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Update on DD & psycho neighbor

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Ceilidh came home from the hospital last night. They discharged her early, had cancelled the psychoeducational tests they told they were going to do, cancelled the meeting with the admissions guy from the rehab hospital (apparently these were cancelled the day BEFORE the Dr told me he would do them) and basically the 3 days she was there this week were pointless. The dr did not even meet with me after our meeting last wednesday. SO she was sent home with no discussion, no ideas to help make things better, we were just told to follow up with our regular shrink. She was sick with a cold this week. Monday night she barely slept due to couching, they did not offer her anything to help. Tuesday she was coughing so hard she vomitted several times, nurse says they gave her a lozenge which she chocked on an vomitted, no one gave her a cough syrup or anything. This night I guess she had a fever, no one gave her tylenol. The night nurse did put cold clothes on her head every 30 minutes or so but that was it. Of course the nurses did not tell me any of this until I specifically asked when dd called home upset because she was sick and no one was helping her. WTF, she is in the hospital and can not even get help for that!


Add to that Friday before she came home she had fallen outside and scraped her knee while in their care. They slapped a bandaid on but did not clean the wound first. It got infected. SO Tuesday in addition to vomitting from coughing, the nurses had to scrub the scab off to clean the wound and properly treat it. The infection is almost gone no. Again WTF she gets hurt while in the hospital and they can not even clean the stuupid thing first to prevent infection.


Anyway, she is home now, today was so so with her, she had a few mood swings, and took off tonight without telling me, but otherwise was doing well. Hopefully tomorrow all the kids have a good day as we have people coming just after lunch for the adventure bus and ds's 6th birthday.


Our appt with our regular shrink isn't until mid-late sept(I can't recall the exact date right now, this appt was booked 2 months ago) so I will not know what conclusions they have drawn about dd and what to do to improve our situation until then. Pretty much what I am used to from the medical field ever since I started trying to get help for my kids.


We kick off our new year next week, and the bulk of our books arrived today(we have some on backorder but will be fine for the time being), and I am very excited to get to it this year. Hopefully we will make some progress on behaviour again, find some avenue to help the kids, and work on the relationships within the family. I sent in the registration forms for the kids fine arts program. They overhauled the program and this year will be amazing for them with not only private music lessons, but photography classes, dance classes in hip hop, funk and pop n' lock it, sculpting class, sketching, acting, a capella, general art(for ds 6) and on the list goes. If they get into everything they will have 2 classes on Tuesday night, and 2 on Thursday night with things changing each term(except their music lessons) for 3 terms. It will be an amazing year with this program and all for free.


We had a family meeting today and I had the kids help be draft up a new copy of our family rules. Each rule was written in 2 ways, in a positive way and then again in a more direct way. SO far example "We are kind to each other. We do not hit, kick, bite, yell at each other" This was posted on the wall in the main hallway(this hall is what connects our kitchen to our livingroom so we pass these rules dozens of times a day). We also talked about our goals for the year and ways to reward ourselves as we meet those goals. I am hoping that by having a few of these meetings a week this year to connect and make sure we are on teh same page the kids (particularily the older 2) will feel they have more say in things like the rules etc and not feel the need to buck against them so much. We will see with time.


This ended up much longer than expected but that is the update on dd.


Side note: crazy psycho stalking my ds. She started up again when they got back from vacation. Back to sticking up the middle finger, cussing at ds, watching with binoculars and taking pictures. I called the police yesterday and they came by. They spoke with some of my neighbors as well and 1 other also filed a complaint because her dd was with us Tuesday night when the crazy woman was watching with binoculars. The police tried to talk to her, but she would not open her door(though she was seen looking out the window. They gave me the information to get a peace bond (similar to a restrianing order but free and I can file myself without a lawyer, the restraining order they recommend a lawyer). They also said we need to seriously consider moving if the protection order doesn't stop her. I was already ahead of them on that. I am still looking for an affordable safe place, but for now we are still here.


So it has been an "exciting" week and it is only Thursday night.

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I have been thinking of you and wondering how things worked out. I will be praying for your safety and a good place to live. Your situation scares the crud out of me. :grouphug: Ruby


:iagree::iagree::iagree: My thoughts exactly. I pray for protection over your family espcially ds and that something can be done about this insane woman!! Can't she be Baker Act-ed or something?

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Oh Brandy :grouphug: I hope you're not going to let the hospital off the hook for this? Did they send her home early just because she was sick, or do you suspect it was because she began to be more than they could deal with ? (Hard to imagine, but then so is hospital staff not cleaning a wound before applying a bandage!) I would be on the phone everyday looking for answers from them :glare:

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Brandy, I'm so sorry your daughter wasn't treated well. I have had ds17 in a number of placements, and my stories would curl your hair--at a reputable hospital he was allowed to have a girl visit him w/o notifying us (he was 16 at the time)--they ended up having relations of the adult kind, right there in the room, and the nurse only knew because his heart monitor was going off! Unbelievable. In another placement, for drug abuse this time, the kids were making their own alcohol under their beds with bread and juice.

It's just incredible, the crap that goes on in some of these places.

I would get on the phone right now and speak to a supervisor about why there was no eval done, why they did not clean the wound, why they released her without a written plan and a face-to-face. That's simply unacceptable. I would also report them to whatever accreditation organization they belong to.

Hope all hangs together enough for you to make it thru to the psych appt.

I think of you often.

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:iagree: with what everyone else has said.


I am so sorry that it did not get you any results. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


When I had my dd in residential treatment, the cavalier fashion that our entire situation was handled just amazed and dismayed me and my DH. I do know how exhausting and how defeated I felt as I tried to get answers. One individual saying the words, 'I don't know, but we will try' would have meant everything.

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Have you read "The Gift of Fear"? Often, the restraining order doesn't solve anything, just ratchets it up a notch. For your own safety, you should read that book, then stop responding in any way to this psycho. Figure out how to take care of your own security, then don't let this psycho get the satisfaction of any kind of reaction.

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