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When you think Chuck Roast, you want to make ?

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Marinated (in a crock pot in the fridge) overnight in red wine, Worcestershire sauce and minced garlic, then covered in salt and pepper and seared in a cast iron pan, popped back into the crock pot on top of the marinade,sliced onion, whole carrots and whole red potatoes, sprinkled with 1 T powdered onion and a bit of water to bring the liquid level to 1 c, then cooked on lowest setting for 9-10 hours. OH my goodness, I have eaten roasts every Sunday for my entire life and this was the BEST one ever! I think I might have to make it again tomorrow......

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happygirl, do you have a recipe for that marinade, or could you at least provide a guesstimate of the amount or proportion of each, and how much total liquid you have?


You've got me thinking roast!


OP, don't forget the mashed potatoes!

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I am not a very fancy cook, here is mine...


Roast thrown into crock pot, seasoned with Tony Chachere's covered with Cream of Mushroom soup. Add in diced potatoes, 2 cans of green beans, onions, carrots, whatever your family likes to eat. Add some water press low heat/6-8 hours. Presto...super easy. I also make rice to go with it and sometimes bread.


I think the first reciepe sounded excellent, but I don't even have time to sear it!

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I'm sorry. Couldn't resist. I'm not a huge roast fan, myself. But, I would probably crock pot it with a little water or beef broth and a couple packages of Lipton Onion Soup mix. Then I'd shred it, put it in tortillas with some shredded cheese, lettuce and salsa. Or bbq sauce on hamburger buns.

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happygirl, do you have a recipe for that marinade, or could you at least provide a guesstimate of the amount or proportion of each, and how much total liquid you have?


You've got me thinking roast!


OP, don't forget the mashed potatoes!


Sure :). I am not the best estimator, but I think there is *lots* of room to play around with this recipe. That's why it works for us!


I put the roast into the crockpot dish, press about 5 cloves of garlic over the top, maybe sprinkle a little pepper, then sprinkle about 4 T Worc. sauce over that (I use a yummy wheat-free variety that tastes really rich). I usually rub that in with the back of a spoon. Next I pour about 6 or 7 "glugs" of red wine over the top. I am thinking it comes out to be 1 1/2-2 cups. Put the lid on and let sit in the fridge overnight. After searing (browning?) the roast and returning to the pot I add just enough water so that the remaining liquid equals around 1 cup. I never had beef broth on hand, but I bet that would taste great too. I like to rub the spices/ marinade in with the spoon both evening and morning, but perhaps that makes no real difference. I think the wine and the long cooking breaks down the toughness of chuck reallly well... the resulting roast just melts!


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Marinated (in a crock pot in the fridge) overnight in red wine, Worcestershire sauce and minced garlic, then covered in salt and pepper and seared in a cast iron pan, popped back into the crock pot on top of the marinade,sliced onion, whole carrots and whole red potatoes, sprinkled with 1 T powdered onion and a bit of water to bring the liquid level to 1 c, then cooked on lowest setting for 9-10 hours. OH my goodness, I have eaten roasts every Sunday for my entire life and this was the BEST one ever! I think I might have to make it again tomorrow......


I just wanted to resurrect this thread to say THANK YOU! I was going to be out all afternoon today with Dr.'s appointments for the kids so I thought I'd try your recipe. I marinated it overnight and started it up this morning. That is one amazing pot roast! This is going into regular rotation. Thanks for sharing it! :001_smile:

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I brown the roast on both sides in my frying pan first. Then I spread about 4 ounces of horseradish (split between the two sides), salt, and pepper on it. I put it in a roasting pan with a cup of water, then put it in the oven (about 325 I think) for an hour or hour and a half - pending how large it is. Then I add diced potatoes, sliced carrots, a large sliced onion and a couple of cans of canned mushrooms to it and cook it for another hour and a quarter to hour and a half.


When it comes out hubby pulls it apart like pulled pork. I add beef broth, and a thickening mixture (flour or corn starch dissolved in water) to it to make gravy. We serve it all together covered with gravy. It's superb... and makes an easy dish to serve when guests are coming or if I'm preparing a meal for others to take to their house (new baby or something).

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Ah, when I think of Chuck Roast...I want to make...goo goo eyes :001_tt1: and sigh. Yep, Chuck was the most handsome man I knew in college. I could just sit in class across from him and stare. I often wondered how I could *prepare* Chuck for my intentions...so I would always smile and dress in flattering dresses whenever he was around. I figured he could bask in my backyard crock tub anytime he wanted to relax. Ah, those carefree college days of...hey, wait a minute. Let me read the rest of this thread. Did he have this many admirers?? Oh my goodness, I seem to have misunderstood the original question. Please accept my apologies. :D

Er, uh, I use a crock pot, pack of dry onion soup, and a can of mushroom soup. Works every time. Thanks for the memories, Chuck Roast!

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Ah, when I think of Chuck Roast...I want to make...goo goo eyes :001_tt1: and sigh. Yep, Chuck was the most handsome man I knew in college. I could just sit in class across from him and stare. I often wondered how I could *prepare* Chuck for my intentions...so I would always smile and dress in flattering dresses whenever he was around. I figured he could bask in my backyard crock tub anytime he wanted to relax. Ah, those carefree college days of...hey, wait a minute. Let me read the rest of this thread. Did he have this many admirers?? Oh my goodness, I seem to have misunderstood the original question. Please accept my apologies. :D

Er, uh, I use a crock pot, pack of dry onion soup, and a can of mushroom soup. Works every time. Thanks for the memories, Chuck Roast!



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