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Prayers please for 2yo boy hit by a car and in a coma...

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The little boy is the son of a friend who is on the FIAR boards. His name is Armondo and he was hit by a car outside his home just yesterday. The car fled the scene. Last update, he was in a coma with bleeding on the brain and not expected to make it. But we serve a God of miracles! And I am praying and believing for one right now! Please join me in praying for a miracle for baby Armondo and his mother, Nicole and their whole family? Thank you!

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UPDATE: The dr's have asked the parents to decide whether or not to take him off life support. There is nothing else they can do at this point. The parents will not make that decision as they say it is God's decision alone. Please continue to pray for a miracle for little Armondo. Seems this was a horrible accident where the driver simply could not see the toddler as he was turning into a driveway, as the toddler was behind a parked car, blocking the drivers view. Things can change in the blink of an eye. Hug your babies today and thank God for their health and safety.

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A question from a non-believer: Respectfully, do you really think prayers will help? If God is all knowing and all powerful, why did the child get hit in the first place? And if God allowed the child to be hit by a car, why would prayers now make the child better?


I'm curious, and not trying to make light of the people who have generously offered their thoughts and prayers. I'm just trying to understand the thought process behind it.

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A question from a non-believer: Respectfully, do you really think prayers will help? If God is all knowing and all powerful, why did the child get hit in the first place? And if God allowed the child to be hit by a car, why would prayers now make the child better?


I'm curious, and not trying to make light of the people who have generously offered their thoughts and prayers. I'm just trying to understand the thought process behind it.


These are all good questions and I would love to answer them for you but the mom is well-known by many here and on other boards and her baby just died so now is not really the time to discuss it. Maybe when I stop crying I will attempt to answer.

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