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Talk to positively about Spelling Power


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Please talk to me about SP if you have used it and have good things to say. (I have purchased this program and don't want to be dissuaded from using it, please.) Right now I am spending time getting familiar with it because we begin school next Monday, and time's a wastin'!


I have to say this is different than any spelling curriculum I've ever seen or used...so much to study and prepare for in advance! But it seems like a great program once I figure it all out.


I'd like to know if you and your dc caught on quickly and how long you stayed with the program. Do you feel that your dc progressed more successfully with SP than with other programs, or was it just fun to do for a while?




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I use Spelling Power with my 8 year old dd and she really likes it. I believe the program has been very effective. She has gotten through the first 10 lists in 3 weeks and has taken the first delayed recall test today and scored 100%!


If you have gotten the most recent edition you received a resource CD and a DVD that explains the program. We follow the basic program of 5 minutes testing, 5 minutes of review, (using the 10 step process), sentence writing, then a 5 minute activity.


I did not purchase the student booklets as the resource CD has pages to print off as needed.


My daughter loves the activities. The resource CD has some of the activities you can print out onto cardstock, but a friend of mine gave me the purchased box of pre-printed cards and there are so many great ideas in there. It is truly worth the money!


I like how the cards include great reinforcement spelling activities along with dictionary, grammar and writing skills. I feel it is a well rounded program. I also love that the child sets the pace. I mean, why have the same word to work on all week when you already know how to spell it?


My daughter has loved the sand writing, yarn words, crayon scrapings and tape recording activities the best so far. The activity box is color coded and is graduated for different ages and abilities. So, there's plenty of room to grow!


I hope you enjoy using the program and that it is effective for you as well!:001_smile:


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I love how it gets right to the point. :001_smile: My kids only study the words they are having problems with, and there isn't all that busywork that you find in many other spelling programs. The manual is kind of daunting at first, but after you do the routine a few times, it's easy.


I haven't gotten around to doing many of the activities yet, but I do keep meaning to purchase the activty cards set. My kids enjoy writing their study words on the white erase board and erasing it with their fingers, though. (This is one of the suggested study activities.)


I have to say SP is one of my favorite curriculum purchases ever.

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My only real complaint is the excessive and confusing instruction section. What I *love* about it is the great flexibility (it can be used for struggling or very strong spellers), and the fact that many years are contained in a single volume. I think you're dealing with the difficult part now (figuring out how to use it), and once you get past that, it'll become a lot more useable.


I found the Quick Start Guide (or whatever it's called -- I don't have it in front of me, and it's been a few years since I read those sections) helpful.


Also, feel free to *make* it work for you. Not every child benefits from every step for studying words. Some children may need each step and maybe some reinforcement along the way. Other kids can just work from the lists and only need to write each word correctly a couple of times to remember them... Don't be afraid to make adjustments as you see what works for your particular child. As I said, the range of words across grade levels and the flexibility of the program is what has worked well for us.


Also, if you find your child is stressed initially by spelling from a list s/he hasn't seen previously, some people do allow their children to study the list ahead of time. That hasn't been an issue for us, but it's worth keeping in mind.


Good luck!

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I'm seeing positive results from it. The only thing I would add would be phonogram cards. My youngest does better if she "knows the rules". My oldest does not like to use phonogram cards because so many words "break the rules". This program allows you to teach both ways. And it gives creative flexibility to the dc in the learning process.

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:iagree: The program is so easy to use, but that IM is a stumbling block for many would be users. Imo...The IM should be rewritten:D.


My only real complaint is the excessive and confusing instruction section. What I *love* about it is the great flexibility (it can be used for struggling or very strong spellers), and the fact that many years are contained in a single volume. I think you're dealing with the difficult part now (figuring out how to use it), and once you get past that, it'll become a lot more useable.


I found the Quick Start Guide (or whatever it's called -- I don't have it in front of me, and it's been a few years since I read those sections) helpful.


Also, feel free to *make* it work for you. Not every child benefits from every step for studying words. Some children may need each step and maybe some reinforcement along the way. Other kids can just work from the lists and only need to write each word correctly a couple of times to remember them... Don't be afraid to make adjustments as you see what works for your particular child. As I said, the range of words across grade levels and the flexibility of the program is what has worked well for us.


Also, if you find your child is stressed initially by spelling from a list s/he hasn't seen previously, some people do allow their children to study the list ahead of time. That hasn't been an issue for us, but it's worth keeping in mind.


Good luck!

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The IM makes it look harder then it is. I've left SP two times out of intimidation and come back, finally figured it out (was SO more straight forward then I thought!) and now love it. DD tolerates it. She THINKS there is something out there she would like better, but the truth of the matter is she just hates spelling! lol! She is very good at it though and I beleive that is becuase of SP. Totally worth wading through the muck of the IM to make to program work. And once you have it figured out, it's totally simple and straight forward.

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I'm using it with my 2nd grader, 5th grader and 8th grader. It ROCKS! We all love how quickly it moves and the feeling of success for all the words that we spell correctly every day. I also love that the review of missed words is so self directed. The instructions are intimidating. Just keep reading and then GO! It's worth the effort and not difficult once you get started.

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We use it and love it.

I have friends who were using it before me, so I had an idea of how it works.


I didn't watch the Quick-Start dvd OR read the guide.


I do read a little bit now and then. We started young so for most of last year did the study-test-study method recommended for younger kids. I just last week read throught the 10-step study sheet "directions" and I think that it will work better for my girl this year.

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