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Bank Vent

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I've been with my bank since I was a teen. No, I won't say how many years that is :lol:


Anyways, last night before I went to bed, acct was fine. My pay always comes in at 11 pm.


THIS am when I check, I've got an over drawn payment (Wolf's insurance) and NSF fees ($50)




Somehow or another, they decided to back date his insurance 2 days. THEN, the point of sale transaction yesterday that went through (because there was MONEY in the account) was overdrawn. They flipped things around to suit them so they could make money.


I'm calling after the lunch hour and throwing a fit. This isn't the first time that I've had this happen and thrown a fit, getting the charges reversed.


I loathe banks. I'm calling another to inquire as to their services. I can't completely flip, as I have certain direct deposits that I can't change for a bit, but I'm definitely going to switch what I can if these jerks can't solve this and keep it solved once and for all! :cursing:

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I called, and the 'call centre' told me that according to THEIR computers, there's no evidence that they've reordered anything. I questioned how it could possibly be that my dh made a point of sale purchase if there was no money in the acct, since according to MY screen it had me in the red. According to HER, the pos showed AFTER my payroll deposit. So, I have to print off MY screen and physically take it into my bank. Yeah. Great. The fact that I don't drive and all the rest of the crap makes that easy.


She also asked me if I printed off the screen yesterday, to PROVE that I wasn't in the red, that the payment hadn't gone through on the first. WTH? I told her I wasn't in the habit of having to protect myself from my bank, so no. She told me in that case, there was no proof of any backdating. I asked, "How about the fact that I'm telling you? Does that not matter?" Nope. Apparently, I'm a liar. My word means nothing.


I ended the call by saying, "Thank you for being of absolutely no help at all, and calling me a liar. Much appreciated, and I can only hope that the next bank I choose treats a customer of over 21 years with more respect." and hung up.

Bloody hell. Does NOTHING in my life not require a fight??

Edited by Impish
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I am so sorry. My dh usually handles all calls along this vein (fortunately, there are not many) because he doesn't lose his cool as easily as I do. Well, yesterday he lost it. We had consolidated some loans (about $5000) about a year ago using one of those "convenience" checks the credit card company offered us advertised as "2.9% for the life of the loan." We pay our bills faithfully every month (sometimes just the minimum, usually more and always on time). We got our montly bill yesterday. They raised our interest rate to 7.9% and more than doubled the minimum payment! When my dh asked why, the rep. said, "Just because." Just because?! Dh lost it. The rep. told him they had sent us notification of the rate change. We didn't get anything. "Well, we sent it." What do we say to that? I can't prove we didn't get something. My dh's response, "I don't care how many notifications you sent since if I am going to complain about it, you don't seem to be willing to do anything about it." After asking for a manager and reminding them that we have excellent credit and have been faithful customers of theirs for more than 10 years, the rep. lowered the minimum pmt., but not the interest rate. Last night, we sat down and calculated how quickly we could pay it off and contacted another bank about switching our balance to them and closing the account at the current bank. Their loss.

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there's no evidence that they've reordered anything.



I HATE them -- Bank of America does it ALL the time -- I have to watch them like a hawk. Sorry this happened -- :cursing: -- and, yes, it certainly does seem that most days, every single thing in our lives seems as if it involves or requires a fight.

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I am so sorry this happened. It appears banks have little regard for their consumers.

Some other things to watch out for is holds being placed on deposits. If you deposit a check drawn on another bank, they can place a hold on it for up to 10 days. This can cause major overdraft fees. Also watch and see if you are now being charged for what used to be a "free checking account" another thing to watch out for is if you file a claim or dispute a charge on your visa check card the bank could close your account as you are now considered a "risk" to the bank. Oh and enrolling in "keep the change" changes your savings account to where they start charging you, which means all that change you save (that is your money) goes to the bank.

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I've been with my bank since I was a teen. No, I won't say how many years that is :lol:


Anyways, last night before I went to bed, acct was fine. My pay always comes in at 11 pm.


THIS am when I check, I've got an over drawn payment (Wolf's insurance) and NSF fees ($50)




Somehow or another, they decided to back date his insurance 2 days. THEN, the point of sale transaction yesterday that went through (because there was MONEY in the account) was overdrawn. They flipped things around to suit them so they could make money.


I'm calling after the lunch hour and throwing a fit. This isn't the first time that I've had this happen and thrown a fit, getting the charges reversed.


I loathe banks. I'm calling another to inquire as to their services. I can't completely flip, as I have certain direct deposits that I can't change for a bit, but I'm definitely going to switch what I can if these jerks can't solve this and keep it solved once and for all! :cursing:




Imp, I am so feeling you right now. I have been reading your threads, praying for you and wishing I could help in any way.


Well all I can do is offer you a virtural drink, choc and hug. I know I need it too right now.:D

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Do you have BB&T? They used to take two to four days to clear our CASH deposits (the timing depended on whether or not they could put us into the red).


If at all possible, change to a local bank. We can now drive to our bank's head quarters and actually argue it out there. So far, we haven't had too, the service is unbelievably better.


Julie's words of wisdom for today:

When you can, go local :)

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They might be a little kinder if you go down there in person. It is more difficult to be jerky face to face.


Oh yes, but then you can't pace, red-faced, stamp your feet, and make wild gestures with your hands in person. :glare: Or maybe you could, but security might get involved.


Impish, I sorry you're having to deal with nasty banks. I have had instances where I've wanted to take their basket of free suckers and use them to poke out the eyeballs of some tellers. I now make my dh do most of the banking.

Edited by elegantlion
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If it's Bank of America.....run, don't walk. Get away as fast as you can.


We have had nothing but bad to worse experiences with BOA, and we have paid off all credit cards with them and LEFT.


All our banking is now done with a local-only bank and boy oh BOY can you tell the difference! The only credit card we have is with my dh's company credit union. The company issues each corporate office employee a credit card to use when traveling....otherwise we wouldn't even have that.


But, even with the local bank; they still reorder and switch things around. I also check my online account all.the.time. and it really bothers me when they do it. So far, however, it hasn't caused us any real problems. Well, and we do have over-draft protection so if it does cause a problem ODP kicks in....then we just go down to the bank and have them reorder it to fix it. So far, so good.

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I HATE them -- Bank of America does it ALL the time -- I have to watch them like a hawk. Sorry this happened -- :cursing: -- and, yes, it certainly does seem that most days, every single thing in our lives seems as if it involves or requires a fight.

The reason we left BofA and will never do business with them again. They also "held" DIRECT DEPOSITS just so they could make money off of fees.

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I've been with my bank since I was a teen. No, I won't say how many years that is :lol:


Anyways, last night before I went to bed, acct was fine. My pay always comes in at 11 pm.


THIS am when I check, I've got an over drawn payment (Wolf's insurance) and NSF fees ($50)




Somehow or another, they decided to back date his insurance 2 days. THEN, the point of sale transaction yesterday that went through (because there was MONEY in the account) was overdrawn. They flipped things around to suit them so they could make money.


I'm calling after the lunch hour and throwing a fit. This isn't the first time that I've had this happen and thrown a fit, getting the charges reversed.


I loathe banks. I'm calling another to inquire as to their services. I can't completely flip, as I have certain direct deposits that I can't change for a bit, but I'm definitely going to switch what I can if these jerks can't solve this and keep it solved once and for all! :cursing:




If you are using TD, BMO or RBC I am really shocked at this. It may be a pain, but if you regularly use a walk-in branch, go walk in there now and speak with a human being. I've just never, ever had a bad experience in person at a branch when it came to errors, fees and erroneous charges.

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If you are using TD, BMO or RBC I am really shocked at this. It may be a pain, but if you regularly use a walk-in branch, go walk in there now and speak with a human being. I've just never, ever had a bad experience in person at a branch when it came to errors, fees and erroneous charges.

Nope, I'm with Scotia. I'm seriously considering a change though.


I went in, and apparently what happens is Wolf's insurance company dated the payment for the first. Doesn't matter when it actually hits my acct, it dated for the first. :cursing: She did waive the NSF fee though. Woo.


And I love the comment about using suckers to poke out eyes! :lol: Probably why my bank doesn't have baskets of them anymore :001_huh:

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Tammy, I've been watching my acct. Wolf's insurance hadn't gone through as of last night. I get up this am, check my online banking, and suddenly it appeared as being put through on the 1st, despite today being the 3rd. My pay was in by 11 pm last night, no sign of his insurance payment coming out. Suddenly this am, there it was, and I was NSF for that, AND a debit he had made at the corner store :glare:

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Some things that can cause this to happen:


When a withdrawl first shows up on your acct. it is listed as a pending transaction and the it falls off or disappears for two to three days before it is actaully posted. If you look during that window of time it will not show up. This happens because the pending is just the institution that you are doing business with is making sure that you actually have the funds available and is putting a hold on those funds but they can't not be deducted from your account until the transaction is actually processed.


This can be a big problem with plane tickets, hotel and car rentals because they put holds for larger than what the actual costs are and sometimes do not release those holds for up to 30 days. So you can have money sitting in your account that you can't actually use and if you make another transaction during that time counting on those funds being available then you can end up being overdrawn.


Another problem is that some banks process withdrawls before deposits becuase you are not supposed to access funds until they are actually available in your account. Processing a transaction based on the money being there at a later point in time is called floating the funds and the bank is only going to do that in their favor.


One final issue is that they always deduct the largest transaction first and so on down the line. They say that they do this for the customers benefit so that a mortgage or car payment is not denied but the truth of the matter is that sometimes you end up with several smaller transactions being NSF and they charge you for each one. If they had paid all of the smaller ones first and then had the largest one NSF then you would only have one NSF and they would get less fees. In any case, they pay most transactions now days whether the funds are available or not so it is just a matter of how many fees they can rack up by how the structure the withdrawls and deposits.


We have three banks and in almost all cases they will refund the fees if you ask especially if it doesn't happen very often, or your have direct deposit or you move a lot of money through your account.

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Impish, can you get verification of the date of payment from the Ins. company?


I mean, the bank can't say they put a payment through the day before a company recieved the payment, that would be impossible. Unless they're psychic... in which case, maybe you should start asking them what you're going to pay the week before you pay it ;)

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Oh I forgot to mention some banks now charge overdraft for pending transactions. An expample of this would be:

you have $250 in the bank

You order $200 worth of merchandise from company a

you also write a check for $25 to company b

company a gets authorization for $200

compy a the next day puts the charge through for $200

keep in mind the pending authorization stays on your account for 7 days as when they processed the charge they did not use the origional authorization code

meanwhile there was only $250 in your account so you are now in the hole and were charged a $35 overdraft fee

now company b now attempts to cash the check you wrote and the bank returns it because your account is overdrawn.

you now have another $35 overdraft fee

while you had enough money in your account to cover what you owed to company a & b the bank makes it appear as if you did not and just charged you $70 in overdraft fees.

Banks are doing things different since the bail out, so it is wise to watch your accounts like a hawk.

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