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Cleaning out--don't know what to do--sister unavailable--need sisterly advice....

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My sister would tell me what to do with this stuff, but she's not home and I'm having dinner company tonight, so I've gotta deal with this *right now*. I have a cabinet in my dining room that was filled with miscellaneous stuff 7 years ago when we built our house. Ever since we stashed it in there, I've felt guilty that I have this huge cabinet that I cannot use because of the stuff crammed in there. We pulled everything out a couple of days ago, but haven't dealt with it yet. Now I'm having company. If my sister were available, she'd be able to tell me what to do with each of these things. Wanna give it a shot?


Ceramic gingerbread house-I always wanted to have a ceramic gingergread house that could be decorated with new candy every year. My mom found one at a craft show and gave it to me, but it's so totally not-realistic looking that I've never used it. I don't know if I can give it away, or should just {gasp} throw it away...would anyone want it? Would mom be offended if she knew I asked for it but then didn't like the one she found?


Wicker basket cornucopia thing x2!-I like these, and I actually use them sometimes at Thanksgiving. Still, should I get rid of them, because they're a use-once-a-year item, and I could just use seasonal flowers, etc. If I get rid of them, would anyone want them, or should I just throw them away?


Box of melted, warped candles leftover from my wedding-I always think we might use these when the power goes out (we live in an area where it goes out often). We always end up using the candles I have on the dining room counter, or just going to bed. Still, these are candles that could be used in a pinch, and I'd feel bad throwing them away.


The girls’ tea set-My mom gave her childhood tea set to my dds. They do use it occasionally, which I like. I don't really know where to store it though.


Extra deli platters from those big meat/cheese trays-I use these a couple of times a year for church functions, etc. I just hate storing them, but keeping them at the church means I won't have them when I need them. Upon further thought, I guess I need to keep those and find a place to store them.


Three of those special vases for growing flower bulbs-I have used these a couple of times in the spring, but I hate storing them. Maybe they should go?


Candlesticks/holders that are my style but not my color/finish-I always think I might either spray these so they fit my decor, or I think I might use them when catering a buffet (which I do probably 6 times a year), but I never have used them.


Half-dozen med sized cheapie plastic bowls that I used once for a party-I don't use these. They were 99 cents each, I have 6 of them. Doesn't seem like I should throw them away...that would be wasteful.


Tapestry wall-hanging decoration reminiscent of Thomas Kincaid, but not my style. Given as a housewarming by my dh's aunt and uncle who are such sweet people that I feel guilty for not hanging the darn thing.


Just what am I gonna do with this stuff?!

You have to tell me! Don’t tell me “trash” either, this is the nitty-gritty stuff that I’ve kept in the same cabinet for 7 years. “Trash” is waaaay too simplistic of a solution for stuff like this. I'd try freecycling it, but I live pretty far off the beaten path, and can't really see expending a lot of gas/time to deal with each item individually.

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When I keep something and am not sure why, it usually is because I have some feelings attached to it, or because I'm afraid of risking disapproval of the people who gave it to me, if they found out I no longer had it.


Big Breath--Julie, honestly, I'd only keep one cornucopia and your mom's tea set. Either give the rest to a thrift store, or pitch it. No one is really going to care as much as you think they will. Do you look around people's homes to see if they keep what you give them? Wouldn't you release them from the obligation to keep/use/display all the stuff people have gifted them with?


It's not wasteful, in my opinion, to use something then not need it and so pitch it. It IS wasteful to spend more than a minute or two worrying over it all.


I have a friend who is constantly clearing out stuff--she offers something to us every week at Bible study!:D


Ymmv, of course.

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Drop everything but the tea set and platters off at Goodwill tomorrow. You will never miss it.


Edited to say you can make a cornucopia out of bread dough as a craft with the kids at Thanksgiving, and not have to store those big ol' things.

Edited by Amy in VA
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Donate it to the closest Goodwill or other charity (unless it is obviously no blessing to anyone.) The only way I can keep ahead of clutter is to fill boxes and bags frequently with items that no longer "bless us" but have become "burdens." I take each bag/box immediately to the car and drop it off the next time we visit the library :) Let someone else decide if they have value. Goodwill can sort the valueable from the trash without emotion....Now, I think I will go take my own advice and clean out a closet or cabinet....Good luck,

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I don't know if this is what you would want to hear, but seven years without use in our home would mean one thing: giveaway box or trash!!!!


That being said, I COMPLETELY commiserate with your pain, frustration and confusion. It's a very, very hard thing to make decisions about items when there is emotion attached to them - you haven't come right out and said it, but it does sound like there is emotion behind these decisions. This may sound really, really dumb, but could you take a picture of these special items, put them into a scrapbook of some sort and write a little blurb about how each thing is important to you?

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Ceramic gingerbread house-I always wanted to have a ceramic gingergread house that could be decorated with new candy every year. My mom found one at a craft show and gave it to me, but it's so totally not-realistic looking that I've never used it. I don't know if I can give it away, or should just {gasp} throw it away...would anyone want it? Would mom be offended if she knew I asked for it but then didn't like the one she found?


I would donate this one to a local thrift store. you don't love it, and someone else might be blessed by it.


Wicker basket cornucopia thing x2!-I like these, and I actually use them sometimes at Thanksgiving. Still, should I get rid of them, because they're a use-once-a-year item, and I could just use seasonal flowers, etc. If I get rid of them, would anyone want them, or should I just throw them away?


Keep at least one of these. You actually use them, and they are very seasonal. Expand your season--harvest could start in late September and go through Thanksgiving. Do you have storage in your attic or garage? Pick a high shelf and buy a few file boxes for things like this. All the harvest stuff goes in one, and you write HARVEST in big letters on the front. In September get it down, and voila! Instant decoration! You'll need one for Easter, Valentines Day, patriotic occasions, and maybe Advent, too. And New Years? Just the ones that you actually use.


Box of melted, warped candles leftover from my wedding-I always think we might use these when the power goes out (we live in an area where it goes out often). We always end up using the candles I have on the dining room counter, or just going to bed. Still, these are candles that could be used in a pinch, and I'd feel bad throwing them away.


I put one candle and one book of matches in a high drawer or cabinet in each room of our house except the adult bedrooms. Toss the rest. That way you always can feel your way to them wherever you are when the electicity goes out. Third world countries and California have unreliable power availability. Whoda thunk.


The girls’ tea set-My mom gave her childhood tea set to my dds. They do use it occasionally, which I like. I don't really know where to store it though.

A total keepsake. Display on a high shelf, use occasionally. You will kick yourself if you get rid of this one.


Extra deli platters from those big meat/cheese trays-I use these a couple of times a year for church functions, etc. I just hate storing them, but keeping them at the church means I won't have them when I need them. Upon further thought, I guess I need to keep those and find a place to store them.

I would toss these--they are plastic, right? Just cheapo plastic? The church should have their own, and they should be nicer than these. Toss yours.


Three of those special vases for growing flower bulbs-I have used these a couple of times in the spring, but I hate storing them. Maybe they should go?

Thrift store.


Candlesticks/holders that are my style but not my color/finish-I always think I might either spray these so they fit my decor, or I think I might use them when catering a buffet (which I do probably 6 times a year), but I never have used them.

Thrift store, or project for the kids.


Half-dozen med sized cheapie plastic bowls that I used once for a party-I don't use these. They were 99 cents each, I have 6 of them. Doesn't seem like I should throw them away...that would be wasteful.

Thrift store.


Tapestry wall-hanging decoration reminiscent of Thomas Kincaid, but not my style. Given as a housewarming by my dh's aunt and uncle who are such sweet people that I feel guilty for not hanging the darn thing.

Thrift store.





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My sister would tell me what to do with this stuff, but she's not home and I'm having dinner company tonight, so I've gotta deal with this *right now*. I have a cabinet in my dining room that was filled with miscellaneous stuff 7 years ago when we built our house. Ever since we stashed it in there, I've felt guilty that I have this huge cabinet that I cannot use because of the stuff crammed in there. We pulled everything out a couple of days ago, but haven't dealt with it yet. Now I'm having company. If my sister were available, she'd be able to tell me what to do with each of these things. Wanna give it a shot?


Ceramic gingerbread house-I always wanted to have a ceramic gingergread house that could be decorated with new candy every year. My mom found one at a craft show and gave it to me, but it's so totally not-realistic looking that I've never used it. I don't know if I can give it away, or should just {gasp} throw it away...would anyone want it? Would mom be offended if she knew I asked for it but then didn't like the one she found?


Wicker basket cornucopia thing x2!-I like these, and I actually use them sometimes at Thanksgiving. Still, should I get rid of them, because they're a use-once-a-year item, and I could just use seasonal flowers, etc. If I get rid of them, would anyone want them, or should I just throw them away? Keep


Box of melted, warped candles leftover from my wedding-I always think we might use these when the power goes out (we live in an area where it goes out often). We always end up using the candles I have on the dining room counter, or just going to bed. Still, these are candles that could be used in a pinch, and I'd feel bad throwing them away. Throw out


The girls’ tea set-My mom gave her childhood tea set to my dds. They do use it occasionally, which I like. I don't really know where to store it though. Keep


Extra deli platters from those big meat/cheese trays-I use these a couple of times a year for church functions, etc. I just hate storing them, but keeping them at the church means I won't have them when I need them. Upon further thought, I guess I need to keep those and find a place to store them.

Can you slide these under a bed somewhere?


Three of those special vases for growing flower bulbs-I have used these a couple of times in the spring, but I hate storing them. Maybe they should go?


Candlesticks/holders that are my style but not my color/finish-I always think I might either spray these so they fit my decor, or I think I might use them when catering a buffet (which I do probably 6 times a year), but I never have used them.


Half-dozen med sized cheapie plastic bowls that I used once for a party-I don't use these. They were 99 cents each, I have 6 of them. Doesn't seem like I should throw them away...that would be wasteful.


Tapestry wall-hanging decoration reminiscent of Thomas Kincaid, but not my style. Given as a housewarming by my dh's aunt and uncle who are such sweet people that I feel guilty for not hanging the darn thing.


Just what am I gonna do with this stuff?!

You have to tell me! Don’t tell me “trash†either, this is the nitty-gritty stuff that I’ve kept in the same cabinet for 7 years. “Trash†is waaaay too simplistic of a solution for stuff like this. I'd try freecycling it, but I live pretty far off the beaten path, and can't really see expending a lot of gas/time to deal with each item individually.



I would just find a box for the other stuff and put it in my car. Next time I was out I would take it to Goodwill or some such place and donate it.

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My husband and I just cleaned out our basement (first time in 3+ years) this past weekend and I had to remind him of my rule:


If it hasn't been used within the last year, get rid of it.

If it was used, but I don't really like it, get rid of it.

Unless, it is something that was given by a relative who is no longer living, then make a pile. Keep one or two things from the pile and get rid of the rest.

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My sister would tell me what to do with this stuff, but she's not home and I'm having dinner company tonight, so I've gotta deal with this *right now*. I have a cabinet in my dining room that was filled with miscellaneous stuff 7 years ago when we built our house. Ever since we stashed it in there, I've felt guilty that I have this huge cabinet that I cannot use because of the stuff crammed in there. We pulled everything out a couple of days ago, but haven't dealt with it yet. Now I'm having company. If my sister were available, she'd be able to tell me what to do with each of these things. Wanna give it a shot?


Ceramic gingerbread house-I always wanted to have a ceramic gingergread house that could be decorated with new candy every year. My mom found one at a craft show and gave it to me, but it's so totally not-realistic looking that I've never used it. I don't know if I can give it away, or should just {gasp} throw it away...would anyone want it? Would mom be offended if she knew I asked for it but then didn't like the one she found? Give it to goodwill, someone might like it


Wicker basket cornucopia thing x2!-I like these, and I actually use them sometimes at Thanksgiving. Still, should I get rid of them, because they're a use-once-a-year item, and I could just use seasonal flowers, etc. If I get rid of them, would anyone want them, or should I just throw them away? You use them, you like them, keep them


Box of melted, warped candles leftover from my wedding-I always think we might use these when the power goes out (we live in an area where it goes out often). We always end up using the candles I have on the dining room counter, or just going to bed. Still, these are candles that could be used in a pinch, and I'd feel bad throwing them away. Toss in the trash


The girls’ tea set-My mom gave her childhood tea set to my dds. They do use it occasionally, which I like. I don't really know where to store it though. Keep. Put it in an out of the way cupboard in your kitchen


Extra deli platters from those big meat/cheese trays-I use these a couple of times a year for church functions, etc. I just hate storing them, but keeping them at the church means I won't have them when I need them. Upon further thought, I guess I need to keep those and find a place to store them. Yes keep


Three of those special vases for growing flower bulbs-I have used these a couple of times in the spring, but I hate storing them. Maybe they should go? You don't need a special vase for growing bulbs- goodwill they go!


Candlesticks/holders that are my style but not my color/finish-I always think I might either spray these so they fit my decor, or I think I might use them when catering a buffet (which I do probably 6 times a year), but I never have used them. Goodwill


Half-dozen med sized cheapie plastic bowls that I used once for a party-I don't use these. They were 99 cents each, I have 6 of them. Doesn't seem like I should throw them away...that would be wasteful. goodwill


Tapestry wall-hanging decoration reminiscent of Thomas Kincaid, but not my style. Given as a housewarming by my dh's aunt and uncle who are such sweet people that I feel guilty for not hanging the darn thing. Goodwill


Just what am I gonna do with this stuff?!

You have to tell me! Don’t tell me “trash†either, this is the nitty-gritty stuff that I’ve kept in the same cabinet for 7 years. “Trash†is waaaay too simplistic of a solution for stuff like this. I'd try freecycling it, but I live pretty far off the beaten path, and can't really see expending a lot of gas/time to deal with each item individually.


That was easy- goodwill for everything but the cornucopia's, trays, tea set. Candles into the trash- Now, will you come help me declutter my house! :D

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Give it to Goodwill (or Amvets, Salvation Army, Teen Challenge - pick your charity resale shop). You won't be being wasteful - these items are likely to find a home with someone who will love them.


I would keep the deli trays and the tea set, and possibly one of the cornucopias. Get rid of the rest.


I would pitch the candles. It sounds like they would only be used in an extended power outage, but then they'd probably drip and make a mess. Make sure you have a decent flashlight that you store in easy reach under your bed (in case there's a power outage in the middle of the night and you need to get up). Anytime I've been without power for several days (ice storms or tornadoes), I've only been comfortable with candles in jars. During the tornado we had so many gas leaks from uprooted trees that I couldn't burn candles anyway.


LOL - way more info than you needed. It'll feel good to have that stuff out of your hair.

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I don't know if this is what you would want to hear, but seven years without use in our home would mean one thing: giveaway box or trash!!!!


That being said, I COMPLETELY commiserate with your pain, frustration and confusion. It's a very, very hard thing to make decisions about items when there is emotion attached to them - you haven't come right out and said it, but it does sound like there is emotion behind these decisions. This may sound really, really dumb, but could you take a picture of these special items, put them into a scrapbook of some sort and write a little blurb about how each thing is important to you?

You may be right. Generally speaking, I am extremely ruthless about purging stuff we don't need. That cabinet is the exception. It's the stuff that overwhelms me just thinking about it. As goofy as it may seem...................I may need to do the picture thing. :001_huh: Not in a scrapbook, but maybe just tucked away somewhere to think about for a little while....


Thanks....I think. :001_smile:

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