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Baby name help...

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I was going to post for "Abigail May", then realized that it would strike some ears as a directive, or permission ! [oops] I do like the name May.


I can't really propose a name without knowing your surname. (and you aren't likely to post that on the Internet !) I evaluate a name with all its components, not just the first and middle. Rhythm counts as heavily as does euphony.

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(from a lover of linguistics) : Is Elspeth a variant of Elsbeth ?


Oh so right about those initials ! I contemplated giving my daughter the middle name of Frances (feminine form of my father's middle name of Francis) -- but quickly realized her initials would become a butt for jokes -- KFC ! (I couldn't possibly be so cruel to a child !)


My dd with a 3 syllable A-name has the middle name Elsbeth -- it is the Scottish form of Elizabeth. Just make sure you're happy with what her initials spell...with any letter, should she marry and change her name! :)
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(from a lover of linguistics) : Is Elspeth a variant of Elsbeth ?



YES! In fact, when dh called his mom to tell her dd had been born, he spelled her name ElsPeth instead of ElsBeth! I have to cut him some slack on that one though, he had just delivered her all by himself...we called the midwife about 15 minutes too late. :ohmy:

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