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Have you ever cried when hearing of the death of a celebrity?

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I was driving when my husband told me on the cell phone that Jerry Falwell had died. I had to pull off the road to cry and cried several times in the weeks thereafter. My son was just finishing his freshman year at Jerry's college, and I had met him very briefly - stood in line and shook his hand quickly. I had not been a big fan prior to my son going to school there (just didn't follow him not didn't like him) but came to know his life's work and really appreciated his courage to stand up for his Christian beliefs when my son attended there. There are not many men who have his courage and tenacity. I also cry very easily.

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I was devastated when the Princess of Wales was killed so tragically. Why? I dunno. Perhaps it was because I was sick with the Martian Death Flu, perhaps not, but it affected me far more deeply than I would have imagined it would.


I can't think of any others I've cried over, although I have felt sadness when someone I've "known" for a long time dies, whose work I've enjoyed or been moved by.


I think it's our nature to feel sadness when someone we know dies, even if it wasn't someone we knew personally. That your ds (and you) doesn't understand why people cried over Michael Jackson doesn't mean they were wrong somehow; it just means y'all didn't really care, and there's nothing wrong with that, either.

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I didn't sob, but I did shed a few tears when I heard of the following celebrity deaths:


Roberto Clemente

Bing Crosby (Elvis had passed several weeks earlier, if I'm remembering correctly, but that didn't affect me)

Payne Stewart


I did cry watching the Reagan memorial services -- Nancy looked so lost!

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I teared up over Tim Russert. I respected him tremendously, and when I heard that he died at the office, all I could think of was the helplessness and pain his colleagues must have felt as they frantically sought help, and were unable to save him.

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I cried when Mr. Rogers died.

My childhood was so rocky. My parents had issues at that time and were a bit self-absorbed.

On the many mornings that I got ready for school in an empty house, Mr Rogers kept me company. He was an extra parent in my world, at a time when I really needed an extra parent.

When he passed, I grieved.

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Like some of the other posters, I reacted to news of Princess Diana's death with lots of tears. I do remember being surprised at how much her death affected me.


Last summer, my girls and I went to a showing of Diana's dresses at a Hard Rock Hotel, and I cried again...


I also cried when John Lennon was killed. I know I've cried (or felt sadness) at the news of other celebrity deaths, but those two stand out.

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I do cry when almost anyone dies.


I feel so bad for the family they left behind. There is someone out there who loves everyone.



This is me, too. I've never cried from a personal sense of loss, but it really bothers me when people die. Any person. This is why I don't watch the news.


I remember when Princess Diana died. I was up really late, or early, and caught the breaking news on Nick at Nite of all places. I remember staring in stunned horror at the television. Princess Diana always reminded me of my mom. They were the same age and had similar mannerisms, looked alike, and I could see my mom making similar choices; and I was pretty angry at my mom in that stage of my life. I stared at the TV that morning and just thought and thought about life and luck and privilege and family. It was the strongest emotional reaction I'd ever have to a celebrity death (so far), and it was entirely not about the celebrity.

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