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Not that we didn't see it coming.....

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but DH just lost his job. He just called and is on his way home. I'm actually glad he has a long commute because I need some time to get my head together. He has worked at the same nonprofit for over 10 years, and saw all the signs that happen when departmental budgets are slashed or they do their "realignments," so he had been looking for something new for the past month. I guess the meeting with HR went pretty smoothly (for what it was), now I'm hoping they are quick with the unemployment paperwork. I had already scheduled as many of our routine medical/dental things as possible, and we'll have August to squeeze them in before insurance runs out. I tried to play Pollyanna and told him he'll probably get faster service calling Unemployment on a Friday than if he had found out tomorrow and had to call on Monday. Sigh. Ok, I've got to get through our history reading and make dinner and try not to think about it.... not that I'll succeed, but I'll try.

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I completely know where you are coming from. :( We own our own business, and we lost our biggest client back in May. Fortunately, they phased us out over 8 weeks, so we didn't feel the immediate impact that you will be feeling. However, that one client is the reason we could no longer afford private school and now we will be homeschooling. I choose to look at it as a blessing rather than a burden.


My thoughts and prayers are with your family. May God open a new door for you as swiftly as the old door closed!

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So sorry. Although my dh is still employed, we are facing some big consequences this "Great Recession," and while the lessons are painful, I can truly say I am grateful.


I've had several weeks where I enter the grocery store with maybe $7.00, or on a rich day $14, and have to leave with enough food for a week. It makes me ashamed for how careless I have been with money in the past.


God is good. You will be fine. Worry is normal.



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what hard news (even if you could see it coming, its still a shock when it does!).


let us know what we can do to help.... some of us may have curriculum sitting on our shelves just longing to come to your house :001_smile:



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You folks are so great -- thanks for the kind thoughts and words. DH is home, and we are both feeling sort of.... relieved. That sounds weird, but I think it seems better to have things settled somehow. He's already talking about going back to school, having more time with the kids, and other positives. He'll call the unemployment office tomorrow, and we'll call to see what sort of insurance we can get for the kids. Plus, it does seem like there are lots of jobs open in his field around here, so this may end up being a short-term situation. Thanks so much for helping me think positive!

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I'm so sorry.


I know I posted this before, but my husband was just unemployed for 7 months. I really thought we would be homeless eventually. It was horrible but we made it through. He just started an awesome job in April that paid more, with job-for-life stability and a pension. And it was all-of-a-sudden and outta-the-blue.


I hope when your husband finds a job (soon), it's even better than the one he had before. :)

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BTDT. :grouphug:


Some things you need to know NOW even though you may not feel like dealing with them.


COBRA is currently subsidized 65% by the fed. government if you qualify. It is not instant. It may take a month or two for the subsidy to kick in. You have to fill out the paperwork and pay a full premium for one or two months before the 65% is applied. The balance that you paid will be distributed into future months.




Apply immediately for unemployment. Ask the unemployment department about training and if there are state career help centers. There is fed. subsidy for training, so please ask immediately if there is training available with federal subsidy money. You have to be on unemployment to get the training and there is usually a wait time of a month or two to get an appointment with a state career counselor. After that there may be a wait time for the training course to start. (In other words, the unemployment has to be in effect while you do the training.) Your husband get some professional training to help him with his next job. This training is for all levels of work. Many think it is for "manual" jobs. It is not just for "manual" work.


If you need it, look immediately into WIC and medical insurance for children. There is a wait time to get the applications in.



PM me if you want any more information.



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He applied for unemployment this morning, and we are gong to get insurance set up for the kids next week. We have scheduled a few things for before our current insurance expires, so that's a big relief. It even looks like he might be able to use either federal funds or make a no-penalty withdrawal from retirement to pay for a few classes he has wanted to take for a couple of years toward completing another computer certification. Thanks so much much for the thoughts/prayers/great advice!

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