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How many KWH are you using a month?

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Way too many. My July bill was over $400.00 :eek:. This was our highest ever. We shut down everything we could. Our house is around 2200 sq ft and we have 3 people at home (one in college). Sorry don't have the KWH number on hand. I do know (I checked) that we have not increased usage over the same month in earlier years, this is all rate increases.

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We average ~1000 kWh in the winter and ~2000 kWh in the summer for a 3500 sq ft house. We live in a very hot climate, so our summers are very unpleasant. We keep the house pretty cool (75) most of the summer.


I track our electricity,gas, and water usage in a spreadsheet. That after I noticed several electric bills were very nice (summer though). We replaced our dishwasher, and although that month was just as hot, our electricity bill went back to normal. So, now I always track to see if the usage this month is out of normal.

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::::getting more confused::::


Our home is 2400 sq ft. Our a/c (Texas) is on 78 currently due to me having a hot LAST (lol...lasting rather than just flashes). But normally we live a little higher. We keep blinds, sheers, and curtains shut. We close off rooms. We have CFLs. Other than computers we don't use a ton of extra electricity (tvs aren't on all the time, appliances are unplugged, lights are kept off as reasonable).


I can't imagine why our bills fluctuate SO much. And I can't see why our usage is soooo much higher than people who live in bigger houses, with lower a/c temps, etc.


I think I'm going to pay even more attention to electricity threads....

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We used 1940 kw hrs. Our house is 3400 sq feet (new construction...I think that makes some difference in energy savings which is why I mention it) and 4 people.


Disclaimer: We keep the upstairs at 78 on the thermostat and open windows/keep the ceiling fans running. I actually like it warm upstairs. Downstairs, we run it colder (71). We also live in the mountains, so it is never excruciatingly hot here.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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We were just two days away from the record for most consecutive days over 100 degrees this summer. We used a lot. We have 5 people in a 3600 sq ft house.


We have two refrigerator-freezers and a deep freeze. Everything in our house is electric. I keep the a/c at 78 during the day upstairs and downstairs. At night I turn the downstairs a/c down to 74 degrees. I can't sleep unless it's at least that cool. I'll wake up drenched with sweat. I have to have the ceiling fan on too.


We used just 2188kwh for the month of May when it was cooler. In August we used 3185kwh. Our electricity usage rose steadily from May to August. I expect our next bill to be considerably lower.

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kWh = 1,588

last year, same month, it was 1,734


I'm not sure what the difference was, but we had a new picture window installed, so perhaps that's the answer.


Our air conditioner runs about constantly, and we keep it at 70-72 degrees in the house.


We have three computers, I wash a load of clothes, and I use the dishwasher once a day. We have a small house, though: 1,100 sq ft.


We have wooden slat blinds that we keep closed when the sun is directly coming through; afternoon sun on the west-side of our house is the biggest issue. The south-side is block by another house.

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What size house and how many people? Thanks!


We use about 800 kW a month - house w/ basement is about 2600 sq ft and there are 4 of us. It's new(er) construction (9 years old), and we have gas heat and a gas stove. No AC, but we have 2 computers that are on 24/7, and only are using a couple of the "green" lightbulbs (on a light that rarely gets turned on), 2 chest freezers and one refrigerator/freezer. I usually run the dishwasher once a day. I do my laundry on the weekends when the price per kW is about 1/3 of what it is during the week.

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400 kWh per month in the summer; 550 kWh per month in the winter.


1500 sf house (1250 is living area, 250 is attached garage)


4 people


We use natural gas to power the following appliances:



water heater




Everything else is electric. We don't have a/c.

Edited by TrixieB
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Our August usage was about 2000 kWH. March (which is the lowest for the year) was about 1000 kWH. We have 2100 sq. ft. with 5 (now 6) people.


We do have all electric appliances. I imagine those of us with no access to natural gas have higher electricity bill than others.


I miss the days of living in a little, tiny apartment with no a/c. . . .Well not really, but our electricity bill was never above $30.

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I got out this past month's bill and the one from December.

We are in AZ, have a 2000 sq ft house with 7 people, all electric except the hot water heater. In the summer we keep the house at 80 during the week & 78 on weekends (when dh is home and all the computers are running!).


August kwh: 2374, average daily cost $9.26

December kwh: 455, average daily cost $2.64


The electric company does charge more per kwh from about May-Oct.

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I just got my bill today and we used 2776Kwh (last year at this time was 3212) our house is about 2600 sqft. with 5 of us living here.


I have repeatedly told the landlord that I think the A/C is terribly undersized for the house because we have to keep it at set at 74 both up and down just so we can sit here and not sweat in short and a tank top.


I know it's the A/C because when it's winter we can keep the heat set lower and are more than comfortable. We've had the A/C off for 2 weeks now and I know my usage will plummet just because of that.


I know we use more than many because we have 6 TVs all with DVD players, and 6 computers that are always plugged in.

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I don't know, and I don't want to. Our home is not only a home, but also houses a school and a computer-heavy business. We use a lot more of a lot of things than a "nomal", "average" home would use. Paper, for instance. I cannot BELIEVE the amount of paper we go through. Energy usage is something that has fallen under dh's domain in our friendly division of labor, and my hands are full enough of other things that I just let him and his computer herd worry about that.

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::::getting more confused::::


Our home is 2400 sq ft. Our a/c (Texas) is on 78 currently due to me having a hot LAST (lol...lasting rather than just flashes). But normally we live a little higher. We keep blinds, sheers, and curtains shut. We close off rooms. We have CFLs. Other than computers we don't use a ton of extra electricity (tvs aren't on all the time, appliances are unplugged, lights are kept off as reasonable).


I can't imagine why our bills fluctuate SO much. And I can't see why our usage is soooo much higher than people who live in bigger houses, with lower a/c temps, etc.


I think I'm going to pay even more attention to electricity threads....




How does your electric company track your usage? Do they use actual readings or average it out? That sounds strange. I found out our electric company reads actual usage via an electric chip, which made me feel better, as I am trying to monitor my usage this year. I don't know if all electric companies do this or if they use estimates and then every few months get an actual reading and then adjust accordingly. I'd find out if I were you.




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In July this year we used 768 kWh. This was not an exceptionally hot summer so A/C use wasn't so high. August of 2008 we used 1094 kWh - hotter weather. During the winter it seems to run about 680 kWh a month.


We have a 2400 sq. ft. house with six people now living in it. We have a gas water heater and heat with gas and wood.



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