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I"ve just got to share this dog and kid brag....

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Molly's day today started with a huge, tragic shock--- she went out to check our beloved hens and found that Sudie, our favorite, had been attacked and killed by some kind of predator. Poor Molly took it very hard; we'd raised them from babies three years ago and Sudie was our most favorite, a sweet, gentle hen who was always willing to be picked up and carried around like a puppy. It wasn't a pretty sight, and poor Molly was just so shocked and horrified. There was much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.


However, there was little time for dwelling on the tragedy because we had to load up and head to a big 4-H obedience trial. It's been so rainy here that Molly and Dani (her 4-H project dog, the one in my avatar) haven't been able to squeak in as much practicing as they should have, and Molly was still pretty upset about Sudie, but the show must go on, eh?


We drove to the trial with Molly holding back tears and dark clouds building on the horizon. To add to it all, Dani is devoted to Molly, and was so worried about her. She spent most of her time waiting for the class to begin trying to lick her face and nudge her hands to cheer her up, rather than focusing on practicing her warm-ups like Molly was trying to get her to do. It was really clear to everyone there why this breed make such great therapy dogs. They just KNOW when they are needed, and really sense when their humans are upset. Then the rain started to fall. It was obvious that this trial had disaster written all over it.


So into the Novice ring went Molly and Danika. Ray and I held our breath as miraculously, they never missed a step. Back into the ring later for sits and downs, and wow....Dani never broke-- rock solid.


When it was all over, the kids were called into the ring with their dogs and the judge handed out the qualifying scores. THEN he read the placements. Dani and Molly had pulled off a High In Trial with a score of 195.5!!! This is out of a possible 200 points-- and this breed does NOT do well in obedience; they're too laid-back. They're notorious for just not putting any effort into it, so for an adult like me, who has trained and competed in obedience for DECADES, scoring a 195.5 with a Leonberger is almost unheard of. Really.


I am absolutely convinced that Dani knew Molly had one nerve left and rose to the occasion. Even without the chicken drama, Dani is just not a 195 obedience dog! Poor Molly is still upset about losing her favorite chicken, but the great trial certainly helped cheer her up!


It's so funny how life can be--- such highs and lows all in less than 12 hours! Now we're all emotionally exhausted--- I think it will be cold cereal for supper!


Astrid (and Danika, who learned today that she can simultaneously do obedience and therapy work!)

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