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Do you have a list of supplies for preparing for the flu

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Last spring I was pretty laid back about the whole swine flu thing but I really think that this fall is going to be worse. Of course I don't want my family to get it but I'm not necessarily more concerned about this particular flu then the regular one. My biggest concern is that if 40% of the population gets it then it will start to affect things like grocery stores, etc. Of course not everyone will get it at the same time but I would like to have the right supplies on hand just in case there is a shortage of supplies or people start panic buying this fall. I also want a supply in case my whole family gets sick at the same time and we're not able to leave the house for awhile. I'm thinking more on the lines of basic medications and other supplies to have on hand rather then long term food storage. I always have at least 2 weeks of food and water, although I'm wondering if I might up that a bit. I did have a good link for this but now the link doesn't work. Does anyone have a list or a link for one?

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That's a good idea to make sure you have stuff before you need it. Even though we hs, I have a feeling we will get it since dh takes public transportation to work, which is often crowded.


I would probably be sure to have meds for fever, cough, etc. (the main flu problems). I would also have cleaning stuff to disinfect frequently so we don't spread it so much or have relapses.

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We bought extra N-95 masks and oil of oregano, but other than that not much here.


Hmmm., that is second time I have heard of oil of oregano, can you tell me where you get it and how you use it, my friend says it is awful and strong, do you give to your dc and if so how much?

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I'd start with the


30 day prep list from flutrackers



Don't forget to print off the flu homecare manual which is listed in that thread.


The US gov't pandemic flu website also has checklists



IMO everyone should have 2-4 weeks of supplies in the home in case of natural disaster/illness/whatever. I live in an earthquake zone. If a big earthquake strikes we may be without water/electricity/natural gas for some time. And yeah, I'm prepping for flu season. :001_smile:

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I'd start with the


30 day prep list from flutrackers



Don't forget to print off the flu homecare manual which is listed in that thread.


The US gov't pandemic flu website also has checklists



IMO everyone should have 2-4 weeks of supplies in the home in case of natural disaster/illness/whatever. I live in an earthquake zone. If a big earthquake strikes we may be without water/electricity/natural gas for some time. And yeah, I'm prepping for flu season. :001_smile:


Those are awesome.

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I try to keep light-colored Gatorade (the Rain varieties are pretty light-colored) and apple Pedialyte to help prevent dehydration. I have found that the light-colored Gatorade is easier on the stomach and won't stain if it comes back up (same goes for Tylenol--get the grape kind or risk stained carpet!). :) (We learned the hard way.)


Thanks for posting about this--important to be reminded of keeping up the stores in the medicine cupboard.

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I'd start with the


30 day prep list from flutrackers



Don't forget to print off the flu homecare manual which is listed in that thread.


The US gov't pandemic flu website also has checklists



IMO everyone should have 2-4 weeks of supplies in the home in case of natural disaster/illness/whatever. I live in an earthquake zone. If a big earthquake strikes we may be without water/electricity/natural gas for some time. And yeah, I'm prepping for flu season. :001_smile:


Those are great! Thanks for sharing. We have always been prepared; it comes natural to us now with our food rotation. While risking being stereotyped as a paranoid survivalist; life happens, the good, the bad, and the ugly flu.


It only takes 2 days (in the US) of our trucking industry being down for our stores to be empty.

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I didn't know they made apple flavor Pedialyte...sounds good!


We're stocking up on Oscillococcinum, pain-reliever, toilet paper, canned goods, batteries, lanterns, slow-burning candles (also candles for use in a lantern as last resort), bottled water, lyme (in case toilets stop working), and a few other things...only a bit more than I try to do every winter because our power goes out at least a few times, more and for longer if we get ice storms.

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I'd start with the


30 day prep list from flutrackers



Don't forget to print off the flu homecare manual which is listed in that thread.


The US gov't pandemic flu website also has checklists



IMO everyone should have 2-4 weeks of supplies in the home in case of natural disaster/illness/whatever. I live in an earthquake zone. If a big earthquake strikes we may be without water/electricity/natural gas for some time. And yeah, I'm prepping for flu season. :001_smile:


FluTrackers is an awesome site :)


Two more, similar type of sites that people may like to visit:


Pandemic Flu Information Forum


Plan for Pandemic

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