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Washington Heat Wave

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Crissy - I opened my house all up at 5 am this morning. I've gotten it down to 86 in here! Our house is a split level and all the heat goes up to the top level - where we do most of our living. (The kids are sleeping in the basement this week with the dogs and the cats. Unfortunately there isn't room for dh and me!)



Whew! That's still pretty uncomfortable, but better than 92! I hope it helps you get through today.

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This is crazy sick. I am waking up at 5a to run the dishwasher and do laundry so I can get a bit of cool (70+ degree:confused:) air in the house before everything becomes an oven again.



Our dishwasher is on early morning duty here, too! Yesterday I started serving on paper plates and napkins so I won't have to run it as frequently. I'm holding off on laundry because our laundry room is in the basement and I don't want to run the dryer and heat up our only cool refuge! (Today I'm going to get one of those drying racks so I can hang dry some clothes if necessary. )


Last night I went to the store and got one of the last boxes of popsicles so I guess it's time to break out the popsicle molds. The "Frosty Paws" for dogs were all gone so our pup is out of luck. Our cats are funny...they usually turn their noses up at cold canned cat food so I usually have to add some warm water but right now they're gobbling up the cold stuff!

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Ready for 100+ today, friends? It was into the 80s when I finished my run at 8 this morning. Our problem right now is that we have no running water. We're on a community well system and there must be a broken pump or some such because all of us are out. I can handle the minor things ~ spending the day reeking since I can't take a post-run shower and so on ~ but lack of water on a farm is different altogether. Luckily, the morning milking is done, but no water for the cows on the hottest day of the year is Not Good ~ and then of course there's the afternoon milking/clean up. Let's hope it's a quick fix...!

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Yikes, hope they get the water going again soon Colleen!


It got to 92 in our house yesterday.....I wish we had a basement, but we don't. It's not cool anywhere in our house. We went to Barnes & Noble yesterday, then out to eat for supper. That gave us a few less hours in the heat! I'm not sure what we'll do today. We have fans going, but don't have that many. It's only a little after 1pm, and it's 91 in our house! The Natu. Weather Service has this area listed at 97, but I'm thinking it's got to be warmer than that! DD and I went to the Humane Society at 7 this morning cuz we thought it'd be cooler. We walked two dogs and it was so hot that we were just drained and had to stop!


I'd LIKE to embrace this weather, and I TRY, but I had heat exhaustion when I was 16, and ever since have been sensitive to very hot weather! I embrace it by trying to get away from it! :D


Oh, one thing dh does is leave the door to our attached garage open to let the air flow around, instead of heating up inside and, in turn, making the house hotter!


I'm drinking LOTS of ice water, and eating less, so maybe I'll lose some weight? that'd be a positive outcome of this heat!:hurray::001_smile:

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Embrace it!


I found him. I found one person who is embracing the heat!

Hunter's violin instructor is from Spain. He has lived here just two years and generally dislikes our weather. Not so this week. He says the heat reminds him of summers at home and he is loving every minute of it.

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I found him. I found one person who is embracing the heat!

Hunter's violin instructor is from Spain. He has lived here just two years and generally dislikes our weather. Not so this week. He says the heat reminds him of summers at home and he is loving every minute of it.


That's awesome!


If I didn't have to worry about the health and safety of 500 Mormon kids, it would sure be easier to embrace, I tell ya!

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When we arrived at the dentist's office and saw the front door open with fans going, I knew it wasn't good. Luckily the entire family was out of there by 10:30 a.m. before it got too hot. Poor guy had sweat beads popping out all over his forehead. A bad day to have the AC go out.


I am REALLY looking forward to tonight. It's going to get down to 60 degrees and we'll be able to cool down the house. If we can do that, the house will be much more comfortable tomorrow. :)


Colleen, sending good thoughts your way.

Edited by PollyOR
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I would have whined earlier but at 105, 3 substations in Monroe and Snohomish went out and we were without power for several hours. Dd and I sat in the bathtub with our shorts on spraying each other with the coldest water possible. Power's on now but it's now 92 in the house. :svengo:

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It's 103 in the shade now.

That's hot.


Yes, but at least down here it is a DRIER heat than yesterday. Last night my wrung and hung to dry knee-high hose didn't dry!


It was so hot people who are off today were calling into work just to say things like "It's 106 in house! I've never been in 106 before!" Number 58 on "how you know you live in western Washington"...people call on their days off to report the temp!


I even drove into work early to get a spot I'd know would be in the shade after 1 pm. The computer people (not the hike up your pants and wade through anything kind of people line staff are) have NO A/C. As a department they are very nervous about the fact they are 2 floors beneath an unlocked community program of, mostly, murderers, and lock every door possible. All caution was thrown to the breeze and the doors were propped open today.


The phone system overheated and nearly every call went to security. I'm waiting for the computers to crash.

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We attended an outdoor funeral today at 3 pm -- right as the all time high temp in Seattle was set. 103! I was on a mission to keep the older folks from fainting. Ice water, a cooler full of washcloths on ice, spray bottles, and a bag full of hand-held fans.


Currently 92 in our house. Hotter than that still outside, so we can't open the house yet. No basement, not one single spot in the house that is anything close to cool.


I grew up with heat like this, but we had basements or screened porches.


I may just sit in the tub to cool down before bed. The news just said it should only get down into the upper 80s or low 90s overnight. Maybe lower 80s by daybreak. Unheard of in Seattle!


There is a breeze, but it feels more like hot gusts.


Colleen, sorry to hear your water is out. What a nightmare! I told my husband that a power outage would be the end of my tolerance. If the power goes out, we'll be sleeping out back in the tent.

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yesterday was soooo miserable!! We actually spent 2 solid hours at the play area at Tacoma Mall. And the food court there looked like it was Christmas shopping time! The whole place was just packed!!


When we finally went back to the car, around 6 PM, the temperature gauge on the car said 111 degrees! Ack!! My kids slept downstairs, in front of the air conditioner in the family room.


Today, the temperature gauges in the house still read the same as yesterday. However, it fills A LOT cooler. The humidity yesterday must have been extreme! I've got 2 kids in bed, and 1 to go. We had my nephew today, too, and we spent the day at Pacific Science Center. Air conditioned places are nice!

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The "Frosty Paws" for dogs were all gone so our pup is out of luck. Our cats are funny...they usually turn their noses up at cold canned cat food so I usually have to add some warm water but right now they're gobbling up the cold stuff!


I make my own frosty paws -

mix yogurt with a bit of canned cat or dog food & freeze in paper dixie cups. Sometimes I add frozen veggies or blueberries in there. You can also add a bit of peanut butter into the mix if you want something thicker but I prefer watery ones with fewer calories so I can give them more frequently.


Sometimes I freeze "doggie popsicles" of plain low sodium chicken or beef broth. I drop in any trimmings etc or leftovers off our plates. Usually I just give them the entire cup outside & most dogs will lick it out & spit out the paper. Even if they do eat a bit of paper, it's not a problem though one of my fosters didn't know what to do with it until I peeled the paper for him


This is much much cheaper than buying frosty paws too :-)

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I'm thinking of creating a t-shirt to commemorate the event. Anyone have a good catch-phrase? Dh thinks there should be something about the poles on the buses being too hot to hold onto.


I was thinking the same thing, but nothing so clever as your dh's. "I survived the heat wave of aught nine" was as good as I could muster in my brain melted state.


I'm outside in the back yard in the tent with the laptop. I feel a little silly and decadent, but blissfully cool.


Hope everyone is holding up, and that Colleen has water!

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