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What do you like for Ancients, second rotation (5th grade)?

Sherri in MI

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I am going to teach 5th grade "ancients" for the first time this year. I remembered the Greenleaf "Famous Men" guides as being very easy (from when we used them over ten years ago). So I "budgeted" to have dd complete Memoria's Greece and Rome during this ensuring school year. When the materials arrived, I immediately saw how [academically] superior to Greenleaf's version these are. No way to do both in one year ! We chose Greece, because of our family joke that "Great, Great, . . . Great Uncle Alexander [the Great]" is one of DH's ancestors. (DH is first generation Greek.) (OK, Alexander was Macedonian, but we won't get stuck over that !)


In order to allow for good materials beyond just a spine, our basics planned are these :


(1) Kingfisher Book of the Ancient World = spine (all of the book except for introductory information about the non-humans -- creatures which we do not believe ever existed).

(2) Tanglewood Curriculum's 5th grade schema for studying ancient Egypt.

(1 + 2) = 36 weeks' study exactly

(3) Memoria Press' Famous Men of Ancient Greece = 36 weeks' work. Running this concurrently with (1) and (2).


Among the "reading books":

Re-reading sections of Our Young Folks' Josephus.

Padraic Colum's versions of the Golden Fleece, and of Homer.

The Golden Goblet

other books still being decided on


This is a very solid program for my history-loving dd !





Or is that too much. Just one Famous Men books looks like a whole curriculum - am I right? Anyone use Famous Men of Greece and Famous Men of Rome w/ MOH?
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Just wondering, but what part about the 5th grade History do you not like? I'm sitting here thinking about the same age and subject... wondering if I want to do it just like the book again.


Well, I prefer a more narrative approach like SOTW, and so does ds. I don't like the idea of using an encyclopdia as a spine. Also, I would like Christian/church history included, if possible.

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Have you seen Biblioplan? Their ancients study is basically a schedule and book lists for each age range (elementary, middle & highschool)...they use several spines including an alternate to use MOH, which is what we're doing. They use both Greenleaf guides. We're just getting started with it this year. It's organized enough to keep me on track, and yet very flexible. I have a 5th and an advanced 2nd, so it's working beautifully for us!

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We have been using Biblioplan for our first go around and love it. It is even better for older kids. For our second cycle starting next year, I will strongly consider just using Biblioplan again with the older readers and different spines (eg famous men, kingfisher). I will also take a good look at TOG. I would love their teacher helps/discussion questions, but not sure that's a good enough reason to spend so much more than for Biblioplan. May also be too overwhelming.

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I am going to teach 5th grade "ancients" for the first time this year.


The Orthodox Homeschooling Yahoo group has had some discussion about an over arching guide to the Ancients written by two Dr.s from St. Tikhon's. Have you seen it? I can forward you a sample and the contact info if you are interested. :)

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Is that the old plan from the Drs. David and Mary Ford ? I never have seen it, although I have heard of it for years. We always would hear about the curriculum, but it never was finished, never was available. I would be most grateful to you for a sample !


If you are on the Ortho-list, then you are familiar with Barbara's "History Portfolios". You have prompted my memory, so I should see if there is one for ancient history. (undoubtedly there is) [Ouch ! More $$ -- but I would like to support her ]


Thank you !




P.S. again. . . Greatly disappointed because the "History Portfolios" are sold via PayPal, a system which I will not use.


The Orthodox Homeschooling Yahoo group has had some discussion about an over arching guide to the Ancients written by two Dr.s from St. Tikhon's. Have you seen it? I can forward you a sample and the contact info if you are interested. :)
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  • 3 years later...
The Orthodox Homeschooling Yahoo group has had some discussion about an over arching guide to the Ancients written by two Dr.s from St. Tikhon's. Have you seen it? I can forward you a sample and the contact info if you are interested. :)



I'm interested, would you let me know where I can find a sample?



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We are doing Ancients for 3rd grade this year and are really enjoying MOH. I really like the extra resources she suggests and because I have youngers the range of activities is nice. I believe the Biblical history in MOH is very good too.

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My 6th grader uses History Odyssey, but my 5th grader uses MOH. I like both for different reasons. MOH has lapbooks with it which is great too because my child who enjoys "stories" for history also likes to lapbook. I think MOH is a good choice for what you're looking for! Easy to implement and I love the Biblical worldview!

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Well, I prefer a more narrative approach like SOTW, and so does ds. I don't like the idea of using an encyclopdia as a spine. Also, I would like Christian/church history included, if possible.


Mystery of History would fit. I'm using it with my two logic stage kids. We use a history encyclopedia to support what is read - not the other way around.

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