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What do I do with peach puree?

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You can mix it into plain yogurt or cream cheese.


Or into batter, similar to what Kalah suggested as an oil replacement. I sometimes replace eggs with applesauce in muffin mixes and pancake batters; I'm sure peach puree would be tasty, too!


You could make a peach-based salsa (think mango chutney or something similar, and substitute) to serve with a chicken entree. Maybe diced, rather than pureed but even a puree would work in a pinch.


You could use it for crepe fillings. We like crepes for breakfast or snacks - quick and easy.


You could use it as a base for cold soup. I like cold soup in summer! I'm not a peach fan, so I'm not sure what would compliment it ... but I'm sure someone somewhere in Internetland would have a complimentary herb or blend for a yummy peach-based cold soup.


Hmm. That's about all I have LOL. Good luck getting them all used up :)

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