of each day, knowing that the afternoon held the promise of the beloved activity. For this, I am most grieved.

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The saddest part for me is the loss my child has felt. There was great anticipation at the start of each day, knowing that the afternoon held the promise of the beloved activity. For this, I am most grieved.
I'm so sorry for your son. Whoever is at fault, it's not your son, and yet he's the one who has been hurt. So unfair.
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I've been in constant communication with FHSAA. He is definitely banned for the year. We've not yet heard anything from the school with regard as to who will be paying the fine. I'm not about to call them and open that can of worms, so until they call me, I'm not doing anything with it.


I've called HSLDA and they say there is nothing we can do. The school has acted within their rights and we have no recourse whatsoever.


The school blames the coach for not turning in the paperwork, the coach blames the school, saying that they told her to hold onto the paperwork, and the school blames me for not knowing the laws.


I'm worn from the week, but perhaps tomorrow I can post a bit more detail of just what has transpired. Some of it is quite interesting. Some of it is downright saddening. The saddest part for me is the loss my child has felt. There was great anticipation at the start of each day, knowing that the afternoon held the promise of the beloved activity. For this, I am most grieved.


:grouphug: Thanks for updating us.

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Here's everything & more you ever wanted to know about NCAA (National College Athletic Assoc.) The homeschool info is at the bottom. It's not as scary as it seems, they just want to make sure the student has really been taking hs level, college prep classes.





Thanks. I wonder what happens if you use things they may not have heard of such as a 35 year old textbook or something.

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Thanks. I wonder what happens if you use things they may not have heard of such as a 35 year old textbook or something.


My oldest is away this weekend on his second of 5 official recruiting visits. All of our out-sourcing is NCAA approved, (FLVS) but most of our classes are mom-designed, without textbooks. The folks at the NCAA have been very kind and easy to work with.

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Thanks. I wonder what happens if you use things they may not have heard of such as a 35 year old textbook or something.

My fear of the NCAA is so strong that I plan to use Clonlara as an umbrella school during high school. I am terrified that I will screw something up and ds will be banned from college sports. I plan to outsource a bit, particularly to CC, but my fear is that the few classes that may be more hands-on (apprenticeships) or student research driven would not pass muster.


Here's an interesting thread:

NCAA eligibility -- is it really this easy?


My oldest is away this weekend on his second of 5 official recruiting visits. All of our out-sourcing is NCAA approved, (FLVS) but most of our classes are mom-designed, without textbooks. The folks at the NCAA have been very kind and easy to work with.

Kate, if you would be willing to share more information in a separate thread (for instance a name at NCAA), it would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by Sue in St Pete
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My oldest is away this weekend on his second of 5 official recruiting visits. All of our out-sourcing is NCAA approved, (FLVS) but most of our classes are mom-designed, without textbooks. The folks at the NCAA have been very kind and easy to work with.


So have you already registered with NCAA somehow? How do you get approved first? We're already doing our first semester, but I'd like to be sure to cover our bases here just in case.


My fear of the NCAA is so strong that I plan to use Clonlara as an umbrella school during high school. I am terrified that I will screw something up and ds will be banned from college sports. I plan to outsource a bit, particularly to CC, but my fear is that the few classes that may be more hands-on (apprenticeships) or student research driven would not pass muster.


Here's an interesting thread:

NCAA eligibility -- is it really this easy?




Thanks for this link. I've saved it to a folder and am going to read it once I'm done here:).

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