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Do you think our right to homeschool can be counted on for long into the future?

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I hope I'm concerned needlessly but I do worry that our right to homeschool may one day be taken from us. I have no idea when....but I just can't shake the feeling. I guess that this is one right that I feel very strongly about as my younger dd is only now beginning first grade. Do you think we can count on this right for a long time into the future?

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I do not think that this is something we can take for granted but something we need to zealously guard and protect. Of course, when I started way back we we were still fighting for the right to do it in the frist place so I might have a biased opinion on this matter.

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I would think we have quite a while yet. There are still many, many, pro-homeschoolers. Not just homeschoolers themselves, but grandparents, aunts, cousins, uncles, etc. who know and believe in it too much to just let those rights be taken away. Pro-homeschoolers would certainly put up a good fight and right now big government isn't too interested in tearing it down yet. They have enough of other stuff on their agenda taking their time. Thank goodness. But this is just my opinion.

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I went back to school to obtain a masters in education out of fear that Obama will one day require it! I do fear that by the time my last one is out of school, it will be outlawed! However, we are in for the long haul, so we'll do whatever it takes!



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I've been a little worried about this too. Esp. when I see a small percentage of parents take unschooling to the extreme. Please do not hate on me, I am all for choice of method, I'm talking extremes. I just have friends with a non-learning disabled child that does not know how to read and he is 10, and mom is working on her Phd. I am afraid my right will be taken away because some have abused the privilege.

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Yes, absolutely. Which doesn't meant there may not be times when we need to be politically active to maintain that right, but I'm quite confident that we can maintain that right for many, many, many years to come.


:iagree: We have such large numbers of homeschoolers who have no intention of sitting idly by when threats to our freedoms come up. Most homeschoolers I know understand that they must work to maintain their freedoms and not rely on somebody else to do so. Meeting with legislators and putting a face on homeschooling is much more important that panicking within our homes at every alert that is put out.

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I've been a little worried about this too. Esp. when I see a small percentage of parents take unschooling to the extreme. Please do not hate on me, I am all for choice of method, I'm talking extremes. I just have friends with a non-learning disabled child that does not know how to read and he is 10, and mom is working on her Phd. I am afraid my right will be taken away because some have abused the privilege.



I know some homeschoolers that do wait until later to teach reading, particularly if the student is an active boy. Those children do end up learning to read, and learning rather quickly. They are very bright children and not neglected...their parents simply followed a different theory/model on learning, age/maturity readiness, and education.

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I know some homeschoolers that do wait until later to teach reading, particularly if the student is an active boy. Those children do end up learning to read, and learning rather quickly. They are very bright children and not neglected...their parents simply followed a different theory/model on learning, age/maturity readiness, and education.

I understand this, but in this case they have no plans, he is totally in charge of what he learns and so far it's on a wii. I know this is not the norm but it does make me a bit paranoid with all the stereotyping that is going out there that a family like this could end of representing me (homeschooling) on say...Dr. Phil or Oprah.

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Every right we have as Americans can be taken from us, IF we let that happen.


I don't think homeschoolers are ready to let that happen. Homeschooling is a growing trend, not a dying one. Which might make us more of a target for an overzealous politician, but.....

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I don't feel our right to homeschool is in jeopardy, if for no other reasons than logistical ones. At current estimates, there are close to 2 million homeschoolers in the U.S., and the numbers are growing. I think, if there is a challenge to this right, it would soon become apparent that trying to incorporate 2 million or more students into an already stressed system would be chaotic. As homeschoolers, we are saving the government/taxpayers billions of dollars.


Even with NEA rhetoric, and any UN agenda concerns, I just don't feel threatened in this area.

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I went back to school to obtain a masters in education out of fear that Obama will one day require it! I do fear that by the time my last one is out of school, it will be outlawed! However, we are in for the long haul, so we'll do whatever it takes!




I'm pretty sure that a president would not be able to single handedly dismantle homeschooler's rights.

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I think the demonization in media will be the first clue (more severe than usual... viscious & constant).... either they will be showing the abuses or fringe/odd families... or by showing the NEED to get these poor children in a better system.


I think the largest threat today is state by state. However, the current trend in politics is that gov't knows better than individuals - regardless of anything. It this trend isn't stopped quickly... it will grow like a snowball coming down the mountain... then we will be targeted.


Keep your eyes & ears opened but don't look for a gov't officer around every corner of your house!;)

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I'm pretty sure that a president would not be able to single handedly dismantle homeschooler's rights.



I don't know. He almost single-handedly took GM, AIG, Chrysler, several banks & is working hard on our medical care systems (1/7 or 1/8 of our economy). Take advantage of a crisis (per his own staff members comments). That means use one when it happens... but orchestration of one is possible also!


The media & a few well placed "spokesman".... can handle things rather quickly & efficiently... and we are a very small group of people. Also, participation with UN & certain treaties can quickly change our lives!


BUT... I hope you are correct!;)

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I don't feel our right to homeschool is in jeopardy, if for no other reasons than logistical ones. At current estimates, there are close to 2 million homeschoolers in the U.S., and the numbers are growing. I think, if there is a challenge to this right, it would soon become apparent that trying to incorporate 2 million or more students into an already stressed system would be chaotic. As homeschoolers, we are saving the government/taxpayers billions of dollars.


Even with NEA rhetoric, and any UN agenda concerns, I just don't feel threatened in this area.



:iagree::iagree::iagree: And will add also that as the number of homeschool graduates increases that more and more people will "know" a homeschooler and as homeschooled children (on the whole) are extremely well educated there will be that many more "known" successful cases of homeschool and therefore I think it will only increase it's acceptance as a viable alternative to the PS system.


Plus a taxpayer pays into a school system that they don't use, takes the burden off of their local school for their children and turns out top notch students that can then go on and prove a productive member of society... it seems to me to be a win win for the State.

Edited by Ibbygirl
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