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Crunchy? (Crunchie?)

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Is it a bad thing?

Am I crunchy?

Are you crunchy?






Crunchy as in "crunchy granola-eating freaky hippies"


I don't know where it came from, but I remember hearing it as a young teen.


I think it's a great thing.


I don't know, are you?


I'm crunchy enough to annoy my DH, but not as crunchy as I wish I were :lol:

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I don't know what part of the country you live in but here crunchy almost always refers to people from Missoula/Univ of Montana, as opposed to Bozeman/MSU. Even though that is just a stereotype (unlike the rest of this post - *wink*)

It is not necessarily derogitory (sp) but generally refers to granola. Tree hugger is a comparable word, except usually implies some type of activism, as well. Sometimes people are "identified" as crunchy by not using hair products, deodorant, clothes washers, cars, big box stores, supermarkets, etc. (any combination). Another classification includes people who can afford to go all organic/green. Another would be anyone who roots for the grizzlies :) JK

I would not say that I fall into this category by looks, (because honestly, it is a label given on looks - kind of like "rodeo". The guy may have never been on a horse, but got a 2 lb belt buckle at the pawn shop, so chicks would dig him :) ). but many of the things I mentioned ARE important to me. Around here people who are "labeled" "Crunchy", IME, want to be - they strive for it.

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I have definitely gotten more crunchy with age. But I am a Crunchy CONSERVATIVE! The crunchy side of me in no way believes the government should demand others to be crunchy, or that provide others incentives to be crunchy. Government should stay out of people's crunchiness. How's that for an contradiction in terms?


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I have definitely gotten more crunchy with age. But I am a Crunchy CONSERVATIVE! The crunchy side of me in no way believes the government should demand others to be crunchy, or that provide others incentives to be crunchy. Government should stay out of people's crunchiness. How's that for an contradiction in terms?



You and me, Sistah!

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I have definitely gotten more crunchy with age. But I am a Crunchy CONSERVATIVE! The crunchy side of me in no way believes the government should demand others to be crunchy, or that provide others incentives to be crunchy. Government should stay out of people's crunchiness. How's that for an contradiction in terms?




:iagree: :thumbup1:

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I think the only thing that kept me from being completely uber crunchie was my eating habits... I am a picky eater so all of the natural, veggies, and all of that jazz just doesn't work for me.


So, I'm crunchie, but I LOOOVE my food! Whether it be fat and greasy or sweet or processed... hahaha :lol:

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