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Hypochondriacs, health worriers, join me . . . .

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What have you found that helps you?


I've been going through a really rough patch. The stress and worry has been keeping me up at night. I KNOW my fears are ridiculous and unfounded, but I CANNOT stop worrying.


About a week ago, I had a swollen lymph gland under my arm. It hurt like CRAZY. It gradually decreased in size and now it's gone. But all that's going through my head is that I just can't find the stupid lump and that it's cancer. See? I KNOW I'm fine. Deep down, I do. I just can't get this stupid adrenaline rush to stop and then the worry won't stop. If it's not a lump, it's something else - brain tumors, tumors in my eyes, etc, etc.


Thing is, I'll go a year or two and be absolutely fine. Not much worrying about my health at all. Then, I'll get bombarded with worry. Could it be hormonal? Dh says he remembers me getting better the last time when my last ds weaned. My dd is 3 and is still nursing.


Anyway, I'll stop rambling. I guess I just need to know there are others out there like me! Tell me your fears/worries. Sometimes it helps just to "talk" with others.

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LOL!!!!!! I could have written your post.


WHEW! I thought I was the only one.


I think my doctor is sick of me, but she is ever-so-patient and brings me back down to earth. A few weeks ago I had jaw pain and was certain it was a heart attack. Stomach pains, etc. I'm a total weirdo about this and I've given up telling my family because I've cried wolf several too many times.


Soooo not an easy thing to live with. Anyhoo, no helpful advice, but just wanted to say you are not alone.....

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Georgiana - I'm SOOOO glad I'm not alone!!! I hear ya' on the heart attack! I swear I've had more heart attacks in the last 10 years than anyone I know! LOL I went to the doctor about it and had an ultrasound of my heart. All was fine. Doesn't stop me from worrying about it!


I have two people I talk to when I get really bad. They seem to understand and help talk me through it.


Have you ever considered medication for the anxiety? I was actually prescribed Paxil, but then I read the side effects and just couldn't do it. How ironic is that?


How's your heart now?


I swear I wish you lived next door to me! We could laugh at ourselves and our medical issues. That helps me anyway.

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I do very much identify with what you're describing though with other, non-health, areas. Have you considered that OCD might be at the root of this worry? It sounds much like my OCD experiences. A lot of OCD is purely mental--maybe figuring something out or reminding yourself that you've already figured it out--or mental with seeking information or reassurance from others. The symptoms do tend to worsen and improve on their own. Just something to consider since OCD is treatable!

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Well, I'm not a health worrier. It's a good thing because we're dealing with a lot of serious health issues here that would probably push me right over the edge. But I do very much identify with what you're describing though with other areas. Have you considered that OCD might be at the root of this worry? It sounds much like my OCD experiences. A lot of OCD is purely mental--maybe figuring something out or reminding yourself that you've already figured it out--or mental with seeking information or reassurance from others. The symptoms do tend to worsen and improve on their own. Just something to consider since OCD is treatable!
:iagree:Try www.tapping.com and also think of going on something that treats anxiety and/or depression. Udo's oil, Fish Oil, Vit. D, Cacao powder...


Visualization therapy from my Naturopath helped me the most. I also do tapping when I can and she says that I do a good job, FWIW. I am not a hypochondriac, but I suffer a lot of anxiety related to housework.

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Thankfully my ticker is fine--EKG was normal and the doc said I have nothing else to indicate that there would be a problem (high cholesterol, etc.) I had the pain for about 3 hours then....nothing else happened.


I wish we were neighbors too! I have an online friend who talks me off the ledge, and I recently found a workout buddy who is a nurse. How perfect is that? She adds some normalcy to my paranoia.


Is Paxil what they normally prescribe? I wasn't sure if there were a formal "treatment." Sorry that didn't work out for you, but maybe when your hormones aren't in flux you will have some peace. The side effect would scare me silly too.


It's really nice to hear that others deal with the same issue.

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Well, I'm not a health worrier. It's a good thing because we're dealing with a lot of serious health issues here that would probably push me right over the edge. But I do very much identify with what you're describing though with other areas. Have you considered that OCD might be at the root of this worry? It sounds much like my OCD experiences. A lot of OCD is purely mental--maybe figuring something out or reminding yourself that you've already figured it out--or mental with seeking information or reassurance from others. The symptoms do tend to worsen and improve on their own. Just something to consider since OCD is treatable!


You know, I do think that so many of these things go hand in hand. I think that some of the hypochondria is an anxiety disorder and it has led to depression at times. I had thought of it being close to OCD. I didn't realize that OCD ebbs and flows. Interesting. I may call my doctor to discuss it with him. I really need to figure this out.


I hope your medical issues resolve soon.

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I do very much identify with what you're describing though with other, non-health, areas. Have you considered that OCD might be at the root of this worry? It sounds much like my OCD experiences. A lot of OCD is purely mental--maybe figuring something out or reminding yourself that you've already figured it out--or mental with seeking information or reassurance from others. The symptoms do tend to worsen and improve on their own. Just something to consider since OCD is treatable!


I think there is some kind of a link. One of the websites I read (might have been the Mayo clinic site) about hypochondria suggests that many people who suffer from it also have signs of OCD (totally me!)

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:iagree:Try www.tapping.com and also think of going on something that treats anxiety and/or depression. Udo's oil, Fish Oil, Vit. D, Cacao powder...


Visualization therapy from my Naturopath helped me the most. I also do tapping when I can and she says that I do a good job, FWIW. I am not a hypochondriac, but I suffer a lot of anxiety related to housework.


I need to research the supplements again. I did it for a while and it seemed to help. But, I was never sure if it wasn't just one of those ebbs and flows I was talking about earlier. But, just doing something about it might help me feel better.


I'm going to research the tapping. Thanks for the link.


Thankfully my ticker is fine--EKG was normal and the doc said I have nothing else to indicate that there would be a problem (high cholesterol, etc.) I had the pain for about 3 hours then....nothing else happened.


I wish we were neighbors too! I have an online friend who talks me off the ledge, and I recently found a workout buddy who is a nurse. How perfect is that? She adds some normalcy to my paranoia.


Is Paxil what they normally prescribe? I wasn't sure if there were a formal "treatment." Sorry that didn't work out for you, but maybe when your hormones aren't in flux you will have some peace. The side effect would scare me silly too.


It's really nice to hear that others deal with the same issue.


I don't know if Paxil is what they normally prescribe now. It was years and years ago.


Glad your ticker is still, well . . . ticking!!!

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First I find out you are in the disboards like I am, and now I find out you are a hypochondriac like I am LOL!


I am SUCH a worrier about my health. And it puts a lot of unnecessary stress in my life. I'm always worried about cancer, my heart, a brain tumor, etc. I wish that I was not like this. I pray about it often but it is something that I just cannot seem to let go of.


I'm currently going through some things where I just feel bad all the time. I'm achy, I'm dizzy at times....I've had these symptoms before and went to the doctor, but they found nothing. So now they are back and I may end up going to the doctor sometime this week and ask them to check my blood. But it is driving me crazy with worry. I often wonder if it is my thyroid, or hormonal (I'm still nursing my two year old) because my periods have been different/strange.


But....you are not alone in your stress! I have to live with it as well and haven't really found anything to do about it. I'm not at the point where I'm willing to go on meds or anything. I'm too hesitant of drugs.

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I recently read an article that gave me some comfort when I was dealing with an odd symptom ~ it was really and truly odd. The two things it said that were helpful were (1) we shouldn't expect to be symptom-free all of the time, and that (2) benign symptoms usually go away on their own (though it may be a long process), while things that are a real concern typically get worse over time.

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Oh, I forgot a really good one at health food stores... Bach flower.


I had that when I researched before. Thanks for the reminder.


First I find out you are in the disboards like I am, and now I find out you are a hypochondriac like I am LOL!


I am SUCH a worrier about my health. And it puts a lot of unnecessary stress in my life. I'm always worried about cancer, my heart, a brain tumor, etc. I wish that I was not like this. I pray about it often but it is something that I just cannot seem to let go of.


I'm currently going through some things where I just feel bad all the time. I'm achy, I'm dizzy at times....I've had these symptoms before and went to the doctor, but they found nothing. So now they are back and I may end up going to the doctor sometime this week and ask them to check my blood. But it is driving me crazy with worry. I often wonder if it is my thyroid, or hormonal (I'm still nursing my two year old) because my periods have been different/strange.


But....you are not alone in your stress! I have to live with it as well and haven't really found anything to do about it. I'm not at the point where I'm willing to go on meds or anything. I'm too hesitant of drugs.


Hey!!! While I'm sorry that you're a member of our exclusive club of hypochondriacs, it's nice to know that we share another interest!!


I pray that your symptoms are nothing! I bet they are - sounds hormonal. But, I bet having those blood test results would help ease your mind. That reminds me - I need to have my annual blood draw this month. I hate that! I stress about it, but I'm always relieved to have it done.


So, a happier topic - when's your next trip?? Have you considered a Disney cruise? We're waiting for the Alaska cruises to open and we'll put down a deposit.


I recently read an article that gave me some comfort when I was dealing with an odd symptom ~ it was really and truly odd. The two things it said that were helpful were (1) we shouldn't expect to be symptom-free all of the time, and that (2) benign symptoms usually go away on their own (though it may be a long process), while things that are a real concern typically get worse over time.


This does help!!! Especially the part about not expecting to be symptom-free all the time. Thank you!!!

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I'm taking Zoloft right now for anxiety/depression/etc. I haven't had any obsessive health worries since I started it. BUT, I KNEW that I wouldn't take the meds if I read the side effects and such, so I did NOT let myself read about ANY of it. I figured if I experienced something that was obviously a side effect, and that I couldn't handle it or it was ER worthy then I'd just see my Dr. or go to the ER. I haven't had any, except sleepiness.

I had asked for medication before, but read the print out they gave me and couldn't bring myself to take it.

I've had anxiety about taking meds for years, but my anxiety in general just kept getting worse and I finally just KNEW it was time to do something if I EVER wanted to get better. It is working great for me so far.

I haven't had any OCD thoughts like I did before (though I did't mention OCD to my Dr., just anxiety attacks and depression).

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I'm a worrier. I worry most about my kids. I worry about the current state of our country. I worry about health. I worry about what other people think of me.


But it's not debilitating, and it is mostly internal. I am probably mildly OCD. I live with it and laugh at myself, until something *really* happens. Then I have an anxiety attack. That's when I have to take refuge in prayer and thankfulness, which always eases me.

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You KNOW I feel ya! :(


I wish I could give you lots of help, but I am going through one right now (with my younger son being sick with possible swine flu and my older son having an immune system of steel). I am struggling today with the same "up at night" fears. :(


Lymph nodes that are cancer typically do not go away. Are you certain it was a lymph? I have a friend who recently found a lump under her arm, went to the dr thinking it was a lymph node, and it turned out to be an ingrown hair that had gotten infected under the skin.


*hugs* to you right now. You know I totally understand!

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I have had two sets of day-long testing on my heart and both times, they came back irregular, but they could find nothing wrong. I am sometimes freaked out that I will just drop dead because my heart stopped beating, and it will be some wierd disease the doctors didn't know to check for. I am on heart medication because I have irregular heart beats when I exercise, so I worry then, too.


I've also had a breast cancer scare (at age 23, I had a lumpectomy.) With three aunts, a cousin, and a grandmother who had it, I still think about it.


The only thing that gets me by is just thinking that the worst that can happen is that I die and end up with my Father. I know that my worry will not change one single thing, that it is all according to His plan, and I might as well relax. That is easier said than done some days... :001_smile:


Honestly, if it affects your quality of life that much, and you think it could be hormonal, I would wean the 3 yo. A peaceful mom is an important thing to a child. :001_smile:

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What have you found that helps you?


I've been going through a really rough patch. The stress and worry has been keeping me up at night. I KNOW my fears are ridiculous and unfounded, but I CANNOT stop worrying.


About a week ago, I had a swollen lymph gland under my arm. It hurt like CRAZY. It gradually decreased in size and now it's gone. But all that's going through my head is that I just can't find the stupid lump and that it's cancer. See? I KNOW I'm fine. Deep down, I do. I just can't get this stupid adrenaline rush to stop and then the worry won't stop. If it's not a lump, it's something else - brain tumors, tumors in my eyes, etc, etc.


Thing is, I'll go a year or two and be absolutely fine. Not much worrying about my health at all. Then, I'll get bombarded with worry. Could it be hormonal? Dh says he remembers me getting better the last time when my last ds weaned. My dd is 3 and is still nursing.


Anyway, I'll stop rambling. I guess I just need to know there are others out there like me! Tell me your fears/worries. Sometimes it helps just to "talk" with others.


Dr. Freud says this is because you shop too much at CVS, Walgreen's and Rite-Aid. (Just kidding!)


Lymph nodes tend to get worse the more you feel them. Afterall, you're irritating the poor little guys.


Have you tried meditation? My favorite tape is the one made by Andrew Weil and Steven Gurgevich. Some people don't like Gurgevich's voice, but his suggestions are good. Sessions run from about 12" to 24" or so. I find it very helpful.


Chocolate is always good, too. Oh, and laughter, too! Dh, ds and I are watching all of the Frasier episodes (DVD) to get our daily laughs.

Edited by MBM
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I think hormones could have a lot to do with it. I'm like you, and it gets much worse right before that time of the month. Sometimes I don't even remember what tom it is until I start obsessing about somethin like a hangnail and after 3 lost nights of sleep it finally occurs to me.


Unfortunately for me, recognizing the problem doesn't make it go away. If only it were that easy!

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I'm currently going through some things where I just feel bad all the time. I'm achy, I'm dizzy at times....I've had these symptoms before and went to the doctor, but they found nothing. So now they are back and I may end up going to the doctor sometime this week and ask them to check my blood. But it is driving me crazy with worry. I often wonder if it is my thyroid, or hormonal (I'm still nursing my two year old) because my periods have been different/strange.


From someone who has suffered with this for the last 20 years, please believe me when I tell you that these symptoms could ALL be from anxiety. When my anxiety kicks, I clinch my jaw in my sleep. I don't even realize I am doing it until I wake up with my TMJ killing me. Then I notice a "band" of pain around my head. If it gets bad enough, it affects my ears, my temples and I have constant headaches, earaches, and dizzyness. Then, I convince myself that I am dying. Recently I went off of Lexapro, and this series of events played out. I spent 2 months going to the doctor - I had a thyroid ultrasound, bloodwork, you name it. The diagnosis...anxiety. Once I accepted that and owned it, the symptoms went 100% away. Insane, I know. I wouldn't wish OCD/hypochondriasis on my worst enemy.

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Since we all here like message boards, I would like to recommend this place http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php?board=6.0 for anyone suffering from hypochondria. It has really helped me, if nothing else, to see the pattern in others and analyze it in myself. It also helps to talk to people who TOTALLY understand and "get it" and to know you aren't alone. Before I found that board and became very open and honest about my condition, I thought I was the only person in the world who suffered like this.


Here is my story...as posted on that board. :


I am going to try and keep it brief, because I am sure it is not much different from others.

I remember my first HA episode at the age of 5 when I was in Kindergarten and my mom had to be called to the school because I was hysterical over a bump on my finger. I was consumed with death and dying even as a kid and I was terrified that my grandparents would die or my mom would die. Thus, when my grandfather (Pappy) went into the hospital, stayed for 9 long months, and died, I went over a proverbial edge. The rest is really history. I mean, when I was a teen, I worried about E-bola (yes, I said E-bola), flesh eating bacteria, HIV, skin cancer, and just death in general. I thought I would never live to finish college or have kids.

I did. My kids are 5 and 9 and I have a BA in English.

Through the years after my first son was born, I didn't have HA as bad as at other times in my life. I think it was all the fighting I did with my ex husband. I was also working full time and doing a full time project on the side (I am a writer). I worried mostly about my son and what would happen to him. If he got a bump or something, I would run him to the doctor. When he was 4 and his brother was born (divorced, remarried), he got a case of the flu that scared me to death. We could have lost him. I have never seen a child so sick and do not care to see anything like that ever again.

When my youngest was born, I worried about SIDS to the point of not being about to enjoy my baby. Then I started having bladder issues and I worried I had bladder cancer, ovarian cancer, MS, and finally, it culminated in a 3 year fear about a brain tumor that I never would have an MRI for.

After the brain tumor fears vanished (3 years, still no real symptoms, and wasn't dead yet), I moved on to a rabies scare. After that, I had peace for about a year...and then started having some abnormal bleeding between cycles. One doc scared me to death and another doc didn't think I had an issue at all. Finally did a biopsy and it was benign. WHEW - 3 weeks of peace.

Then, I rolled over in bed one morning (about a month ago) the week before my AF was to start and had a pain in my breast. My mind clicked onto "Inflammatory Breast Cancer" and I have spent the better part of the last month obsessively checking my breasts for skin changes, etc. It has been misery. Once I had a mark from scratching and went into hysterics. Another time, I had a small bump that went away in 12 hours or so...freaked out. Even though it hasn't lasted 3 years and is starting to subside with my lexapro and ativan and with no real changes to my breasts and the pain going away, this has been the worst I have ever suffered with HA. The irrationality of it all has just been astounding this time. At one point, I was even worried that it "switched breasts."

Has my space ship landed in the front yard yet? (sorry, I posted about this and many of you didn't get to read it. It is something my husband likened my fears to...he said it would be like him calling me everyday and saying, "OMG is my spaceship in the front yard yet??? WHY??? SHOULD I CALL THE ALIENS AND ASK THEM WHERE IT IS??? OMG OMG OMG!!" He was being a jerk at the time, but it really is true. sad.gif)

So, this is me.


This post was written in November of 2008. Since then, I did overcome the inflammator breast cancer fear. That is when I started taking the Lexapro. I had a pretty great 6-7 months on it and then came off of it due to excessive side effects. It was a rough trip coming off this time...and it has been rocky getting back to what is "normal" for me. I feel like I am on the other side though, for now. Well, okay, if this swine flu thing would go away, I would feel MUCh better. LOL

Edited by Tree House Academy
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Georgiana - I'm SOOOO glad I'm not alone!!! I hear ya' on the heart attack! I swear I've had more heart attacks in the last 10 years than anyone I know! LOL I went to the doctor about it and had an ultrasound of my heart. All was fine. Doesn't stop me from worrying about it!


I have two people I talk to when I get really bad. They seem to understand and help talk me through it.


Have you ever considered medication for the anxiety? I was actually prescribed Paxil, but then I read the side effects and just couldn't do it. How ironic is that?


How's your heart now?


I swear I wish you lived next door to me! We could laugh at ourselves and our medical issues. That helps me anyway.


I highly recommend some natural things for anxiety. I am taking L-tryptophan (amino acid), pyridoxal-5-phosphate (B6 vitamin), 3x a day--apparently this combo naturally stimulates serotonin production. Do you have an integrative meds dr. in your area you could see? They can help you with that kind of stuff. Also, particularly if you are hormonal, you could investigate whether natural progesterone cream would be helpful to you. It is called the "happy hormone."

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I'm taking Zoloft right now for anxiety/depression/etc. I haven't had any obsessive health worries since I started it. BUT, I KNEW that I wouldn't take the meds if I read the side effects and such, so I did NOT let myself read about ANY of it. I figured if I experienced something that was obviously a side effect, and that I couldn't handle it or it was ER worthy then I'd just see my Dr. or go to the ER. I haven't had any, except sleepiness.

I had asked for medication before, but read the print out they gave me and couldn't bring myself to take it.

I've had anxiety about taking meds for years, but my anxiety in general just kept getting worse and I finally just KNEW it was time to do something if I EVER wanted to get better. It is working great for me so far.

I haven't had any OCD thoughts like I did before (though I did't mention OCD to my Dr., just anxiety attacks and depression).


This is ME with the meds. I do need to just give it up and take the stupid stuff. So, the Zoloft is helping? I hate the idea of living on meds for the rest of my life.


I'm a worrier. I worry most about my kids. I worry about the current state of our country. I worry about health. I worry about what other people think of me.


But it's not debilitating, and it is mostly internal. I am probably mildly OCD. I live with it and laugh at myself, until something *really* happens. Then I have an anxiety attack. That's when I have to take refuge in prayer and thankfulness, which always eases me.


Oh yea - I worry about the kids too. Funny thing is that I'm able to CHOOSE not to worry about other things. I wish I could turn off the worry on health related issues too. Laughter is definately helpful!!


Anxiety attacks are the absolute WORST. I hate that feeling - fight or flight and the adrenaline. It's AWFUL.


You KNOW I feel ya! :(


I wish I could give you lots of help, but I am going through one right now (with my younger son being sick with possible swine flu and my older son having an immune system of steel). I am struggling today with the same "up at night" fears. :(


Lymph nodes that are cancer typically do not go away. Are you certain it was a lymph? I have a friend who recently found a lump under her arm, went to the dr thinking it was a lymph node, and it turned out to be an ingrown hair that had gotten infected under the skin.


*hugs* to you right now. You know I totally understand!


I KNEW you'd respond! I'm so sorry about your ds. Is he any better today? See, this is one of those things I can choose not to worry about - until one of my kids is sick. Then, I'd be a nervous wreck and up all night. The majority of people are recovering from swine flu. Numbers always help me! I try to focus on the 98% of people who have it and get over it without needing a doctor's visit instead of the 2% of people who need medical attention (I'm pulling those numbers out of thin air!!).


Right now, I've got a weird worry in my dd. Last night after I stopped worrying so much about myself, I started obsessing about dd's eye. Her eye started swelling two nights ago. I thought it was a mosquito bite, but her eye is HUGE now!!


No, I'm not certain it way a lymph node. It just hurt SO much and I was fighting a sore throat, so I assumed that's what it was. But, I am prone to ingrown hairs too. I do comfort myself with the fact that cancer wouldn't decrease in size. That definately helps!!


I have had two sets of day-long testing on my heart and both times, they came back irregular, but they could find nothing wrong. I am sometimes freaked out that I will just drop dead because my heart stopped beating, and it will be some wierd disease the doctors didn't know to check for. I am on heart medication because I have irregular heart beats when I exercise, so I worry then, too.


I've also had a breast cancer scare (at age 23, I had a lumpectomy.) With three aunts, a cousin, and a grandmother who had it, I still think about it.


The only thing that gets me by is just thinking that the worst that can happen is that I die and end up with my Father. I know that my worry will not change one single thing, that it is all according to His plan, and I might as well relax. That is easier said than done some days... :001_smile:


Honestly, if it affects your quality of life that much, and you think it could be hormonal, I would wean the 3 yo. A peaceful mom is an important thing to a child. :001_smile:


I'm so sorry about your heart issues. I can see the worry there. Does knowing the testing was all normal help you at all? I would try to find comfort in that. Oh - and I had a breast cancer scare at 23 too. It was just a lump and I had a needle biopsy. Weird thing was, I wasn't that scared at that time. I think having kids has made me SO scared to die.


I do pray about this constantly. I know worrying won't change anything and that everything is done according to His plan. But, sometimes His plan allows a young mother to die. THAT scares me!!


I'm considering weaning the 3 yo. But, then I'll get better and have a few good weeks and not do it. We'll see . . .

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Dr. Freud says this is because you shop too much at CVS, Walgreen's and Rite-Aid. (Just kidding!)


Lymph nodes tend to get worse the more you feel them. Afterall, you're irritating the poor little guys.


Have you tried meditation? My favorite tape is the one made by Andrew Weil and Steven Gurgevich. Some people don't like Gurgevich's voice, but his suggestions are good. Sessions run from about 12" to 24" or so. I find it very helpful.


Chocolate is always good, too. Oh, and laughter, too! Dh, ds and I are watching all of the Frasier episodes (DVD) to get our daily laughs.


:lol::lol::lol: So, if I stop my bargain shopping all will be well - right?? LOL Then, I'll just worry about money. I think I'd rather worry about money - so you may be on to something here!!


I'll look up Weil and Gurgevich. Thanks for the recommendations. We LOVE Frasier too.


I think hormones could have a lot to do with it. I'm like you, and it gets much worse right before that time of the month. Sometimes I don't even remember what tom it is until I start obsessing about somethin like a hangnail and after 3 lost nights of sleep it finally occurs to me.


Unfortunately for me, recognizing the problem doesn't make it go away. If only it were that easy!


Interesting. I JUST got my period. That helps! :grouphug::grouphug:


From someone who has suffered with this for the last 20 years, please believe me when I tell you that these symptoms could ALL be from anxiety. When my anxiety kicks, I clinch my jaw in my sleep. I don't even realize I am doing it until I wake up with my TMJ killing me. Then I notice a "band" of pain around my head. If it gets bad enough, it affects my ears, my temples and I have constant headaches, earaches, and dizzyness. Then, I convince myself that I am dying. Recently I went off of Lexapro, and this series of events played out. I spent 2 months going to the doctor - I had a thyroid ultrasound, bloodwork, you name it. The diagnosis...anxiety. Once I accepted that and owned it, the symptoms went 100% away. Insane, I know. I wouldn't wish OCD/hypochondriasis on my worst enemy.


Oh yeah!!! I get terrible jaw pain when I'm going through a rough patch. Isn't that feeling of relief when you finally accept the diagnosis of a doctor the most wonderful feeling in the world!?


Since we all here like message boards, I would like to recommend this place http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php?board=6.0 for anyone suffering from hypochondria. It has really helped me, if nothing else, to see the pattern in others and analyze it in myself. It also helps to talk to people who TOTALLY understand and "get it" and to know you aren't alone. Before I found that board and became very open and honest about my condition, I thought I was the only person in the world who suffered like this.


Here is my story...as posted on that board. :


I am going to try and keep it brief, because I am sure it is not much different from others.


I remember my first HA episode at the age of 5 when I was in Kindergarten and my mom had to be called to the school because I was hysterical over a bump on my finger. I was consumed with death and dying even as a kid and I was terrified that my grandparents would die or my mom would die. Thus, when my grandfather (Pappy) went into the hospital, stayed for 9 long months, and died, I went over a proverbial edge. The rest is really history. I mean, when I was a teen, I worried about E-bola (yes, I said E-bola), flesh eating bacteria, HIV, skin cancer, and just death in general. I thought I would never live to finish college or have kids.


I did. My kids are 5 and 9 and I have a BA in English.


Through the years after my first son was born, I didn't have HA as bad as at other times in my life. I think it was all the fighting I did with my ex husband. I was also working full time and doing a full time project on the side (I am a writer). I worried mostly about my son and what would happen to him. If he got a bump or something, I would run him to the doctor. When he was 4 and his brother was born (divorced, remarried), he got a case of the flu that scared me to death. We could have lost him. I have never seen a child so sick and do not care to see anything like that ever again.


When my youngest was born, I worried about SIDS to the point of not being about to enjoy my baby. Then I started having bladder issues and I worried I had bladder cancer, ovarian cancer, MS, and finally, it culminated in a 3 year fear about a brain tumor that I never would have an MRI for.


After the brain tumor fears vanished (3 years, still no real symptoms, and wasn't dead yet), I moved on to a rabies scare. After that, I had peace for about a year...and then started having some abnormal bleeding between cycles. One doc scared me to death and another doc didn't think I had an issue at all. Finally did a biopsy and it was benign. WHEW - 3 weeks of peace.


Then, I rolled over in bed one morning (about a month ago) the week before my AF was to start and had a pain in my breast. My mind clicked onto "Inflammatory Breast Cancer" and I have spent the better part of the last month obsessively checking my breasts for skin changes, etc. It has been misery. Once I had a mark from scratching and went into hysterics. Another time, I had a small bump that went away in 12 hours or so...freaked out. Even though it hasn't lasted 3 years and is starting to subside with my lexapro and ativan and with no real changes to my breasts and the pain going away, this has been the worst I have ever suffered with HA. The irrationality of it all has just been astounding this time. At one point, I was even worried that it "switched breasts."


Has my space ship landed in the front yard yet? (sorry, I posted about this and many of you didn't get to read it. It is something my husband likened my fears to...he said it would be like him calling me everyday and saying, "OMG is my spaceship in the front yard yet??? WHY??? SHOULD I CALL THE ALIENS AND ASK THEM WHERE IT IS??? OMG OMG OMG!!" He was being a jerk at the time, but it really is true. sad.gif)


So, this is me.


I'm so glad you posted this!!!!! It sounds so much like me. I remember reading a book around the age of 7 about a girl with diabetes. I swore I had it. I was SO freaked out. I didn't really understand the symptoms at all, but I knew I had it. My parents gave me a book to read about death. In that book I read that some people feel like they're floating off the bed and they can see themselves in the bed. So, I started having that feeling. I actually made my mom sleep with me with her arm over me so I wouldn't float away!


At my pre-college physical, the doctor heard a murmur. He made an emergency appointment at the cardiologist. I read that as "she's not going to make it, so let's see her ASAP". Ugh. All was fine. I had a followup appointment at 22 and all was fine then. But, I've always been convinced that my heart is weak.


Mine really got bad after I had kids. My kids have had everything from leukemia to that disease where you age prematurely. I've had everything in that range too. I worried about HIV. I've worried about tetnaus. I've had brain tumors. Heart attacks. I fight salivary gland stones occasionally. They get infected about once every four years. I had an xray of it and it showed no cancer, but I still worry about it!!


I usually am able to convince myself that I'm being silly before I actually go to the doctor. So, I haven't had too many tests done. I do go in for my annual checkups each year and that actually usually helps. (Well, except for a midwife who scared the you-know-what out of me last year. Come to find out it was a TINY cyst on my ovary. Nothing to worry about - but she certainly made it sound like it was scary!!)


Anyway, you SO are not alone. Thank you for sharing your story! I'm going to go over to those boards today!

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I highly recommend some natural things for anxiety. I am taking L-tryptophan (amino acid), pyridoxal-5-phosphate (B6 vitamin), 3x a day--apparently this combo naturally stimulates serotonin production. Do you have an integrative meds dr. in your area you could see? They can help you with that kind of stuff. Also, particularly if you are hormonal, you could investigate whether natural progesterone cream would be helpful to you. It is called the "happy hormone."



FYI...I take these IN PLACE of meds. I really recommend starting something natural first...if they don't do the trick, then meds might be the answer.

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I highly recommend some natural things for anxiety. I am taking L-tryptophan (amino acid), pyridoxal-5-phosphate (B6 vitamin), 3x a day--apparently this combo naturally stimulates serotonin production. Do you have an integrative meds dr. in your area you could see? They can help you with that kind of stuff. Also, particularly if you are hormonal, you could investigate whether natural progesterone cream would be helpful to you. It is called the "happy hormone."


THANK YOU!! I'm doing research tonight and I'll definately look into all of these. My DO is wonderful and knows a lot about alternative meds. I'll ask him at my annual appointment too.


FYI...I take these IN PLACE of meds. I really recommend starting something natural first...if they don't do the trick, then meds might be the answer.




Question for my fellow hypos: do you have a litmus test for going to the doctor? Recently I've started telling myself that if my symptoms last more than 48 hours I'll make an appointment.


For me, I usually wait a week or so depending on the severity of the symptoms. So many times I've heard that we're to trust our instinct. Ummm . . . I have no instinct. I'd live at the hospital if that were true!! I'd be interested to know others' litmus test though.


Today, though, I was SO happy when we accidentally ran into my eye doctor when picking up glasses for my 11 yo ds. My 3 yo dd has a VERY swollen eye. She looks like she's been punched in the face! It started yesterday. I felt a little silly considering a doctor visit as she's in NO pain and it isn't interfering with her vision. But, when we saw him he, of course, noticed her eye. He said that it looked like a spider bite! Ack!!! I was relieved though!! There was now a reason her eye looked so bad!!


Too true! Sheesh, remember when all we had to worry about was West Nile?


There's always something....


Ugh. West Nile. That was the start of my brother's problems!!! I won't get into it, but for him, it was nearly deadly and he's not a hypochondriac!!!

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I'm this way too. Don't let me research the other symptoms of what I "might" have...they all start popping up instantly.


I'm especially bad the second I think I might be late. Nursing for 8yrs I have always been erratic, but I could be three weeks late and not realize it...the split second I do I have a flood of morning sickness come over me that doesn't let up until I see a negative pregnancy test. :001_huh:

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Too true! Sheesh, remember when all we had to worry about was West Nile?


There's always something....


Boy, ain't that the truth! I mean, if swine flu went away (which I really think my kids have right now), then I am sure I could find something to worry about. My list is extensive...rabies, HIV, cancer of any and all kinds, ALS (if you don't know what it is, please don't google it! LOL), heart attacks, brain aneurysms, blood clots..........

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Thanks for this thread, Jennifer in MI. I am struggling with anxiety and depression myself...I just keep wondering at what point I need to seek professional help. For some reason, it has helped me to read that others have issues with this, too.


My anxiety is worse at night...it seems when I'm trying to fall asleep that all I can think about are these terrible things--extreme cases of swine flu, the young mom in my church who died very quickly from cancer, the two year old who was hit by a car. My dh takes frequent roadtrips for work and all I can think of on those days is the cops coming to my door to tell me that he died. And yeah, I have a lump in my neck that I went to the doctor about--had blood work done to make sure it wasn't cancer.


It seems to be worse around that time of the month...so maybe it's hormonal. I keep thinking that if I take better care of myself--eating healthy, exercising often, reading my scriptures, having some alone time periodically--that things might feel better. Life just gets in the way and I can't seem to keep myself to these ideals with any regularity...so I think I shouldn't go on meds until I've at least tried it consistently. I don't know, maybe it wouldn't help anyway.


One thing that I do, however, is try to figure out a plan of what I would do in certain situations. Instead of mulling over the cop coming to my door with news of my dh's death, and imagining how I'd fall completely apart, I think through what I would do if he passed away--kind of like making a mental plan. That doesn't take the fear out of me, but it helps to transfer my energy to creating a plan just in case. Or if we did all get swine flu, come up with a plan of how we'd treat it & spend our time. Or if we had to evacuate due to a natural disaster, what would I take. Just thinking about it in a way that I can actually do something to prepare helps me through the anxiety. Or if my thoughts are starting to get me carried away, sometimes I make myself get up & do some job that needs to get done...and pretty soon I'm distracted & life is okay again.


And then, I try, try, try to remember this: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." This verse in Proverbs helps me so much! Often I just have to repeat it and pray to let go of my concerns and ask for help in trusting Him. Singing hymns helps me, too. It seems when I feel closer to the Lord, I have more peace in my heart.

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Since we all here like message boards, I would like to recommend this place http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php?board=6.0 for anyone suffering from hypochondria. It has really helped me, if nothing else, to see the pattern in others and analyze it in myself. It also helps to talk to people who TOTALLY understand and "get it" and to know you aren't alone. Before I found that board and became very open and honest about my condition, I thought I was the only person in the world who suffered like this.


Here is my story...as posted on that board. :


I am going to try and keep it brief, because I am sure it is not much different from others.


I remember my first HA episode at the age of 5 when I was in Kindergarten and my mom had to be called to the school because I was hysterical over a bump on my finger. I was consumed with death and dying even as a kid and I was terrified that my grandparents would die or my mom would die. Thus, when my grandfather (Pappy) went into the hospital, stayed for 9 long months, and died, I went over a proverbial edge. The rest is really history. I mean, when I was a teen, I worried about E-bola (yes, I said E-bola), flesh eating bacteria, HIV, skin cancer, and just death in general. I thought I would never live to finish college or have kids.


I did. My kids are 5 and 9 and I have a BA in English.


Through the years after my first son was born, I didn't have HA as bad as at other times in my life. I think it was all the fighting I did with my ex husband. I was also working full time and doing a full time project on the side (I am a writer). I worried mostly about my son and what would happen to him. If he got a bump or something, I would run him to the doctor. When he was 4 and his brother was born (divorced, remarried), he got a case of the flu that scared me to death. We could have lost him. I have never seen a child so sick and do not care to see anything like that ever again.


When my youngest was born, I worried about SIDS to the point of not being about to enjoy my baby. Then I started having bladder issues and I worried I had bladder cancer, ovarian cancer, MS, and finally, it culminated in a 3 year fear about a brain tumor that I never would have an MRI for.


After the brain tumor fears vanished (3 years, still no real symptoms, and wasn't dead yet), I moved on to a rabies scare. After that, I had peace for about a year...and then started having some abnormal bleeding between cycles. One doc scared me to death and another doc didn't think I had an issue at all. Finally did a biopsy and it was benign. WHEW - 3 weeks of peace.


Then, I rolled over in bed one morning (about a month ago) the week before my AF was to start and had a pain in my breast. My mind clicked onto "Inflammatory Breast Cancer" and I have spent the better part of the last month obsessively checking my breasts for skin changes, etc. It has been misery. Once I had a mark from scratching and went into hysterics. Another time, I had a small bump that went away in 12 hours or so...freaked out. Even though it hasn't lasted 3 years and is starting to subside with my lexapro and ativan and with no real changes to my breasts and the pain going away, this has been the worst I have ever suffered with HA. The irrationality of it all has just been astounding this time. At one point, I was even worried that it "switched breasts."


Has my space ship landed in the front yard yet? (sorry, I posted about this and many of you didn't get to read it. It is something my husband likened my fears to...he said it would be like him calling me everyday and saying, "OMG is my spaceship in the front yard yet??? WHY??? SHOULD I CALL THE ALIENS AND ASK THEM WHERE IT IS??? OMG OMG OMG!!" He was being a jerk at the time, but it really is true. sad.gif)


So, this is me.


This post was written in November of 2008. Since then, I did overcome the inflammator breast cancer fear. That is when I started taking the Lexapro. I had a pretty great 6-7 months on it and then came off of it due to excessive side effects. It was a rough trip coming off this time...and it has been rocky getting back to what is "normal" for me. I feel like I am on the other side though, for now. Well, okay, if this swine flu thing would go away, I would feel MUCh better. LOL



OMG!!! I could have written this post!! It is just SO weird how your post is EXACTLY how I feel.


I have debilitating fear and worry. And it is all over health concerns. Right now, I am going in for a mammogram tomorrow, and I am petrified of the results. I have a GYN appt on Monday because I started spotting before my period as of last month, and I am convinced I have cancer, or I am going to have a tumor in my breast. Or they are going to have to do surgery.


It is terrible to live like this. One thing, and I fly off the handle. A change in a mole, I have skin cancer, or dizziness I have a brain tumor.


So I know how you feel.


I am on Buspar, and Wellbutrin. Buspar takes the edge off the anxiety, but not much.


I wish there was a way I could feel better.


I am paralyzed with fear over this mammo and my gyn appt.

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I'm this way too. Don't let me research the other symptoms of what I "might" have...they all start popping up instantly.


I'm especially bad the second I think I might be late. Nursing for 8yrs I have always been erratic, but I could be three weeks late and not realize it...the split second I do I have a flood of morning sickness come over me that doesn't let up until I see a negative pregnancy test. :001_huh:


I know what you mean about new symptoms popping up! If I watch one of those medical shows, I immediatelly get the symptoms. Or, if I hear of someone who has something, I get it! We've recently had a number of parishoners at our church diagnosed/died of different cancers. I've had EVERY blasted symptom. Ugh.


Boy, ain't that the truth! I mean, if swine flu went away (which I really think my kids have right now), then I am sure I could find something to worry about. My list is extensive...rabies, HIV, cancer of any and all kinds, ALS (if you don't know what it is, please don't google it! LOL), heart attacks, brain aneurysms, blood clots..........


Yup. And, I do know what ALS is, unfortunately. We have a friend whose daughter has it. It's awful. A woman in our church died suddenly of a blood clot. Guess who now has the sypmtoms? I really hate this.


Thanks for this thread, Jennifer in MI. I am struggling with anxiety and depression myself...I just keep wondering at what point I need to seek professional help. For some reason, it has helped me to read that others have issues with this, too.


My anxiety is worse at night...it seems when I'm trying to fall asleep that all I can think about are these terrible things--extreme cases of swine flu, the young mom in my church who died very quickly from cancer, the two year old who was hit by a car. My dh takes frequent roadtrips for work and all I can think of on those days is the cops coming to my door to tell me that he died. And yeah, I have a lump in my neck that I went to the doctor about--had blood work done to make sure it wasn't cancer.


It seems to be worse around that time of the month...so maybe it's hormonal. I keep thinking that if I take better care of myself--eating healthy, exercising often, reading my scriptures, having some alone time periodically--that things might feel better. Life just gets in the way and I can't seem to keep myself to these ideals with any regularity...so I think I shouldn't go on meds until I've at least tried it consistently. I don't know, maybe it wouldn't help anyway.


One thing that I do, however, is try to figure out a plan of what I would do in certain situations. Instead of mulling over the cop coming to my door with news of my dh's death, and imagining how I'd fall completely apart, I think through what I would do if he passed away--kind of like making a mental plan. That doesn't take the fear out of me, but it helps to transfer my energy to creating a plan just in case. Or if we did all get swine flu, come up with a plan of how we'd treat it & spend our time. Or if we had to evacuate due to a natural disaster, what would I take. Just thinking about it in a way that I can actually do something to prepare helps me through the anxiety. Or if my thoughts are starting to get me carried away, sometimes I make myself get up & do some job that needs to get done...and pretty soon I'm distracted & life is okay again.


And then, I try, try, try to remember this: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." This verse in Proverbs helps me so much! Often I just have to repeat it and pray to let go of my concerns and ask for help in trusting Him. Singing hymns helps me, too. It seems when I feel closer to the Lord, I have more peace in my heart.


I agree that knowing others have the same struggles helps. If for no other reason, I can see how ridiculous other people sound and I know I sound the same way! It helps me to see how ridiculous I'm being!


Yes - nighttime is the WORST. I usually just stay awake until I can't stay awake any longer. It helps me to keep busy. And, yes, I've made contingency plans for nearly any issue we might have - my death, dh's death, illness in the family, etc.


Thank you for that verse. Prayer definately helps. But, then I start wondering if all of my problems stem from lack of trust in Him. I don't know how to solve that one.


OMG!!! I could have written this post!! It is just SO weird how your post is EXACTLY how I feel.


I have debilitating fear and worry. And it is all over health concerns. Right now, I am going in for a mammogram tomorrow, and I am petrified of the results. I have a GYN appt on Monday because I started spotting before my period as of last month, and I am convinced I have cancer, or I am going to have a tumor in my breast. Or they are going to have to do surgery.


It is terrible to live like this. One thing, and I fly off the handle. A change in a mole, I have skin cancer, or dizziness I have a brain tumor.


So I know how you feel.


I am on Buspar, and Wellbutrin. Buspar takes the edge off the anxiety, but not much.


I wish there was a way I could feel better.


I am paralyzed with fear over this mammo and my gyn appt.


Does it help to know that I started spotting at two different times in my cycle? One was mid-cycle and the other is a few days before my period actually starts. This is new as of about 2 years ago. I was fine!!! But, I did need an u/s to make sure. Now that I've had the u/s and all was clear, I can relax and breathe about it again. Think of how great you'll feel once you get the all-clear!!!


But, yes. I know the fear. The awful feeling of adrenaline rushing through you as it overwhelms you. The sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Etc, etc. I HATE it. HATE it. And, I don't know how to make it better. Talking about it helps. I kinda' wish there were a support group for hypochondriacs.


:grouphug::grouphug: and prayers for your mammo and ob appointment. I'll be thinking of you!!

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Please forgive me if I'm hijacking this topic. . . . .


Have any of you listened to Marcia Somerville's "The Nearness of God is My Good" talk? On it, she talks about her battle with the very things you all seem to be struggling with.


Feel free to ignore if this is of no interest to you. Just throwing it out there.


:grouphug: to all of you who deal with this daily.

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BTDT. Went to the Dr thinking I was dying of breast cancer. Then my whole body started hurting. I was sure it was MS or something. My life was completely disrupted and I found it hard to function. Dr did all sorts of test, but gently suggested depression/anxiety/OCD. Put me on Lexapro. I also started seeing the chiropractor for the pain in my chest/back/arm. I was a new woman in a month. That was Oct of last year. The Dr suggested staying on the meds until summer and then gently weaning myself off of it, which I did. I'm currently taking an herbal supplement, working really hard at seeing the good and wonderful things in my life (and all around me), avoiding the news and stories of hurting people (these affect me very strongly!!), and ignoring every little ache and pain in my body. Now that I know what it feels like to be slipping into that horrible anxiety/depression, I'll never let myself get that far again. If I can't pull myself out of it, I'll march myself straight back to the Dr and go back on meds.

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I thought of one other thing that might be helpful. My doctor said that it is impossible to *not* think about something. You have to replace the thought you don't want with something else. So, have a specific thing you 'change the subject' with when the anxiety starts up, like a verse or song or positive thought you can fill your mind with. For me, it really helps to get a little silly, so I went with the 'I get knocked down, but I get up again...' song. :) It really helps me get out of the moment and move on.


He also suggested that I think ahead to things that might stress me out and have a plan. For instance, we were heading to Disneyland and he knew I stress about stuff happening to the kids, so he suggested having plans in place if they were to get lost, etc. (so that I'd feel more prepared/in control) as well as the song/verse/positive thoughts to focus on.

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I did the mid-cycle spotting thing too. I worried it was cancer and even had one doctor scare the crap out of me over it all. That was a fun "season." :(


The thing about hypochondriacs is that we can make ANYTHING fit the "symptoms" of what we fear. I have a muscle spasm in my neck that keeps making my temple hurt on that side. Brain aneurysm, of course. Last night, my chest hurt. I decided that I was having the cytokine storm reaction to the kids' possible flu (even though I am still NOT SICK). Ummmm.... I finally looked up the symptoms and high fever/extreme fatigue are the main symptoms with cytokine storm. ~whew!~ *roll eyes*


It took me a long time to realize that my thoughts and obsessions are crazy to other people. I have OCD - and hypochondria is a manifestation of that OCD. My obsession is death/dying (I sometimes obsess over car wrecks and such as well as sicknesses...so it isn't just sickness). It trasnlates to: "OMG, I have no control over this" and then my mind goes into freak out mode. I have studied so much medical literature and documents that I could probably get my RN just by taking the test (if that was legal). Really, I know too many things about way too many diseases that can kill you. The problem is that I make up almost impossible scenarios (dh calls it "rabbit holes") - I get it to where there is no way to PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can't possibly have X thing and then I focus on the .000001% chance that I could. Oh, the stories I could tell. :(


The compulsion part of my OCD comes in the form of "checking" - if I have a bump on my finger, I will check it, check it, check it over and over again. With my kids, I check their temps about 60 times a day. I am not exaggerating - they are sick, and I literally check their temps 60 times a day. I guess the checking happens because I can "control" that...where I can't control the obsession itself.


Crazy. I know.

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Please forgive me if I'm hijacking this topic. . . . .


Have any of you listened to Marcia Somerville's "The Nearness of God is My Good" talk? On it, she talks about her battle with the very things you all seem to be struggling with.


Feel free to ignore if this is of no interest to you. Just throwing it out there.


:grouphug: to all of you who deal with this daily.


I am going to listen to this tonight after the kids are asleep. Thank you!


BTDT. Went to the Dr thinking I was dying of breast cancer. Then my whole body started hurting. I was sure it was MS or something. My life was completely disrupted and I found it hard to function. Dr did all sorts of test, but gently suggested depression/anxiety/OCD. Put me on Lexapro. I also started seeing the chiropractor for the pain in my chest/back/arm. I was a new woman in a month. That was Oct of last year. The Dr suggested staying on the meds until summer and then gently weaning myself off of it, which I did. I'm currently taking an herbal supplement, working really hard at seeing the good and wonderful things in my life (and all around me), avoiding the news and stories of hurting people (these affect me very strongly!!), and ignoring every little ache and pain in my body. Now that I know what it feels like to be slipping into that horrible anxiety/depression, I'll never let myself get that far again. If I can't pull myself out of it, I'll march myself straight back to the Dr and go back on meds.


Did the Lexapro help? How were the withdrawal symptoms? I'm considering asking my doctor for some help with this, but I know I don't want to be on meds for the rest of my life. I hear horror stories of people coming off the drugs. What herbal supplement are you taking? And, are you seeing just a general chiro? Or, is this a specialty?


I thought of one other thing that might be helpful. My doctor said that it is impossible to *not* think about something. You have to replace the thought you don't want with something else. So, have a specific thing you 'change the subject' with when the anxiety starts up, like a verse or song or positive thought you can fill your mind with. For me, it really helps to get a little silly, so I went with the 'I get knocked down, but I get up again...' song. :) It really helps me get out of the moment and move on.


He also suggested that I think ahead to things that might stress me out and have a plan. For instance, we were heading to Disneyland and he knew I stress about stuff happening to the kids, so he suggested having plans in place if they were to get lost, etc. (so that I'd feel more prepared/in control) as well as the song/verse/positive thoughts to focus on.



Makes total sense!!! My ds had a seizure that lasted a VERY long time a couple years ago. I could not sleep at night because I kept remembering how he looked as the paramedic took him out of my house. A wonderful man at our church recommended this same thing - "change the subject"! Whenever the image comes to my head, I start thinking of the beach and our cruise in my head. Now, it's harder for me to come up with that image of my ds being taken from our house. It worked. But, it's hard work! It's constant for a while. But, I like the idea of doing that when I feel myself getting into a panic mode.


Your doctor sounds like a true gem!!! Give him a hug from me the next time you see him/her!!


I did the mid-cycle spotting thing too. I worried it was cancer and even had one doctor scare the crap out of me over it all. That was a fun "season." :(


The thing about hypochondriacs is that we can make ANYTHING fit the "symptoms" of what we fear. I have a muscle spasm in my neck that keeps making my temple hurt on that side. Brain aneurysm, of course. Last night, my chest hurt. I decided that I was having the cytokine storm reaction to the kids' possible flu (even though I am still NOT SICK). Ummmm.... I finally looked up the symptoms and high fever/extreme fatigue are the main symptoms with cytokine storm. ~whew!~ *roll eyes*


It took me a long time to realize that my thoughts and obsessions are crazy to other people. I have OCD - and hypochondria is a manifestation of that OCD. My obsession is death/dying (I sometimes obsess over car wrecks and such as well as sicknesses...so it isn't just sickness). It trasnlates to: "OMG, I have no control over this" and then my mind goes into freak out mode. I have studied so much medical literature and documents that I could probably get my RN just by taking the test (if that was legal). Really, I know too many things about way too many diseases that can kill you. The problem is that I make up almost impossible scenarios (dh calls it "rabbit holes") - I get it to where there is no way to PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can't possibly have X thing and then I focus on the .000001% chance that I could. Oh, the stories I could tell. :(


The compulsion part of my OCD comes in the form of "checking" - if I have a bump on my finger, I will check it, check it, check it over and over again. With my kids, I check their temps about 60 times a day. I am not exaggerating - they are sick, and I literally check their temps 60 times a day. I guess the checking happens because I can "control" that...where I can't control the obsession itself.


Crazy. I know.


My midwife scared the you-know-what out of me about the mid-cycle bleeding thing too! It's NORMAL!!!! Ugh.


My obsession is also about death and dying - I didn't think that the true root of this problem could be OCD. But that makes sense. . Being in the car when someone else is driving is SO hard for me!! I can actually picture it when we're in the car and dh is driving. And, yes, I'm also in that 0.00000001% opf people ALL.THE.TIME. I'm absolutely convinced of it!


My kids hate to tell me when they're sick because I check them for fever so often. So, I get that!!! I've taken to checking when they're asleep. But, when we were on vacation on our cruise last January, my dd started running a temp on the first night. I started to freak out. Then, I decided (yes, DECIDED) not to worry about it. I was just going to medicate her so the fever would be gone and I was going to enjoy my vacation!!! I couldn't believe it worked!!!! I need to be on vacation more. Her fever only lasted two days.


And, about checking for lumps - yup! This last thing about the cancer in my armpit! (LOL) Well, I'd check it and get that awful feeling when I was checking. When I couldn't find it, I'd decide I just hadn't checked hard enough. I'd start checking again. I really convinced myself that it was still there and that I just couldn't find it.


That's the one thing I have to be extra cautious about: passing this onto my kids. I do NOT want them to suffer as I have the past few years. I try to keep my weird little obsessions out of their sight/mind. Of course, way easier said than done.


I guess I share it with my kids. Maybe I shouldn't. But, I figure if I share it a bit with my 13 yo and he rolls his eyes, then maybe, just maybe, I'm being silly!! I definately don't want my kids to have this either - but I really believe that I was born this way. It runs in my family, but it's not talked about much. My grandpa was an agoraphobic. My aunt has the same thing mixed with anxiety and depression. Another aunt has depression. But, nobody ever talked/s about it. I guess by being open about it with my kids, I'm letting them know that if it happens to them or they have this tendency, it's okay. Normal in our family. I don't know. Maybe I'm making a HUGE mistake. I mean, I definately don't share everything with them. But we do talk about it.

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OK, bad day for a hypo here! My daughter's best friend has the swine flu, AND I got my blood test results back and I have borderline-high cholesterol (LDL.) Ugh. I don't even want to google to see what the ramifications of that are, but you just know I will.


When I read the Mayo clinic website about hypochondria, it said that the internet is one of the worst things for us, because once we start looking up our symptoms we are sure to find something bad that fits. Still, it's hard to stay away....

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It seems to be worse around that time of the month...so maybe it's hormonal. I keep thinking that if I take better care of myself--eating healthy, exercising often, reading my scriptures, having some alone time periodically--that things might feel better. Life just gets in the way and I can't seem to keep myself to these ideals with any regularity...so I think I shouldn't go on meds until I've at least tried it consistently. I don't know, maybe it wouldn't help anyway.




I planned for YEARS to get myself 'healthier' by eating right, getting regular exercise, taking supplements, etc. But it never happened. I finally saw a Dr. about my anxiety/depression and started meds. The meds have helped me to be able to do things more regularly now. I'm hoping that after a long period of time with the meds helping me, I will be at a place where I am so used to having a healthy routine, that I'll be able to wean off of them. JME

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:grouphug::grouphug: I get it. You know I do!


Does it help to know that they've recently changed the numbers for what's considered "high" cholesterol? Drug companies are pushing for it! Did you actually get your numbers? Have your numbers actually risen? And, those can be controlled, with diet. But, you'll get all this information on google, I'm sure!!! LOL :grouphug:


Swine flu - I gotta say, I almost wish my kids would get it!!! NOW! Then, I could stop worrying and obsessing for the winter!! Can you maybe see that as a positive? Probably not now. Right? LOL I know I wouldn't given your situation. But, from the outside looking in, I can sound completely normal!! :lol:

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Oh - this is the best thread EVER! Well, I have found nothing that helps...yet. The following has been my last few weeks.


I am constantly lightheaded, tired and have a headache. I also have dry, peeling patches around my hoo-hoo, my eyes and on my scalp. Oh - and all of this is bringing on panic attacks. I have been a wreck.


I've seen the doctor, gotten a blood test, a holter monitor and had an appt with the local health food store's nutritionist. Food allergy? Brain tumor? Hypoglycemia? I don't know. But, I'm freaking out.


I am so glad I am not alone. I did get a bunch of supplements to help. We'll see what happens. For now, I'm on a completely non-dairy and gluten, wheat free diet. It stinks!


I am on Paxil - an extremely low, low dose. Sometimes I wonder if that is causing my problems or I need more!!! :lol:


FWIW, I get lumps under my arm and it's nothing. A couple of my good friends do, too. It comes and goes according to hormones I think.


Please PM me anytime you need to talk and worry. I am happy to listen. I know the fear is usually unfounded,but real. :grouphug:



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:grouphug::grouphug: I get it. You know I do!


Does it help to know that they've recently changed the numbers for what's considered "high" cholesterol? Drug companies are pushing for it! Did you actually get your numbers? Have your numbers actually risen? And, those can be controlled, with diet. But, you'll get all this information on google, I'm sure!!! LOL :grouphug:


Swine flu - I gotta say, I almost wish my kids would get it!!! NOW! Then, I could stop worrying and obsessing for the winter!! Can you maybe see that as a positive? Probably not now. Right? LOL I know I wouldn't given your situation. But, from the outside looking in, I can sound completely normal!! :lol:


Yep, I got the numbers. It helps to know that the guidelines have recently been changed! They were a bit high last time too (though I don't remember the particulars) but I'd hoped they'd come down since I lost 10 pounds. Rats!


The swine thing worries me a bit, but so far I'm not freaking. At least not totally......:001_huh:


You are one brave woman if you'd like to get it over with now!

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Does it help to know that I started spotting at two different times in my cycle? One was mid-cycle and the other is a few days before my period actually starts. This is new as of about 2 years ago. I was fine!!! But, I did need an u/s to make sure. Now that I've had the u/s and all was clear, I can relax and breathe about it again. Think of how great you'll feel once you get the all-clear!!!


But, yes. I know the fear. The awful feeling of adrenaline rushing through you as it overwhelms you. The sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Etc, etc. I HATE it. HATE it. And, I don't know how to make it better. Talking about it helps. I kinda' wish there were a support group for hypochondriacs.


:grouphug::grouphug: and prayers for your mammo and ob appointment. I'll be thinking of you!!




This does help thank you! And as far as a support group for hypochondriacs, I belong to an excellent one here on the internet. www.AnxietyZone.com


Everyone there has the same fears we all do. And they are a big help when it comes time for waiting on test results, or you are flipping out over symptoms.


Thank you:grouphug:

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