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Saving Curriculum for grandchildren


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I think more than curriculum, I'll be saving my living books- my Horrible Histories, my Genevieve Foster series, all my Bethlehem books, the living history and science books I'll accumulate over the years. My kids are young enough that by the time my grandkids are ready to be homeschooled there will be MUCH better curriculum available for sale.

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I think more than curriculum, I'll be saving my living books- my Horrible Histories, my Genevieve Foster series, all my Bethlehem books, the living history and science books I'll accumulate over the years. My kids are young enough that by the time my grandkids are ready to be homeschooled there will be MUCH better curriculum available for sale.


LOL, it all comes and goes. I don't think it's better... Just different. You might HAVE to save your phonics based curriculum by then. ;)



What would I save? All of my REAL books. I haven't found a curriculum I couldn't live without but I own an awful lot of wonderful real books.

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You'd be hard pressed to part me from my Life of Fred, Memoria Press stuff, and my WinterPromise IGs. Based on their business practices, I seriously wonder if MP and WP are going to be around when my kids are grown, and I constantly wonder if Stanley Schmidt has heirs who are as passionate about math education as he is. I'll be saving my current versions of Latin Prep too because those will change as British educational standards change.

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Lol, I was just thinking about this the other day. I wont let go of my SOTW books. I couldn't think of a good reason because we no longer use them. But then I thought, yes, grandchildren, that's my excuse!

I would say SOTW has been the biggest factor in shaping our homeschool experience and I have very sentimental feelings about them.


Also, I will probably save a few of our favourite reading books like D'Aulaire's Greek and Norse myths- the beautiful big illustrated versions. We just love those books.

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I do plan to save books, especially the OOP ones, but I don't think I'll hang onto any particular curriculum as I haven't found anything I'm THAT in love with yet and I'm sure we will move at least a couple of times over the next 12 years or so and I don't really want to lug 400 lbs of curricula everywhere we go because my daughter might decide to homeschool any kids she might have, and might want to use the same stuff she did. Chances are, she'll want to make her own decisions and I want her to feel free to do that, rather than feel forced to do some "old fashioned" :lol: stuff she had when she was a child just because I saved it for her.

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my grand-daughters are almost 6 and 3.5 yrs old. I've already passed down boxes of age-appropriate books that I would not have been able to part with otherwise, but my dd tells me that everything I have sent is well-loved and is being taken care of.


There are curriculum materials in with stuff that I have given them -- and they use it -- I am happy that I can give the stuff to them b/c there is so much I would not want to be bothered selling it, DH would freak out if I began packing it up and saving it for the 2nd round of grand-children (which will not happen for many many years), and it's nice that I don't have to give it away (which I would) and I know that A and E are enjoying it.:001_smile:

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