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Where do you keep books you and dc are reading?

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We keep all our books down in our basement schoolroom/family room. But books are still all over the house and I'm ok with that. I usually go around once a day and gather up books in a big basket and take it to the basement and put them away. But lately I've been getting complaints that I'm "taking" books kids are in the middle of. Where should we keep books that we are currently reading?



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My kids are still rather young, so library books are limited to one part of the house and are kept in the same place, then back into a canvas bag when they're finished. I won't be so strict when they're older, but we've had several go missing before, get mixed up with our own books, etc.


ETA: I just reread the OP and realized you didn't specify library books. We keep our other in-progress books in basically the same place.

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Textbooks and such are kept in the school room or my older dd's bedroom where she does school. Books we're reading together are in a basket in the living - such as family read alouds, nature and spiritual books. I also have a big basket in the living room for library books. Must keep those separate!



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We have our "library" in the basement and the kids are allowed 3 books each out at a time (unless the books were specific gifts to that child). I made the rule a few years ago after helping the dc clean out their rooms and finding books all over. They are then responsible for taking their own books and putting them away before they get new books. Occasionally the 8 yo will forget a book or two and end up with more than 3 at a time, but generally it works quite well and I don't have to patrol the house looking for books.

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Where do you keep books you and dc are reading?


On the school shelf if we own them.

On the library shelf if it's a library book.


If they are reading in, in their hand.

Might have one on their desk but for us, when we read, we read. When they stop, it goes on the shelf.


Along the lines of "don't put it down, put it away"



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I have a stack near the living room couch--my read aloud, my husband's read aloud (he reads to dd independently of what we do), and some other things I'm reading for my own enlightenment. This is where I do the majority of read aloud books (we take them to my bed sometimes, too).


I also have a stack of books on my nightstand, and a stack in the den (mostly library books). Dd has a stack literally in her bed, and also on the top of her bookshelf.

The only books in the schoolroom are the ones we aren't reading yet--I'm referring to fiction, here.


Stack-city around here! :D

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:) We all tend to read a lot of places - the living room, bedrooms, kitchen table, car. The books move around depending on where someone is sprawled. I do kinda sorta keep our current history books and readalouds somewhere around the living room or adjacent breakfast nook. When a book is finished it goes into the library bag or onto the bottom step up to the bonus room where we have our built-in bookcase. Funnily, the bonus room is the room where we are least likely to read - bonus room is Legoland and t.v.


We probably spend (waste?) a few minutes a day looking for a particular book, although I do have the boys trained to take any books they hauled out to the car back into the house at trip's end.

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our assigned reading books (either home library or borrowed) fit on a small (2-shelf) bookshelf that sits right at the front door, next to a couch. They keep their personal reading books in their rooms, in a box or basket I gave each of them. They keep the baskets on their beds during the day and set them on the floor at night.

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I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old. We keep all of the kids books, both ours and the library books, in their room. They each have their own bookshelf and between the two of them have between 200 and 300 kids books, about 50ish are from the library. It is an insane amount of books, but the kids have had it like this since they were born and so they are really good about taking care of them. They are both in their rooms for about 1-2 hours a day for quiet rest/nap time, during which time they both read tons and tons. As an aside, I think this is a big part of how both kids started reading so early. Just yesterday, I went to see my 4 year old and she pulled The Story of Ping off the shelf, read the whole thing to me, and told me she also read Chapter 7 of Mummies in the Morning and that it was very exciting. Rock out, girle!

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Our family room has a whole wall full of bookshelves. One shelf is just for library books, after read they have to go RIGHT back on there or if it is a longer book (only the bigger girls read them) they keep them in their bunk.

I have a place for books in EVERY room except my 18mo olds, so they can be put away anywhere. (bookshelves in my family and living room, and book 'boxes in our bedroom and the girls room and bookshelves in our basement playroom).

We LOOOOOVE books!!

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