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Please, please, please help me make a latin decision....


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I am on the hunt for a latin curriculum that I can use this year for a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grader. They are 8, 9, and 11. I like to decide what I am going to use in the long run, so that it all works well together.


I am considering SSL; followed by LFC. The problem is that last yr, my 6th grader and 3rd grader tried to do LFC A independently, working together. They are always in a power struggle and I didn't have time to teach it to them nor did I realize the importance of learning it myself. So, it didn't work very well.


Anyway, my dd hit a wall halfway through the book and did not understand it. I let her quit. My son quit much earlier on. I decided maybe it was too difficult to do independently.


LFC looks like fun, but I don't want to go that route again and have it BOMB! Do you think if I did it with them it would make a huge difference? I already own LFC A and there are so many things I like about the program, but I have to admit that the teaching on the DVD is not all that clear to me...so much so that I was considering doing Prima Latina this year, then LC, FF, etc.


Any ideas or suggestions???


Prima Latina looks so crystal clear in its explanations, but I don't like the fact that everyone is constantly saying how boring it is. I don't want Latin to be a struggle, but something they look forward to. But, some find that PL IS enjoyable, but they do seem to be in the minority.


Is this post clear as mud?????


I truly am so confused. :confused: I have looked at every latin program out there, I think. Not many will cover the full span of my children's ages.


Any thoughts or ideas????


Thanks so much!

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For a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grader, I would use Lively Latin. But you *will* have to teach it.


I think Song School and Prima will be much too young for the oldest, probably too young for the middle, and possibly even for the youngest of those three. Song School is cute and fun for K or first. Prima is fine for k-2nd... But I wouldn't use either one much past that. I would use Lively Latin. And if it takes two years to get through, then that's fine.

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FWIW....we just started PL. I do not know Latin so I wanted something easy. I would have to say it's not the most exciting, but quite frankly, I don't have time for exciting if it means lots of time! I am only doing it with one as he is my oldest at 8. Since I don't know Latin, I'm doing it with him. One day we sit and watch the DVD. The next day we do worksheet one, the next day worksheet 2... that's it! Three days a week I've decided is enough. We may take one more day and review. To me, the program is simple and it teaches Latin. Since Latin is just an "extra" thing, not one of the 3R's I feel that is enough for us.

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Lively Latin! It's been wonderful and the teaching is so clear.


We did Song School Latin when my eldest was 7 and it was pretty much below him but the songs *were* fun. We'd already done Prima Latina when he was 6, however, and this was a filler while I tried to figure out how to proceed. Our younger son was 4 at the time and he learned a bunch without it being a formal program for him -- he just liked listening along.


If you really like the Latina Christiana series I'd start with LC I with those ages. We liked PL just fine but my son *loves* Lively Latin. We learned well with PL but I think it'd be too young/easy for two of your kids, maybe all three. Everything in PL is learned again in LC I so you're safe skipping it.


I will say that we've dropped the history in Lively Latin altogether because it didn't work out with what we were already doing. The actual Latin lessons are clear and have lots of review. We're in Chapter 11, btw, of 16 and still going strong. I expect to use LL 2 next.


Even though we liked Prima Latina I didn't like the looks of LC I. It looked confusing to me as the teacher; I never had Latin in school (or elsewhere!) so I needed something clear.


I was very, very torn between LFC and LL... but in the end I am so glad with the decision we made! It's worked out well and Latin is one of my son's favorite subjects. It's super easy for me to teach and learn alongside him. I'm having a blast with it, to be honest. :)

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We use SSL (3, 5 1/2, and 8) and it works well here, but I think if my youngest was 7 or 8 rather than my oldest, it'd probably be too "young" for them. Ds#1 has had no other exposure to Latin, and he loves singing, so it is something he enjoys. But, unless your older ones really love cute songs, it'd probably not be a great fit.

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I saw Lively Latin and it looks good. My mom (who was teaching the Latin) said it looked good in the presenting department:-) That said, I'd want my 11 year old moving on... at a faster clip... depending on where you want him/her to be. The 8 and 9 year old.... have a bit more time, maybe:-)

My daughter was 8 when she started Latina Christiana I and then 9 with LC II and 10 when she started Henle I...Units 1,2 and part through 3.

My mom isn't teaching them anymore, so I'm having my daughter teach me Henle this year... we'll see how it goes.

I want my kids reading books in Latin... in Highschool... Hope they can chug along..


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It looks like Lively Latin got lots of votes. Do you think it would be too challenging for my 8 yo? I can see it being a great fit for my 9yo and 11 yo.


Thanks so much for your responses by the way. I was all set to order Prima Latina. I'm so glad I didn't. It sounds like it would have been way too young for my 11 yo.


With LL, you can get a CD with the pronunciations, right? One thing I liked about the Memoria Press series, is that you can get it on DVD. I have zero latin background. ;)

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We use SSL (3, 5 1/2, and 8) and it works well here, but I think if my youngest was 7 or 8 rather than my oldest, it'd probably be too "young" for them. Ds#1 has had no other exposure to Latin, and he loves singing, so it is something he enjoys. But, unless your older ones really love cute songs, it'd probably not be a great fit.


I checked into SSL after reading some of these posts- do you need the teacher's guide? It's 23 dollars if you don't purchase the teacher's guide, but 67 with the guide. It is worth the extra money?

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One thing I liked about the Memoria Press series, is that you can get it on DVD. I have zero latin background. ;)


Here's another option, simply because you keep going back to Memoria Press' products. Why not study FFL yourself this year while you begin Prima Latina with your children? Will it really hurt your 11yo to go through an easy program this year and then move into FFL next year after you're familiar with the program?


At least this is my plan...we'll see how effective FFL is at teaching us older students who haven't stepped a foot into a Latin class and are incredibly busy with other responsibilities. :blushing:

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I checked into SSL after reading some of these posts- do you need the teacher's guide? It's 23 dollars if you don't purchase the teacher's guide' date=' but 67 with the guide. It is worth the extra money?[/quote']

I didn't get the teacher's guide; it seemed simple enough that I didn't need the answer key, and we're doing it a wee bit relaxed (mostly learning vocab/songs and doing the Monkey Match cards), so I didn't want any of the extra ideas at this point in time.

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Jane...that was my thought, too. Except that I'll be going through FFL with my 7th grader this year. I won't have time to teach 3 Latin classes next year. (meaning First Form for the 11 yo, Second Form for my 13 yo, and LC for the 8 & 9 yo) So, I need something that will keep the 8, 9, and 11 yo together.


I thought about just trying the PL program and if it is not working, then try LL. It is so difficult to decide about curriculum sometimes because what is described as great with one family is a total flop in another. I guess the only way I will know is if we try it.


My 11 yo ds gets discouraged rather easily, so it could actually be a good thing to feel successful at it. Maybe it would be encouraging!!!!


I'm going to keep praying and asking God for direction. I know that I felt a lot of peace about Memoria Press. It seemed like the Rod & Staff of the Latin world...very orderly and therefore peaceful. He is a God of Order.


I am concerned about LL leaving my 8 yo in the dust. I want her to feel successful as well.


Thank you so much for your thoughts!!!

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