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Painful lump behind right ear

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Hi everyone,

I would love your advise. Yesterday I noticed a lump behind my right ear. It's on the bony part above the soft spot right behind the ear (if that makes sense) Yesterday it only hurt when it was touched. Today it seems more painful and hurts even when I'm not touching it. It's hard and about the size of a pea, I guess. Has anyone else had this before and if so what was it? Is it something I can deal with myself? I really do not want to go to the doctor if it's nothing or something that will just go way on its own. We are still paying down the $1,000 from the last batch of doctor visits that ended up being nothing.

Any advise would be great!

Thanks so much!!

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Sounds like a sebaceous cyst.


I recently had one behind my left ear. It sounded just like what you're talking about!


I ended up having to go to the urgent care after six months to have it lanced because it just kept getting bigger and more painful. The doctor had it cleaned out and bandaged within 5 minutes and it healed up in no time.

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I assume it's not a pimple? The only other time I've had this problem, it was solved by changing earrings! I was wearing studs and they were digging in behind my ear there. For some reason I didn't feel them sticking in, but it caused a lump. The problem cleared up in about two days after that terribly scientific and expensive solution!


I hope it's something that simple.



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Thanks for the reply! I know this is going to sound silly but did it hurt to have it lanced? I am such a wimp when I comes to pain. :crying: If this is what it is, it would be nice to know what to expect. Thanks so much!


No...they numbed it with the equivalent of novocaine and that didn't hurt at all.


Hope you feel better soon!

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Have you had your husband or a friend look at it?


Sometimes you can just get it taken care of yourself. If it is deep it may be more difficult.


If you make an office visit would you just have a small co-pay? If you can, I would go that route. If you have to pay for all of it I would try to take care of it myself.



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This is very likely to resolve itself if you place hot wet compresses to the effected area for an hour or two. You may also want to wear a band-aid with a tiny drop of tea tree oil over the bump. It will probably make you feel better, and it tends to open pores. It also kills germs.


If it doesn't resolve itself, grows significantly larger, or the entire area becomes red and hot to the touch, you need to get help.


When it does resolve, be extra careful as you clean the wound. These cysts are often caused by staph. This particular strain has already demonstrated an ability to make you ill. You want to be careful it doesn't get the chance to invade a scratch or site of dry broken skin on your hands.

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I get these every so often. In fact, I just had one last week and it lasted for a few days and then it was gone. It would hurt even to the touch. But it did not hurt unless I was touching it or my ear was pressing against something. And it gets red.


I looked up the cyst, and that is not what I get. Mine is just bump on my ear....I've had it behind the ear, on the lobe, on the front part of the ear. I get them a few times a year probably, and it always goes away on its own.

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pick up a box of DOMEBORO powder at CVS or someplace - it should be in the first aid or insect bite section. follow the instructions and make the compresses and it should give you some relief. A box of Domeboro packets is probably less than $10. It is a good thing to have in anyone's first aid kit.

If what you have is a cyst or a pimple, the domeboro will drain it. hope this helps

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I get these every so often. In fact, I just had one last week and it lasted for a few days and then it was gone. It would hurt even to the touch. But it did not hurt unless I was touching it or my ear was pressing against something. And it gets red.


I looked up the cyst, and that is not what I get. Mine is just bump on my ear....I've had it behind the ear, on the lobe, on the front part of the ear. I get them a few times a year probably, and it always goes away on its own.


me too! (except I didn't have one last week...)

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Thank you everyone for all the wonderful replies! Someone mentioned Tea Tree oil and I just happened to have some so I just put some of that on there. If that doesn't do anything then I will pick up the Domeboro powder that was also mentioned. If I still have it next Monday or it gets a lot worse then I will probably go ahead and make an appointment.

Thanks so much everyone!! :001_smile:

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I get these every so often. In fact, I just had one last week and it lasted for a few days and then it was gone. It would hurt even to the touch. But it did not hurt unless I was touching it or my ear was pressing against something. And it gets red.


I looked up the cyst, and that is not what I get. Mine is just bump on my ear....I've had it behind the ear, on the lobe, on the front part of the ear. I get them a few times a year probably, and it always goes away on its own.

I have one on my ear too--at the top, where my ear connects to my head, right where an eyeglass bow would rest. It's not sore unless I touch it. I've been getting these occasionally on my face, neck or ear area for a few months now. They're annoying, but they go away eventually. They always seem like the start of a pimple at first, but they never develop into one.

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